Served as the Maintenance Control Sergeant (MCS) for the 595th Maintenance Direct Support (DS) Company. Personally revamped a less than successful DS Maintenance program to become the best in the 498th Battalion.
Focused on the mission which met the Department of the Army standard for Production Index of 1.0 for fourteen consecutive months.
Supervised the completion of over four thousand DS jobs and all DS Maintenance requisitions, activities, and provided third echelon support to over 84 customer units; coordinated maintenance actions for seven base shops and one Maintenance Support Team; responsible for the entire maintenance backlog and the volume of work orders.
Ensured quality assurance was held in accordance with Department of the Army standards; responsible for five soldier one Korean Augmentee to the USA, and two Korean Nationals.
Received a commendable for the Small Arms Repair Parts Inspection conducted by 19th Theater Support Command, and was recognized by the Stewart & Stevenson's Light medium Tactical Vehicles Logistic Assistance Representatives for outstanding support and teamwork. The Automotive shop was distinguished at the 8th Army level as the only DS military organization on the Korean Peninsula able to perform the technically difficult front engine housing repair on the 3116 Caterpillar engine. This saved the Army $13,500 per repair and up to sixty days in Non-Mission Capable time.
Was hand-selected by the Battalion Command Sergeant Major to reconstruct the Battalion Maintenance program. Gathered, compiled, analyzed, and prepared information for unit and equipment readiness data for presentation at the monthly Unit Status Reports and Monthly Maintenance Readiness Review.
Supported the initial deployment planning including material, release, fielding and transfer of equipment and the processing of Class IX parts through the receiving points in Iraq and ensuring sufficient logistics support to meet required operational readiness requirements for the 3rd ACR Regiment.
Developed and integrated logistics support plans which addressed all the principal elements of total life-cycle planning for assigned program, including maintenance plans, manpower and personnel, training and support equipment, TMDE, and supply support.
Trained 20 soldiers for regimental Naval Ship security force in preparation for Maritime deployment to Operation Iraqi Freedom. Assimilated a successful reception, staging, and onward integration of the entire 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment (ACR) which consisted of a total strength of over 4,700 soldiers and over 320 armored vehicles (M1A1 Abrams tanks and M3A2 Bradley Fighting Vehicles) and over 80 aircraft (including the AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter).
Served as the Regimental Commander's representative attached to Germanys V Corps and responsible for managing over 800 convoys, driving over 3.8 million miles to keep Task Force units supplied with everything needed to continue operations and conducting liaison operations in Iraq. Tracked all Class I, II, III (B) (P), V, IX parts into theater and reported timely status to the 3rd ACR command.
Responsible for the acquisition and replenishment of parts for the entire 3rd Army Cavalry Regiment and its attached units from V Corp Germany.
Received the Army Meritorious Service Medal for numerous positions of increasing responsibilities, and the diligence, mentorship and caring for soldiers that greatly contributed to the operational readiness of the 3rd ACR during Operation Iraqi Freedom.