Unit Supply NCOIC
Demonstrated exceptional dedication to unit operations by successfully managing three Change of Command transitions from 2022 to 2024, overseeing numerous equipment turn-ins and lateral transfers, and leading the large-scale R2E turn-in from January to April 2024.
Played a critical role in pre-deployment readiness by ensuring proper hand receipt transfers, assisting in property book management, and procuring essential supplies for the ADVON team in Kuwait, including ordering tuff boxes, 100mph tape, and JSList gear replacements.
Provided vital support for multiple training events, including the August 2023 FTX in Nashville and the November 2024 exercise with the 175th, ensuring instructors had necessary supplies, coordinating latrine and sanitation logistics, and assisting soldiers with marksmanship qualifications for promotion eligibility.
Additionally, supported high-profile events such as the Best Medic Competition and facilitated the seamless transfer of Sensitive Hand Receipts (SHRs) to maintain accountability across the unit.
92Y Unit Supply NCOIC
SGT Coates served as the Unit Supply NCOIC for Delta Company 5-101 Assault Helicopter Battalion during a Company change of command from 29 May to 23 June 2023. During this period, SGT Coates was directly responsible for scheduling layouts, managing property, and ensuring a handover in excess of $13,000,000. Her hard work and
dedication to her craft ensured a seamless transition - resulting in zero FLIPL investigations or statements of charges, saving time and money for the Battalion.
SGT Coates made extraordinary efforts to work with each property section to create a detailed, yet easy-to-follow schedule for the incoming Commander's property inspections. Her extra effort ensured both the incoming and outgoing Commanders were aware of each section's progress, allowing them maximum time to focus on their
other duties with minimal concern for the layouts. Her experience and efforts enabled the Officers of her unit to accomplish other tasks, contributing to the overall readiness of the Battalion.
SGT Coates completed this handover with fewer resources than expected - she had one, junior Soldier in her unit supply section during this period - two Soldiers below MTOE. Her mentorship and leadership skills enabled her to do more with less; all the while performing her duties well above standard. Her professionalism and expertise
enabled the Soldiers of Delta Company to make a great first impression with their incoming commander and setting the standard for other NCOs in her unit to emulate.
Supply NCO
Supervised the Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) and passed the inspection with a score of 80% across the BN. Supervised 60+ PSD; facilitated seamless property book management, optimizing equipment worth $66,866,273, supported PBO with property book management; coordinated excess equipment turn-in; ensured efficient disposal and safeguarding of Army assets, supported sentinel radar and AMDPCS fielding; served as driver and lane walker, contributing to successful Spartan Path operations, responsible for the health, welfare, mentorship and morale of two S4 clerks. Participated in CPX 2.0 in 2022, CPX 3.0 and Warfighter back-to back and recently participated in Ramagen Ready.
Unit Supply Specialist
SPC Campbell demonstrated a pattern of outstanding performance during the preparation for and relocation of the 536th Support Maintenance Company to Dillingham Airfield in support of 524TH CSSB FTX. He skillfully repaired his section's ASM 189/190 Electronic Repair Shops brakes and inventoried and set up four Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelters (DRASH) for the entire company to allow 101 soldiers to have Air Conditioning, one of the most sought after commodities in the Army, having done this during his personal time.
Supply Specialist
SGT Garrett showed dedication and responsibility by stepping outside of her job and into one that needed strategic planning and immediate action. She meticulously sorted through and distributed 95 abandoned crates of bulk class IX repair parts valued at more than $140,000. She analyzed requirements and resources and developed the new structured layout of the class IX yard, which simplified the process of issuing and receiving parts. Her efforts provided space for bulk mission-essential repair parts for the first time, which improved the turn-around time on Non-Missioned Capable equipment by 45%.
Supply Specialist
SPC Sullivan made significant contributions to the overall success of the relocation of the SQD S-3 cargo containers. With no experience in forklift operations, he assisted with the loading and proper placement of six containers in a condensed location. He encountered a series of obstacles and challenging circumstances but quickly applied his critical thinking skills to resolve each situation. SPC Sullivan's confidence and efforts contributed significantly to the safe transportation and secure storage of over 18,000 lbs of heavy equipment.
Logistics NCOIC
Sergeant Robert Paulson oversaw the logistics aspect of the demobilization process while preparing equipment for shipment via ocean going vessel. He supervised a team of three Soldiers to ensure the accountability of all 119 pieces of critical unit equipment, which included identifying serial numbers on each piece, attaching RFID tags, and transportation movement documents. He ensured each item's serial number was verified with the corresponding RFID tag and annotated in the system for tracking purposes. In addition, he managed the day to day operations at the Wash Rack/KNB and ensured previously removed and gathered documents and RFID tags were attached to the correct piece of equipment after passing cleaning inspection.
Supply Sergeant
For meritorious service as NCOIC, Task Force Special Operations Forces Sustainment, Asset Visibility and Information Exchange ordering system ( SSAVIE). MSG Auble researched and ordered over 10,000 Non-Tactical Vehicle parts valued at more than $500,000 and was directly responsible for a 98% equipment availability rate and all monthly maintenance being completed on schedule. As the station's Logistics Parts expediter, he created and processed over 200 Air Movement Requests to support numerous unscheduled, high priority, low visibility maintenance missions in support of Joint Coalition Forward Operating Base (FOB) combat operations through the Afghanistan Area of Responsibility (AOR) and was a key factor in 100% mission ready parts capabilities. In addition, he managed an inventory of automotive and ATV repair parts valued at over $600,000. His accountability and accurate inventory of on-hand parts facilitated 100% inventory accuracy for the Task Force which allowed a reduction of on-hand parts from $1,000,000 to $600,000. Sergeant Auble's extraordinary efforts and accomplishments during this period reflect credit upon himself, Logistics Task Force Five and the United States Army.
BN S4 NCO / 92Y40
While serving as the BN S-4 NCOIC, SFC XXXXX maintained and supervised the accountability of equipment with a cumulative value of over $1.2 billion and reduced shortages by $1.7 million across six batteries. Due to SFC XXXX's commitment to excellence, the Battalion S-4 received a "Satisfactory" rating during the 31st Brigade Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) Staff Assistance Visit and a "Commendable" rating during the 31st Brigade Initial Command Inspection. Her influence enhanced the CDSP of the Battalion.
S4 Clerk
For meritorious service in support of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 17th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion. During this period Specialist Laverdure oversaw the management of logistic support of the Battalion. He forecasted, planned for, and ensured the timely submission of latrine and dumpster requests to support operations during field training, kept G-8 constantly apprised on FLIPL statuses, and oversaw parts orders for all Battalion supply sergeants. In addition, Specialist Laverdure was assigned as unit amorer during redeployment and assisted in maintaining over 100 weapons in the armsroom and consistently emphasized safety during re-deployment operations. Specialist Laverdure's performance reflects great credit upon himself, HHC 17th CSSB and the United States Army.
For exceptionally meritorious achievement while serving as the Battalion S-4 Clerk. During this period, Sergeant Laverdure's diligent and relentless eforts were responsible for the close-out of 90 percent of FLIPLS opened on 4th Brigade Combat Team personnel. As a result of this experience, he developed procedures for parallel coordination with outside units while simultaneously reviewing FLIPLs locally which reduced processing time from an average of 60 days to 20 days, while maintaining accuracy and respecting the rights of the subjects. In addition, his coordination with outside units and procedures were adopted by 3 subordinate units. Sergeant Laverdure's performance reflects great credit upon himself, the 4th Brigade Combat Team and the United States Army.
Tech Supply NCOIC
SSG Doe served as the Tech Supply NCOIC for B Co. 248th Aviation Support Company (ASC) throughout the deployment to Kosovo in support of KFOR 18. She was an integral part of the tech supply section by maintaining parts worth 3,175,00 for 11 ACFT. This responsibility included parts to support 6 PMI 2s and 3 PMI 1 with all repair parts needed.
SSG Doe was instrumental in ordering and tracking of aircraft parts for the Southern Command Post (SCP). Her tireless work ethic was key in maintaining parts ordering for 11 ACFT. Her efficiency in managing resources was evident in improving the process through which parts are ordered. Her extensive interaction within Camp Bondsteel and 21st TSC ensured aircraft parts were ordered and tracked in a timely and efficient manner.
SSG Doe was instrumental in the success of B Co 248th ASC during the Aviation Resource Management Survey (ARMS). Her selfless preparation ensured that the 400 lines of Shop Stock and PLL were completed and every area of concern was thoroughly covered. Her work ethic and attention to detail resulted in a score of 86% for in Shop Stock and 88% for PLL Management.
Throughout the deployment to Kosovo, SSG Krumm distinguished herself through her unwavering dedication to the mission. She was able to maintain over 900 lines of back shops bench stock supply. She was directly in charge of over $330,000 worth of repair parts which she meticulously tracked using the Unit Level Logistics System - Aviation (ULLS-A) and Federal Logistics data. She personally ensured 460 items of excess ACFT parts were turned-in.
Unit Supply Sergeant/Senior Government Credit Card holder
SGT Yost worked countless hours on his off-duty time to ensure all equipment and property book items were accounted for at all times. In preparation for the annual CSDP inspection, SGT Yost demonstrated a relentless commitment to his job and conducted all available pre-inspection checklists to ensure the inspection was a success and the program was in accordance with all regulations.
SGT Yost cross-trained as a 92Y2O, Unit Supply Sergeant, and displayed an insatiable desire to learn everything he could about the 92Y field. He proved to be an invaluable asset to the unit and a key reason for achieving an overall 99 percent on the Commander's Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) inspection.
SGT Yost effectively communicated with his peers and headquarters to ensure unit operations were well within the guidelines of the CSDP inspection checklist. He worked diligently to keep all areas organized and maintained to the highest standard.
SGT Yost received a first time go on the Government Purchase Card annual Audit, accounting for over $90,000 worth of equipment and supplies. Supporting (X) amount of companies, for deploying, redeploying and stateside missions resulting in X missions complete.
Unit Supply Specialist/NCO
For selection as an honor graduate of unit supply specialist (92Y) Advanced Individual Training (AIT) from 11 February 2013 through 15 April 2013. SGT Mixon displayed an aggressive spirit, unparalleled motivation to learn, and a desire to excel in all aspects of training. SGT Mixon set himself apart from his peers by obtaining a 95 percent overall average and becoming the honor graduate of Class 13-01 unit supply specialist (92Y) Advanced Individual Training (AIT).
Sergeant Shaw developed several automated solutions which increased precision and accuracy, while reducing the man-hours required for Equipment On-Hand and Equipment Readiness reporting for USR and Training Support Request Management.
Sergeant Shaw's professionalism and attention to detail contributed immensely to maintaining accountability and distribution of more the 19 million dollers worth of parts and the success of day to day operations during Operation Spartan Shield.
Sergeant Shaw oversaw 2 BDE size turn-ins while assigned to 3-82FA 1CD during NTC rotations prior to an Iraq deployment.
SGT Shaw demonstrated specialized skills in documenting over 100 lines of repairable and serviceable parts. Assisted leadership by providing further guidance to team members required during the catalog and documenting phases.
Authored and implemented a financial liability investigations process SOP for use by Task Force Stryker brigades which ended investigation delays
Completed over 120 financial liability investigations which improved control and inventory of Task Force Stryker supplies
Coordinated the successful movement of all classes of Supply and equipment for EFMB
Maintained meticulous accountability of over $35 million worth of installation, PBO, and equipment
Assisted in the movement of all equipment to new motorpool with zero losses
Coordinated complex logistical procurements and resources for over one hundred Soldiers
Mentored several junior supply sergeants
Selected as property book officer
Maintained diligent responsibility for the main body's supply needs and had required parts in place before they were required
Maintained control of over one million dollars in equipment, 452 National Stock Numbers of class 2 orders, in excess of 100 multi-line-item orders of Class 4 items and 160 Class 9 orders, providing 20 million dollars of ready to fight aviation assets to the 82nd and 101st Airborne divisions
Maintained complete accountability of all supplies, records, and sensitive items
Conducted CSDPs for DRUs within the BN which resulted in an increased passing rate of the BN
Orchestrated the issue and turn-in of Class VIII supplies for BN FTX
Continued success in escalating responsibility in various positions from Stock control NCO to his selection as BN S4 Senior Supply Sergeant
Served as the Detachment Sergeant for MRICD on numerous occasions
In addition to his regular assigned duties, SSG Taylor volunteered and exceeded requirements as Environmental Compliance Officer, Radiation Hazard monitor, Command Supply Discipline Program monitor, Range Safety Officer, Voting Assistance Officer, and Information Management Officer
Achieved recognition as best supply room in 10th MT Division during COMET Team inspections in January 2012
Key part of the BDE S-4 day to day operations. His experience in processing Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss has greatly improved the unit's mission
Maintained a 270 section APFT average while assigned to the battalion
coordinated shipment of over $300,000 of excess class VIII supplies for the guaranteed returns program
Created a funds control management system that was adopted by the 377th TSC and subordinate level commands, prevented the over-allocation of over 5 million dollars in supply, equipment, and fuel funds.
Served as the Government Purchasing agent for Alpha Battery from ------- until------. As the only Government Purchase Cardholder in Alpha Battery, SPC ---- was repsonsible for keeping the battery supplied with essential supplies and materials and reconciling the credit card and budget.
While assigned to the 514th Signal Company as a 92Y Unit Supply Specialist, SPC Rizzio's solid leadership and attention to detail was superb in the management of 34 hand-receipts, and two separate property books with a net value of 48.5 million dollars. Soldier's dedication to duty and strict enforcement of supply procedures resulted in him maintaining 100% accountability of the commander's property.
Leading up to the annual COMET Inspection, SPC SM stayed countless hours preparing and ensuring that the supply section received a first time go. As a result of his attention to detail and ability to research and resource, SPC SM received a grade of 95%, no failed critical tasks, being the only unit in the battalion to pass on the first inspection.
o overhauled company supply operations resulting in a seamless change of command inventory with no FLIPL actions initiated for the outgoing Commander
Supply Sergeant
o processed two brigade-sized turn-ins while assigned to 1-82FA during NTC rotations prior to deployment
o maintained a 285 section APFT average while assigned to the battalion
o ensured A CO Soldiers were supplied with the proper uniforms and OCIE required for specialized missions across Afghanistan
o solved RFI issue for each Soldier and ensured they were issued the correct items
o identified unforseen shortages and ensured they were filled in a prompt and timely manner
o ensured the safekeeping and mentoring of all soldiers in the squad during deployment
o maintained 100% accountability of his team's sensitive items including weapons, close combat optics, and masks
o developed and maintained accurate tracking mechanism to account for all class of supply far exceeding the standard
o recognized for best supply room in 10th MT Division during COMET Team inspections
o trained and mentored 2 soliders to successfully compete for and win solider of the month (92Y30)
o demonstrated exceptional MOS knowledge; managed three Property Book Hand Receipts and 35 Sub-hand receipt Holders for equipment valued over $25 million (92Y30)
o Diligent in making sure sections update hand receipts for assigned equipment
o always volunteered for advon operations to ensure equiment was in place for the main body
BN S4 NCO / 92Y40
Established and maintained the creation of catalog for the thirteen TPB teams in the OIF AOR; to include weekly analysis of the teams consolidated property books resulting in maintenance recommendations to the Team Chiefs and the Theater Property Book Officer, determining the proper Non-Standard Line Item Numbers (LIN) and Non-Standard Management Control Numbers (MCN) to assign to the catalog, using guidance from SSN-LIN Automated Management and Integrating System (SLAMIS) to incorporate Non-Standard LINs and MCNs into the Theater Catalog, and representing the MNF-I/MNC-I IPBO during meetings as the Army worked to determine the way forward for Non-Standard Catalogs throughout the world. Worked to establish and maintain communications with the Rapid Equipping Force and various Project Managers in Theater in order to coordinate accountability procedures for new equipment fielding. Provided guidance and troubleshoots property book issues for the thirteen teams.
o coordinated successful redeployment of 1,300 personnel and their equipment from Iraq to the U.S. of an 11 Company strong BN
o supervised all mandatory clearing activities from COB Adder and Kuwait of 11 Companies and the BN
o oversight contributed to zero containers being delayed in Kuwait during redeploymento NCOIC of ADVON to Kuwait that was instrumental in the successful throughput of BN soliders and equipment to the US
o section operated at high level with total professionalism during final months of deployment when attentions can be diverted
o recognized all Soldiers in his section for missions completed during OIF 09-11o mentored junior supply sergeants through redeployment process utilizing experience from previous redeployments
o executed comprehensive RIP-TOA with incoming BN
o trained CO supply sergeants continuously in accountability during final months to ensure no surprises during redeployment
o responsible for successful input in LIW and tracking of BN equipment into the RESET program to final turn-in at Ft. Hood
o ensured 100% accountability of BN sensitive items from Iraq to US
o instrumental in zero shortages in forward property books when merged to rear property books
Unit Supply Sergeant
o improved Battalion supply, maintenance, and financial programs and produced a 20% increase in Battalion equipment serviceability rates
o administered supply and logistics so well that the Battalion completed its Army Training and Evaluation Programs and two major field exercises ahead of schedule
o recognized by Squadron commander for phenomenal property accountability procedures during change of command and unit reset operations
o had to be constantly reminded to counsel and mentor Soldiers on a regular basis (needs improvement)
o placed first place during 504th MP Bn command supply discipline inspection
o maintained 100% accountability of all assigned equipment, worth in excess of $5.5 million
o arranged specialized transportation for the deployment of six working dogs and six working dog teams to Iraq
o efforts during pre-mobilization and mobilization ensured the unit arrived in theater equipped for and ready for missions
o supplied material support for over 25 vehicle convoys in and aroud the City of Al Hillah, Iraq
o selected by the 42d CSM to instruct the JBLM Post-Partum physical training program
o consolidated, maintained stock of repair parts during movement from FOB Delta to COS Kalsu ALSU, ensured minimal down time for the maintenance section
Property Book NCO
o received recognition from the 8th Army Commander and CSM for rewriting of the arms room standing operating procedures (92Y40G3)
Supply Clerk
- received a 90% on the supply room's inspection for the Operational Readiness Survey
SSG Rowan volunteered and deployed with a Military Intelligence company and acted as their Supply NCOIC.
He stayed with the Intel company until he transferred to 52nd IN and became their Supply Clerk.
He maintained 100% accountability throughout his duration with the 52nd.
SSG Rowan exhibited exceptional integrity and dedication to his duties while deployed. His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and reflect credit upon himself, this Command, and the United States Army.
SPC Cox ensured that the Soldiers of B CO 63RD ESB were supplied with the proper uniforms and OCIE needed to perform their missions across the theater of operations in Afghanistan.
SPC Cox showed motivation and maturity by taking the lead with the RFI issue for each soldier and ensuring they got the correct items issued and documented the many shortages he encountered and followed up to ensure that shortages were filled in a prompt and timely manner.
SPC Cox's extraordinary efforts and accomplishments during this period reflect credit upon himself and his unit.