CPT XXX, United States Army, distinguished himself with honor and dedication as a Troop Commander for Task Force XXX in support of XXX Afghan National Army (ANA) Corps from 20 May 2010 to 01 November 2010. During pre-deployment, CPT XXX ensured over $20 million of equipment were safely transported forward to support OEF 10-11. Upon arrival, CPT XXX ensured a vigorous 45-day training program with HHC/2/3/205 ANA was executed and trained over 100 Soldiers and over 100 ANA Soldiers on Convoy TTPs, up armored vehicle operations, roll over drills, M4 zero and qualification, and established initial SOPs for logistical packages (LOGPACs) and recovery operations. CPT XXX's efforts to build a solid relationship with his counterparts ultimately resulted in the logistics support of a combined task force of over 1,200 personnel across five geographically dispersed areas. CPT XXX supervised the bulk transportation and distribution of over 150,000 gallons of Class III (B) to two JCOPS and two patrol bases; he ultimately implemented an aggressive fuel management plan which resulted in .001% of fuel being lost or gained. Initially, the fleet operational rate stood at 90 percent- effectively removing an infantry section from the fight. However, he quickly formulated a quality control and servicing plan, created four maintenance support teams to live and work at each of our JCOP or patrol base and within 45 days brought the fleet up to 98 percent readiness. CPT XXX's intel cell expertly tracked over 100 separate CROs via Blue Force Tracker/FM/TIGR and coordinated ISR platforms in support of our Distribution Platoon convoy commanders. Furthermore, he accounted for all Class I, III, IV, V, VI, and VII commodities on FOB Wilson, two COPs, and two patrol bases to ensure supply on hand met the demands from six separate companies, a Sapper team, numerous reporters, and one ANA Infantry Battalion. CPT XXX supervised over 100 combat logistics patrols and over 20 recovery missions across the Kandahar, Pashmul, and Zhari districts to support Operation XXX, Operation XXX, and Operation XXX. These operations ultimately led to the successful resupply of over 3,000,000 rounds of CL V, over 200,000 meals, and over 10,000 Halal meals across the Area of Operations. CPT XXX's actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and reflect distinct credit upon himself, Task Force, the 101st Airborne Division (AASLT), and the United States Army.
XXX, United States Army, distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious wartime service as the Operations Officer, XXX, Multi-National Corps-Iraq, Victory Base, Iraq from 12 February 2008 to 17 April 2009 during OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. During this period, MAJ Xxx's attention to detail, devotion to duty, and determination were instrumental in the success of the MNC-I Xxx mission to provide support to Army Reserve Soldiers and units stationed throughout Iraq. Assigned to manage the day to day operations of the Xxx office at Victory Base, Iraq MAJ Xxx's dedication to the mission and his impressive resourcefulness ensured the success of the xxx office in Baghdad. Under MAJ Xxx's demonstrated professional abilities and resourcefulness he scheduled and coordinated visits to numerous locations in the Area of Operations throughout Iraq to assist Army Reserve Soldiers and their commands. MAJ Xxx provided Soldiers with the knowledge of the Xxx function in theater as well as numerous internet resources that are available for the deployed Army Reservist. MAJ Xxx tracked the location of as many as 8300 Soldiers on the battlefield every month and consolidated the information to a power point slide that is used for providing a visual report of the Army Reserve Soldiers located in Iraq. Major Xxx worked effectively and efficiently to assist the Army Reserve Soldiers in the absence of established Army Reserve personnel systems and organizations in a multi-component force. Major Xxx worked tirelessly with the finance office at Victory Base, Iraq to ensure that xxx Soldiers extending in theater for another mission, after their commands redeploy received the Assignment Incentive Pay for their extension beyond 365 days boots on the ground. His effectiveness in communicating with Central Command, FORSCOM, the United States Army Reserve Command, Human Resources Command and the Department of the Army G3 mobilization branch allowed MAJ Xxx to coordinate with various units of the Army Reserve and Active Duty to place 67 individual Soldiers on an extension order for an additional 365 days in theater filling shortages in commands where Army units came forward to theater at less than 100% strength. MAJ Xxx assisted in the development, planning, coordination and execution of five distinguished visitor itineraries in support of the Joint Monthly Access to reserve components program. This program is designed to bring Army Reserve Commanding Generals and their Command Sergeants Majors forward to Iraq on a monthly basis to visit reserve Soldiers and their units. His assistance and experience of Army Reserve challenges led to successful communication of theater specific Army Reserve issues to the senior leaders in the Army Reserve and has positively impacted operations here in theater. Major Xxx's leadership and professionalism exemplify the Army values and his actions reflect great credit upon himself, the Multi-National Corps-Iraq, the United States Army and the Department of Defense.
Throughout the deployment, SGT Doe consistently performed his demanding duties in an exemplary and highly professional manner. As the Sergeant of the Guard, SGT Doe redesigned, constructed, implemented, and reorganized an effective Entry Control Point (ECP), which significantly increased the unit's ability to maintain security of local nationals entering FOB Kunduz. He worked tirelessly and on his personal time to achieve this extraordinary accomplishment. His devotion to duty is above and beyond expectations.
For Exceptionally Meritorious Service During Operation Iraqi Freedom. His Outstanding Dedication To Duty During Combat Operations in Iraq Contributed To The Overwhelming Success Of The Command's Mission. Major Smith's Mentoring Of His Iraqi Counterparts In The Brigade G-2 Was Indispensable To The Brigade's Combat Success In Al Qaim And Ramadi. His Actions Are In Keeping With The Finest Traditions Of Military Service And Reflect Distinct Credit Upon Himself, This Command And The United States Army
Master Sergeant John A. Smith, United States Army, distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service to the United States as (duty position), (organization), (duty station), from (date) to (ending date) during OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. Sergeant Smith's demonstrated outstanding professional skill, knowledge, and interservice leadership in organizing, developing, and reforming the administrative requirements for (achievement). Continue to describe achievements: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas id odio eget arcu tristique varius. Nunc cursus, magna id lacinia suscipit, tortor eros lacinia purus, at vestibulum est metus quis tortor. Phasellus sagittis sodales vehicula. Nulla facilisi. Ut quis lacus diam. Maecenas tempor erat vitae justo consequat facilisis. Ut faucibus purus vel enim dictum blandit. Nam nisl lacus, tempor id condimentum at, facilisis nec lacus. Integer id ipsum nisi, et dignissim nulla. Nulla facilisi. Fusce posuere, neque eu luctus elementum, quam eros condimentum lectus, vel elementum nibh tellus sit amet nisl. His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and reflect distinct credit upon himself, this Command, and the United States Army.
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Executive Order 11046, 24 August 1962, takes pleasure in presenting the Bronze Star Medal to Specialist Fourth Class David Lee Baugh (US-53-451-219), United States Army, for outstandingly meritorious service in connection with military operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam. During the period January 1, 1968 to November 21, 1968 he consistently manifested exemplary professionalism and initiative in obtaining outstanding results. His rapid assessment and solution of numerous problems inherent in a combat environment greatly enhanced the allied effectiveness against a determined and aggressive enemy. Despite many adversities, he invariably performed his duties in a resolute and efficient manner. Energetically applying his sound judgment and extensive knowledge, he has contributed materially to the successful accomplishment of the United States mission in the Republic of Vietnam. His loyalty, diligence and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Army.
Action Date: January 1, 1968 - November 21, 1968
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