APFT Failure Counseling


  Purpose of Counseling

    Diagnostic APFT Failure IAW AR 350-41 Chapter 9

Complete this section during or immediately subsequent to counseling.

SPC Jones, on 12 Nov 2012 you failed to pass the APFT administered by B214MP BN. Your failure to meet minimum Army standards is an overall indication of your less than acceptable fitness level/standards. Since this was an APFT, you may be flagged or considered for a bar to reenlistment. This means you are not fully eligible for favorable actions like awards or promotions. However, this status is not permanent and will be lifted if you remain dedicated and determined to improve your overall level of fitness. You will take a diagnostic APFT every 30 days to measure your progress.

(1) On 10 Nov 2012 you were administered an APFT you achieved the following scores:

Push-Ups Raw 58/83 Points

Sit-Ups Raw 59/72 Points

2 Mile-Run Raw 18:35/39 Points

(2) You failed to achieve the following scores in the following events:

Push-Ups Raw 40/60 Points

Sit-Ups Raw 49/60 Points

2 Mile-Run Raw 16:44/59 Points

In addition to being counseled on the points above, he received counseling on the following: (1) That this behavior for which he has been counseled may result in punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, court-martial, or adverse action such as a bar to reenlistment, suspension of favorable personnel actions (promotion, retention, school), or other appropriate administrative sanctions; (2) That if this behavior continues, separation under the provisions of AR 635-200 may be initiated; (3) That if separated prior to ETS, that he could receive either an honorable, general, or other than honorable discharge for his current term of service, or his term of service would be uncharacterized if less than 180 days had been served on active duty; (4) The basis for each characterization of service and the discharge certificates received for each and that his character of service would become part of a permanent record which may be provided to any Federal agency if they were to apply for either federal employment or security clearance; (5) The possible effects that each type of discharge would have on reenlistment, civilian employment, veterans benefits, and related matters; (6) That a general discharge would cause loss of civil service retirement credit; (7) That an other than honorable discharge would result in him being reduced to the lowest enlisted rank, loss of payment of accrued leave, and loss of all benefits administered by the Veterans Administration and other federal and state agencies; (8) That separation prior to ETS may preclude him from enlisting in any component of the Armed Forces; (9) That separation prior to ETS may cause him to lose their entitlement to education benefits and money paid into the Army College Fund; (10) That separation prior to ETS may cause him to repay any unearned bonus received for enlistment or reenlistment; (11) That it would be unlikely that any attempt to have his characterization of service upgraded would be successful; (12) That he is encouraged to make every reasonable effort to ensure his performance and conduct meet military standards; (13) That he would be given a reasonable effort to bring their substandard performance and conduct to acceptable military standards.

This form will be destroyed upon: reassignment (other than rehabilitative transfers), separation at ETS, or upon retirement. For separation requirements and notification of loss of benefits/consequences see local directives and AR 635-200.

  DA FORM 4856-E, JUN 99                         EDITION OF JUN 85 IS OBSOLETE

  Plan of Action:

You will participate in the company's special fitness program (conducted concurrently with unit physical fitness training). Your Squad Leader, along with the unit Master Fitness Trainer (MFT) will design a program tailored to address your specific fitness needs. The program regimen will help you improve your areas of weakness and overall fitness level. It is recommended that you routinely spend some of your off-duty time to work on your physical conditioning. Achieving Army minimum standards is not difficult, the most important element to being successful is maintaining a positive "can-do" attitude and having the desire to succeed. This counseling is corrective not punitive in nature and will assist both you and the command to ensure you are capable of passing the APFT.

Session Closing: (The leader summarizes the key points of the session and checks to ensure the subordinate understands the plan of action. The subordinate agrees/disagrees and provides remarks if appropriate)

Individual counseled:       I agree / disagree with the information above

Individual counseled remarks:

Signature of Individual Counseled: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _12 Nov 2012_

Leader Responsibilities: (Leader's responsibilities in implementing the plan of action)

I will ensure that your Chain of Command is informed you are being counseled and will provide guidance and assistance whenever you request it or need it.

Signature of Counselor: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _12 Nov 2012_


Assessment: (Did the plan of action achieve the desired results? This section is completed by both the leader and the individual counseled and provides useful information for follow-up counseling)

Counselor: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Individual Counseled: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Note: Both the counselor and the individual counseled should retain a record of the counseling.

  DA FORM 4856-E (Reverse)                    

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