Initial NCO Counseling Da 4856 Continuation


Date: __________

Subject: Initial Counseling of SSG Hancock, John S., SSN 123-45-6789

6. Although you are ultimately responsible for your section, I expect all Soldiers to work hard and maintain a regular work schedule so that we can avoid having to work on the weekends. If we keep track of requirements, plan ahead, and work diligently toward those requirements, we can avoid making Soldiers work outside regular duty hours or weekends and maintain morale. If you give Soldiers time off, please keep me informed.

7. Report all appointments to me as soon as possible and no later than 2 days prior. Unscheduled emergencies are a fact of life and understandable but they should be the exception and not the rule.

8. Equipment maintenance is vital to the mission. Ensure preventive maintenance is performed as scheduled. Regularly check the status of all equipment and ensure that all Soldiers are certified to operate all equipment. Any equipment or system that is inoperable should be reported to me and the appropriate maintenance channel as soon as possible.

9. Safety. Set the example by word and action. Always use a TM when performing maintenance. Always follow established safety procedures.

10. Your rating chain is Rater/SFC Rambo, Senior Rater/2LT Tyson, and Reviewer/CPT Glaser.

11. Discipline. You are responsible for maintaining order in your section and for disciplining your subordinates if necessary. We all have varying ideas of what constitutes an acceptable level of performance and what level of punishment is appropriate but, in this unit, we go by the book and follow established guidelines: verbally counsel first, document counseling second, and only resort to non-judicial punishment when other forms of correction have failed. On the other hand, I will support you in discipling Soldiers who need it.

12. Establish and maintain a folder for storing lists of your achievements (letters of appreciation, awards, etc) and counseling-related documents and have it available during our counseling sessions. Regular updating of this folder will help justify a good NCOER and awards.

13. During this counseling session, we have reviewed the working copy of your NCOER, your duty description, rating chain, and expectations. As always, counseling is a two-way process and now that I have explained at length what I feel will be helpful to you, you are welcome to provide observations, ask questions, or make suggestions concerning your experience so far during integration into the unit. Comments may be added at the bottom of this form, on the reverse or on a separate sheet of paper.

14. I look forward to working with you and encourage you to document shortfalls as they are encountered and suggest improvements. A fresh and candid look at our processes is invaluable to our success. If you ever need to call me, you can reach me at (123) 456-7890.

Solder's initials: ___________

Soldier's Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Counselor's Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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