APFT Counseling (ARNG)

Results of APFT:

On 9 FEB 2014 you were administered a (For Record/Diagnostic ) APFT. You achieved the following scores:

Pushups: _38/54_     Sit-ups: _64/78_     2 Mile run: _21:20_/_0__

Alternate Event: (Enter Time): Walk:__N/A__,     Swim:__N/A__,     Bike: __N/A __

(Circle): GO/NOGO

You failed to achieve a passing score in the following event(s): (circled)

Pushups / Sit-ups / 2Mile Run / Alternate Event ________(enter event)


As a result or your performance the following actions will be taken (indicated by check mark):

_____ You will be enrolled in the Physical Training Program beginning __________, located at ___________.

__X__ In accordance with AR 350-1 Chapter 1-24e(5) you will be flagged IAW AR 600-8-2 until you pass the APFT. This flag will stop all favorable actions, to include Tuition Assistance and will only be removed upon compliance IAW AR 350-1.

__X__ Bar from reenlistment will be initiated.

__X__ You will be given a diagnostic APFT on every scheduled IDT from the date of this counseling and on each scheduled IDT up to 150 days from the date of this counseling, to monitor progress.

In addition, I am informing you, as an M-day Soldier, that you have 180 days following the initial APFT failure in which to retest for a record APFT and meet the physical fitness standards as set forth in FM 7-22. IAW 350-1 Chapter 1-24e(5), commanders may allow Soldiers to retake the test as soon as the Soldier and the commander feel the Soldier is ready. You will be tested no later than 180 days following the initial APFT failure. Should you fail two consecutive For Record APFTs you may be separated from the military under NGNC-PER Policy Memorandum # 12-004, Chapter 6, Section IV, RE 3, according to NGR 600-200.

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