Initial Counseling Example for SSG

Duties and Responsibilities

- Training. Our platoon has a strong NCO core and new crew members that need to be developed on their positions. STT is a great opportunity for your experience in Training the Trainer and instructing our NCOs on what needs to be taught. When planning trainings, I am going to need your expertise throughout the process and your help in enforcing the planning timeline. This will help the platoon get the most out of the trainings we conduct.

- Communication. It is imperative that we communicate honestly with each other about training, maintenance, and the Troopers. Anything you think I, as a Platoon Leader, am doing poorly or that I should be doing, I would like you to communicate to me. You are my right hand and have the experience which I still need to develop as a Platoon Leader. I welcome any criticism on what I am failing to do as a leader.

- Teamwork. We need to maintain a positive work environment that does not tolerate complaining, disrespect, or poor attitudes towards one another. When a disagreement between one another arises, it is important to address it the right way and at the right time and place. This will preserve the platoon's cohesion and allow us to continue to work as a team and accomplish the mission together.

- Physical Training. A pint of sweat saves a pint of blood. Physical training is the bedrock of our profession and we will empower our NCOs to develop an advanced physical training plan that assesses and promotes growth. ACFT and height/weight failures are inexcusable.

- Maintenance. We have an efficient and productive maintenance program that needs to be sustained. The platoon's work ethic, stubbornness with higher echelon about what the right answer is, and prioritizing maintenance enabled us to have the most BFVs go to and participate in all the training events that the ACT has conducted.

- Professionalism. Sustain - The SSGs and yourself have done an exceptional job enforcing the standard with the juniors. We have never missed SP due to invalid excuses and we have handled issues at the lowest level generally. Improves - the Junior NCOs need to start enforcing the standard more.

Expectations of me:

Availability. I am always available if you need me. Feel free to call or text me at any time, day or night. You can always expect me to be honest, willing to listen, and eager to help.

I will always ask your opinion when it comes to decisions about our platoon. I will always rely on your wisdom and expertise. I will always be willing to learn. If I am doing something that is not to standard, correct me. I do not have the technical or tactical experience that you do. Share your knowledge, experience, and training with me.

Resourcing. I will try my hardest to resource any training event that you wish to complete.

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