Purpose of Counseling
o PFC T's duty performance for the period 1 June 2014 to 30 June 2014
o duty performance, personal issues, promotions, and upcoming events
o short-range professional growth/plan (1-3 months) goals
o long-range professional growth/plan (1-2 years) goals
Key Points of Discussion
PFC T, this is your counseling for the month of June. Your performance has been satisfactory. Even though you are still new to the section, you have already started to show great junior leadership abilities. You are learning your job quickly and doing it in a professional manner. Several times you have been left in charge to accomplish a task and have been able to finish that task without supervision or further instruction. I hope these exemplary work habits will continue.
Physical Fitness: Although we do PT as a section five days a week, PT is ultimately a personal responsibility. There is no way that any PT program will benefit everyone equally or improve everyone's scores, especially now that you are pregnant. You have to work on your weak areas on your own and if you need any help, feel free to ask me and I will do everything within my power to help you or help enroll you in the Army Pregnancy/Postpartum Physical Training Program.
Promotions: You were recently promoted to PFC without a waiver. If you continue working in the manner you have been, you may become eligible for a waiver. However, waivers are not granted very often in this unit so you should consider working on earning promotion points towards making Sergeant. Doing correspondence courses online is a great way to earn points and with our current workload, you have a lot of free time to do this. Now is a good time to take classes because after the baby arrives, you won't have time.
Personal Appearance: Your uniform and boots have met the standard set forth in AR 670-1. Keep up the good work. You should dress appropriately when in civilian clothing around the work area and avoid exposing chest and thigh areas to maintain a professional appearance.
Personal Accountability: It is your responsibility to keep me informed of your whereabouts at all times. If you are going to miss or be late for a formation or work call it is up to you to make me aware of the situation.
Safety/Drinking: Although you are over 21, this does not give you a license to drink until your behavior is out of control. You are a soldier 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you are involved in any situation such as an altercation or car accident, and found to have alcohol in your system, it will be classified as an alcohol incident which will generate serious consequences. Maintain your military bearing at all times and drink responsibly. July is already upon us and during these summer months we must increase our focus on safety. If you should need assistance, do not hesitate to call me anytime day or night. Lastly thank you for a safe and productive month of June.
Plan of Action
During our next counseling session we will review how well you accomplished your duty performance/tasks and the progress toward your goals.
Leader Responsibilities
Give PFC T the opportunity to enroll in classes and correspondence courses.