DUTY PERFORMANCE: You've maintained the standard, and kept up with your daily tasks, whether it was with the truck, or whilst assisting the platoon and squad as we've prepped and developed over the last couple weeks going into TEAM LFX, and SQUAD STX/LFX.
PHYSICAL FITNESS: I know you've been doing PT such as cardio in your spare time, despite some personal health issues, so good work trying to become better and grow. I'm hoping to see it show whenever the next ACFT comes around, as well as future runs. However, continue to work hard, and develop a solid training regiment for yourself. Focus on all areas, and include more strength-based exercises.
ACCOUNTABILITY & RESPONSIBILITY: This month I haven't had any troubles with you not showing up on time. Continue the good work, always be at the right place at the right time and in the right uniform.
DEVELOPMENT: Feel free to reach out to me if you're looking to get pushed for the board, whether it's SoM or the promotion board (so long as it doesn't impede on your reclass), as well as any potential schools.
PERSONAL ISSUES: Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have troubles or issues. My phone is always on and within arm's reach, so I'll do my best to help you out with whatever, whenever. And if I'm not available, I can always redirect you towards someone readily able to assist, depending on the situation.