Professional Growth Counseling Statement Examples

The purpose of this counseling is to highlight SFC Adams' strengths and weaknesses. Your strengths are networking, motivating, and being helpful when needed for the team. Your weakness are communication, follow through, difficulty balancing priorities, and decision making. 1LT Brown has verbally spoken with SFC Adams on what she needs in order for her team to be successful. I expect to see a change in the above weaknesses in order to help the team run smoothly and be successful during training.

You have confidence that boosts the morale of the platoon and you have good knowledge of the Army and share with your subordinates. You are eager to learn and have a positive attitude about being here. Your performance here has been great. Keep up the enthusiasm.

You've shown great performance throughout the last few months. Also, great job helping on "Mission Ohana" for the United States Army and the State of Hawaii. Also, your interest in civilian schooling is great as it will help you progress as a civilian, but remember to study for the board as well. The Army career progression will help as a playbook for any other career progression, military or civilian.

He has been an excellent solider and exceeded standards on every task. Scored 290 on his PT, qualified expert on M4, and 240B, and honor graduate at WLC.

During the last Command Inspection (CI), he received an Exceeds Standards rating for his additional duty. SPC Jones is the essence of the perfect soldier.

PFC Arroyo, you did well to knock out your in-processing and I have noticed that you have an eagerness to learn everything you can, from basic Soldier tasks to MOS-specific tasks.

I'm hoping in the coming months that we can get you and the rest of the squad into some more in-depth training for our MOS since it will help you not only now but later in your career in the Army.

Remember that there are correspondence courses that you can do through JKO and you can also sign up for college courses to further yourself. I noticed that you're signed up for SSD 1 which is good. Continue to work on it since you'll need to have it done before you go to WLC.

Continue to strive as a Soldier and a Imagery Analyst for this unit.

Exceed the Standards!

SPC B-------, you are doing well with the unit mail room inspections; I have noticed your professionalism and eagerness to learn everything you can about your job.

I am hoping that we can get you in WLC, during the month of April.

Remember to sign up and complete your SSD 1 and sign up for college courses to further yourself and your military career.

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