If you have a picture of Indiana National Guard ribbons you'd like to contribute, please use the form below or send it to editor@armywriter.com.

Indiana Long Service Medal
Indiana Overseas Service Ribbon
Indiana OCONUS Service Ribbon

Indiana Long Service Medal
Indiana Emergency Service Ribbon
Indiana Overseas Service Ribbon
Indiana OCONUS Service Ribbon

Indiana Distinguished Service Medal
Indiana Commendation Medal
Indiana Long Service Medal
Indiana Overseas Service Ribbon
Indiana OCONUS Service Ribbon

Indiana Commendation Medal
Indiana Recruiting Ribbon
Indiana Long Service Medal
Indiana Overseas Service Ribbon
Indiana OCONUS Service Ribbon
Mississippi Magnolia Medal
Mississippi Emergency Service Medal

Indiana Commendation Medal
Indiana Recruiting Ribbon
Indiana Long Service Medal
Indiana Overseas Service Ribbon
Indiana OCONUS Service Ribbon
Mississippi Magnolia Medal
Mississippi Emergency Service Medal

Indiana Military Volunteer Emblem is worn on the right side.
Indiana Military Volunteer Emblem

Indiana Distinguished Service Cross. The Indiana Distinguished Service Cross may be awarded to any member of the Indiana National Guard who performs, at risk of life or limb, any act of heroism or performs an act over and beyond the call of duty.

Indiana Distinguished Service Medal. The Indiana Distinguished Service Medal may be awarded to any member of the Indiana National Guard who perform unusually distinguished or meritorious service that resulted in increased efficiency or brought honor or credit to the Indiana armed forces.

Indiana Commendation Medal. The Indiana Commendation Medal may be awarded to any member of the Indiana National Guard who distinguishes him- or herself by outstanding achievement, meritorious service, or acts of courage to a lesser degree than that required for award of the Indiana Distinguished Service Medal.

Indiana Emergency Service Ribbon. The Indiana Emergency Service Ribbon is awarded to members of the Indiana National Guard who have been ordered to active duty by the Governor in response to civil disturbance or natural disaster.

Indiana Recruiting Ribbon. The Indiana Recruiting Ribbon is awarded to members of the Indiana National Guard whose efforts are responsible for the enlistment of three or more individuals, for any term of service, and maintaining the strength of the Indiana National Guard.

Indiana Long Service Medal. The Long Service Medal is awarded to members of the Indiana National Guard for honest and faithful service in the Indiana National Guard for periods of ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty five years or longer.

Indiana Overseas Service Ribbon. The Indiana Overseas Service Ribbon is awarded to members of the Indiana National Guard who serve overseas for 30 or more consecutive days in support of military operations.

Indiana OCONUS Service Ribbon. The Indiana OCONUS Service Ribbon is awarded to members of the Indiana National Guard to recognize military service outside the Continental United States (CONUS).

Indiana Retention Ribbon. The Indiana Retention Ribbon is authorized for members of the Indiana National Guard who make significant contributions to efforts to retain qualified members and who are ultimately responsible for the retention of five members.

Indiana Funeral Honors Ribbon. The Indiana Funeral Honors Ribbon is authorized for all members of the Indiana National Guard who have been certified as Funeral participants and recognizes honorable and distinguished service in the performance of military funerals.