Leadership Award Bullets

Being the only other NCO attached to the S6 and not having any prior knowledge about signal operations, SGT XXXXXX was very much outside of his comfort zone. SGT XXXXXXX drew from the NCO creed and provided effective leadership and guidance for the S6 lower enlisted. In the absence of orders, SGT XXXXXXXX provided a variety of hit-pocket training events for the S6 soldiers on soldier-level topics, including basic rifle marksmanship, physical fitness, and much more.

During Warrior Peak 2023, SSG Cabral served as the Weapon Squad Leader for two platoons. During the Live Fire Exercise, SSG Cabral controlled platoon, company, and battalion assets at the support by-fire position. He seamlessly and efficiently incorporated an attached gun truck and a 60mm mortar section into his gun teams. SSG Cabral's actions set the conditions for multiple successful operations.

During Warrior Peak 2023, SGT Dieck assumed duties above his grade. He served as a Squad Leader, setting the conditions for the breach during the Platoon Live Fire. His calm demeanor and direct fire commands were crucial to the platoon's success. Due to his dedicated effort, he set the conditions for the platoon to achieve the fastest time through the breach during Day Live Fire.

Since the beginning of deployment, Private First Class Howeth was the largest source of motivation for the crew. His up-lifting spirit and "can-do" attitude embodies the essence of esprit de corps of Delta Battery. PFC Howeth motivated his peers in all situations, achieving a higher morale level across the unit. PFC Howeth's personality allows his peers to face any obstacles with confidence and achieve a higher level of succes in any task given.

MSG Taylor built trust and cohesion in the organization by listening to his Soldiers and valuing their opinions. He delegated effectively and empowered subordinates. His trust in his soldiers resulted in the most competent and fearless technicians in the unit.

SSG Wells communicated effectively with all Soldiers in the section. Her inclusive management style ensured all section members were knowledgeable on the mission and aware of our progress toward our goals. She disseminated information to her Soldiers on a daily basis and ensured all assigned tasks were accomplished.

He challenged subordinates with tasks of increasing difficulty. His supportive supervision built a competent work force with soaring morale and his actions allowed Soldiers to achieve their potential, resulting in two Soldiers being selected for promotion to Staff Sergeant.

Accepted responsibility for slower turn-around time; researched causes, addressed shortfalls, and restored operations to predeployment production level.

Confronted irresponsible behavior and convinced actors of its injurious effects; enforced standards and avoided unit personnel issues.

Mature leader. Faced dissatisfaction with Commander's new policies and persuaded team of the necessity of changes. Communication restored efforts toward goals and reached them ahead of schedule.

Identified correlation between duty schedule and sick call waivers; transferred offenders, stopped improper use of system to avoid duty and improved shop effectiveness and morale.

Built effective working relationships internally and externally. Cooperation with other sections expanded section capabilities and reach.

MSG Auble took over the detachment and immediately identified and corrected discipline problems; discharged one Soldier, and restored a productive and harmonious work environment.

SSG Taylor authored and updated Standard Operating Procedures covering NOSC communications including twice-daily SITREP, Notification Procedures, Communication Task Orders and Network Bulletins. His insights improved these key activities and resulted in clearer, timelier, and reliable alerting and coordination with the NGB JOC, State J6 and within the ARNG IMN Team.

Volunteered to head CFC charity drive for the workcenter; positive role model, bettered conditions for all

Worked 30 hours during Army Sergeants Association fund raiser and raised over $400 for local charities

MSG Reynolds' emphasis on training and operational, administrative, and logistical readiness established him as the leading Operations NCO in the battalion. His outstanding performance and unwavering commitment to mission accomplishment reflected great credit upon himself, Charlie Company, 2d Battalion, 124th Infantry Regiment, and the United States Army.

Lance Corporal Lefor demonstrated his maturity at work by always taking charge of his peers and always seeking opportunities to challenge himself and learn more and ultimately become an NCO.

SFC Doe went well above and beyond taking care of Soldiers. On numerous occasions he was instrumental in finding outside agencies to assist Soldiers who were in financial need. On one occasion, SFC Doe, who had less than 24 hrs to respond, was able to save a Soldier from eviction by finding monies to help the Soldier pay his rent. On another occasion, he was able to find resources to save another Soldier's truck from being repossessed. The high morale displayed in his unit is a direct result of the great care he demonstrated for his Soldiers.

SPC doe volunteered to assume the duties and responsibilities of the DET 1 CO B, 640th ASB unit Supply Sergeant, a duty and position normally held by a SSG/E6. She worked extremely long hours and sacrificed her personal time to ensure that every Soldier within the unit had all equipment and uniforms required for the upcoming deployment. On numerous occasions she was told by leadership to "stop working and go home and get some rest". This fact alone attested to her true commitment and care for her fellow Soldiers.

Implemented the command's first internal Commanding officer's suggestion forum that increased communication up and down the Chain of Command.

His ability to take information back to the command and tactfully present the information even when command does not want to hear it, has been a benefit to both the command and the company.

Supported the unit. Single-handedly resurrected a demoralized SNCO association and established a "can do" spirit. Immersed in the planning and execution of numerous successful fund-raising projects.

Led or assisted in developing numerous crisis action plans, contingency plans, and regional engagement plans. Ably led USARAF forward deployed element for approximately 7 weeks while working at the African-led International Support Mission in Mali (AFISMA) headquarters. She shifted from Plans to Exercises, immediately streamlining Exercise processeses, improving communication, establishing benchmark SOPs, and positioning the division for greater success.

Led workcenter to highest PT average in the unit; raised workcenter average by 40%!

SGT Walker recognized the importance of continuing career progression for his Soldiers and for the Army mission and encouraged his subordinates to explore off-duty education options. As a result, more than half of his team are currently enrolled in some type of advanced education.

Exceeded training responsibilities by being "in the trenches" with the Soldiers. Never above any task, he always led by example and provided the best training possible. His involvement with the troops was evident in his daily appearance, covered in dirt after a day's work. His ability to lead from the front and genuine concern for quality troop training demonstrated what an NCO should be and provided an excellent role model.

Generated an outstanding 90% retention rate and an astonishing 70% advancement rate.

Motivated and driven leader. Chosen over peers to manage training for the battalion as Training NCO, an E7 position. With little support, he developed his section of 29 Soldiers into a well-qualified and efficient team. His determined efforts earned numerous accolades during the IG inspection and produced more than 30 certifications in all watch floor positions.

Mature leader. Won't compromise standards; enforced highest ARCENT standards of conduct.

During the deployment, SSG has demonstrated his knowledge in physical fitness by showing Soldiers how to push themselves to the limit without getting hurt and conducting the work outs with correct form.

As the assistant unit armorer, SPC Does' utilization and knowledge of weapon systems, night vision goggles (NVG), single key load (SKL), defense advanced global positioning system receiver (DAGR) and all corresponding components was indispensable. He was able to rapidly ascertain malfunctions and troubleshoot problems making essential equipment 100% operational. Additionally, SPC does solely maintained and accounted for over $120,000.00 of NBC equipment without loss throughout the entire tenure with the unit.

SGT Blanks dedication to Apache Troop was made evident during a deployment to the National Training Center, when all his superiors were 'killed' by an OPFOR roadside bomb. He instantaneously assumed the responsibility that was thrown at him and quickly called for CASEVAC. All the while SGT Blank ensured remaining Soldiers maintained security, conducted first aid, and accurately reported vital information to command on the situation during this mass casualty scenario.

For exceptional performance while serving as the BN S4 while the actual was on mid tour leave. While still managing his normal duties as S4 NCOIC, SFC John Doe rose to the occasion and effectively coordinated all logistics in OE Panther during the 2010 elections and received approval on the renewed COS Scania Security Contract.

For exceptional performance while serving as the MCT Clerk while the actual was on mid tour leave. SPC Jane Doe ensured a seamless transition between clerks and quickly demonstrated her proactive and resourceful nature by developing a system of TMR and Convoy trackers to more effectively manage the large volumes of equipment flowing to and from COS Endeavor.

Selected to lead a joint theater team which discovered, targeted, and performed damage assessment on hundreds of key targets. His efforts were critical to mission success.

Prevailed over all obstacles and challenges; accepted nothing less than total success. Acknowledged by Battalion Commander for choreographing the battalion's complex transportation plan during OEF Distribution Conferences supporting over 160 guests. Provided mature leadership as the BN OPS NCOIC, while remaining flexible and mission focused during the rapidly changing requirements of a forward deployed Transportation Battalion.

Standout Leader. Completed comprehensive planning and set up of Battalion TAC. His efforts were directly responsible for attaining 100% operational status.

Trained 3 Food Inspection Specialists in half the usual time required; increased shift expertise 75%, guaranteed quality.

Expertly prepared his department for an East African deployment. Ensured Military Information Support Team Abuja, Nigeria was always in excellent material condition and ready for sustained effective performace. A self-starter, he completes many tasks before others realize that they need to be done.

Standards and professional competence generated immediate confidence and improved subordinate morale.

SFC Kierson served as Operations Sergeant at CENTCOM Forward-Jordan. As MCP and CF-J COIC NCOIC, he provided assistance to the Battle Majors ensuring fluid operation within the two Command Posts, supervised information management of messages and orders, and monitored COIC Battle Drill program keeping 29 officers, NCOs, and DoD civilians proficient and current on staff operations, procedures, and ABC systems.

Oversaw on-the-job training program resulting in seven Soldiers becoming qualified 3 months ahead of schedule

Demonstrated outstanding leadership skills as team chief and increased productivity by 40%.

A recognized authority, he is routinely sought out by other Warrant Officers for advice and guidance.

Developed Soldiers through positive counseling, coaching, and mentoring. Instilled a mission-first attitude and motivated entire unit to do the same. Reduced training delinquency rate of his team by 25 percent.

Organized a team for the March of Dimes "Walk America" 10K march and raised over $2000 to combat birth defects.

Directed unit and active duty Air Force personnel as team leader during UNITAS deployment greatly improving contingency knowledge; surpassed all expectations; hands-on leadership was the catalyst for the entire effort

As JAG Section NCOIC, expedited citizenship applications resulting in 19 citizenship package submissions and eight soldiers within the Task Force receiving US citizenship while on deployment--a record!

Leads by example and doesn't misuse authority. Selected to head up all high profile and difficult missions.

Attended AF Operational Network Implementation conference. Her active participation in the Joint environment advanced the interests of Army tactical planners.

Volunteered to oversee unit participation in annual base fund raiser. Increased unit morale and benefited charity.

Edited, contributed to Army Logistics and Deployment Standards Handbook, and Future Ops Planning and OTP Execution Plan, DR prioritization. Responsible member of military profession.

A dynamic leader, spearheaded a $10M renovation project for the AMEDD Center and School Practical Nurse Program. Coordinated plans for continued operations for 140 students and 25 faculty for the next 5 years to ensure project completion in an efficient and cost effective manner.

SSG Smith's skill and planning played a vital role in the success of the Water Platoon mission. His determination toward self-sufficiency not only ensured mission-readiness, but contributed to the overall success of the platoon's mission of producing 100,000 gallons of water daily for soldiers in MND north Iraq.

Organized visit by the Commander, 3d ESC, arranged base tour that fostered growth of mission awareness.

SSG Taylor authored and updated Standard Operating Procedures covering NOSC communications including twice-daily SITREP, Notification Procedures, Communication Task Orders and Network Bulletins. His insights improved these key activities and resulted in clearer, timelier, and reliable alerting and coordination with the NGB JOC, State J6 and within the ARNG IMN Team.

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