Letters of Appreciation

See also: Air Force Letters of Appreciation

See also: Navy Letters of Appreciation

I wanted to reach out and provide feedback regarding the training we have been receiving from Glenn, Terence, and Troy with home station UAS. Glenn, Terence, and Troy have been instrumental in helping our Battalion introduce new generational warfare with the injects of RED Air, CUAS, drone buster training, and certifying our operators on SUAS. Our Battalion Commander, LTC Sean Hollars, is thrilled to be at the forefront of introducing RED Air into our PLT STX iterations as the battlefield TTPs have changed in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

In the past few weeks alone, they have helped us install RIZER software onto our DJI 3 Mini Pro drones and stand-alone phones, trained 6x SMs who completed BUQ I-II training to operate SUAS, flew RED Air where IDF was dropped on battle positions, and conducted a capabilities brief to the tank company in the field. Following the iteration, our Battalion Operations Officer and Battalion Commander immediately wanted more support from Glenn, Terence, and Troy for all upcoming exercises where our platoons are maneuvering in the training area. Drones are the hot topic of our Brigade currently as we prepare for NTC, future EUCOM rotations, and as we continue to observe what is happening in Ukraine.

We are continuing to work with Glenn, Terence, and Troy next week for our infantry companies' PLT STX exercises where we intend to inject RED Air during maneuvering and building clearing. During our CAR, LTC Hollars reiterated we have entered the realm of drone attacks for future warfare and that the work with home station is essential to the survivability and lethality of our formation. Company Commanders additionally approached me about coordinating future RED Air for collective training during and prior to our NTC rotation and in Q4 following our NTC rotation. Battalions across the Brigade will begin implementing the same training we have been doing with home station UAS as the Brigade trains for future warfare. I am excited for the training next week and look forward to the continued work with Glenn, Terence, and Troy for the foreseeable future.

1. It is my sincere pleasure to express my appreciation for the truly commendable contribution you have made to the successful accomplishment of our detachment mission. Your individual dedication, knowledge and exemplary efforts assisted immeasurably in the development and overall final success of a revolutionary project of the highest national interest. Additionally, you have shared in the praise frequently received from the highest levels of government and the recently presented Superior Unit Award.

2. Having worked with you through periods of frustration and success, my time with you and this unit has been the highlight of my Army career. Without your individual loyalty and devotion to duty the superior results and status now enjoyed would not have been possible. All your efforts have reflected the highest credit upon you, the detachment and the United States of America.

3. Again, my gratitude and the best of luck in the future.


Col Chardonay

Dear Sergeant Ruiz,

Rarely in a military career is a Soldier called upon to respond to a vital contingency for which he is so confident and fully qualified. In every respect, the members of your platoon were ready for the challenge presented by the rapidly evolving events of Operation XXXXX. You and the other members of your extremely capable group of warriors did an absolutely outstanding job of securing the forward position, setting up and establishing communications, and coordinating the movement of follow-on forces. Without your dedication to duty and tenacity under extremely adverse conditions, this operation would not have been the success that it was.

General Taylor, the JTF Commander, was extremely pleased with the results of your actions and spoke very highly of you and your unit. I know that successes like this don't just happen but are the result of planning, practice, hard work, and sacrifice on the part of you and every member of your team. I want to personally thank you for your earnest support of our mission and the United States Army.


Subj: Letter of Appreciation

Dear SSG Powers,

It is my pleasure and privilege to express my appreciation for your contribution to the success of the Ft Stewart Family Services Center's Military Spouse School.

During 2012, over 100 spouses attended the school, bringing the total number of attendees to date to 900. This program would not have received the positive accolades it has, as expressed by the attendees and evident by their productivity, without the invaluable support of people like yourself. Your enthusiasm and knowledge have contributed directly to the success of the school and ultimately to the success of our mission.

Your earnest participation benefits not only the attendees, but also our service members and their families. The better prepared and more informed our spouses are, the better they are able to cope with the challenges of military life and contribute to their spouse's success. Your efforts are sincerely appreciated.

Congratulations on a job well done.

Colonel William Unitas



SUBJECT: Letter of Appreciation

1.   I would like to express my sincere thanks for the excellent work of SSgt Yolanda Ruiz. As a member of the Munitions Storage team, SSgt Ruiz displayed great professionalism and technical expertise in transitioning from the storage, transfer, and implementation of conventional aircraft munitions to the state-of-the-art, classified aircraft munitions complement. Working under stressful conditions, her diligent efforts overcame numerous unforeseen obstacles and ensured a minimum amount of downtime.

2.   SSgt Ruiz assisted in developing procedures and policies for storage and use that corrected problems with compatibility issues and guaranteed the efficient integration into the base's arsenal. The local instructions written by SSgt Ruiz and her crew have been evaluated by several flying squadrons and adopted as standard procedure throughout PACAF.

3.   I want to express my sincere appreciation for SSgt Ruiz's hard work and dedication in engineering this transition and ensuring the successful upgrade of our F-15 capability. I also want to encourage her to continue to provide guidance and support to other squadrons in PACAF making the transition to advanced munitions. Our mission depends on the F-15s' abilities and that of capable young Airmen like SSgt Ruiz. Again, thanks for a job well done.

Scribble Scribble Scribble
Commander, 13th Air Force

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