Army Letter of Recommendation


MEMORANDUM FOR American Embassy, Republic of the Philippines

SUBJECT: StGermaine, Thomas, YA-02

1. In reference to our telephone conversation on 13 Oct 08 about the employment of Mr StGermaine as an Engineering Technician, I am providing the following:

2. Mr StGermaine has worked for the US Army at Camp Uno on Basilan Island for almost two years and during that time, he has executed all of his duties in an efficient and thorough manner. His duties included transporting, constructing, and maintaining public shelters and building an electrical and plumbing infrastructure. I can honestly say that the standard of living we enjoy now is much higher than when we arrived three years ago and is a direct result of Mr StGermain's planning and expertise. He has a unique ability to adapt and improvise using whatever is at hand to get the job done.

3. In addition, he has helped several other shops accomplish their goals without expectation of being compensated. His attitude has helped us to work as a team and increased our overall effectiveness. It is my opinion that Mr StGermaine would be a credit to your organization and I highly recommend him.

Colonel, XO

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