MEMORANDUM FOR Government or Civilian Employer

MEMORANDUM FOR Government or Civilian Employer

SUBJECT: Letter of Recommendation for Tamra Turrentine

1. Mrs. Turrentine has worked for the Family Readiness Group (FRG) for Alpha Company-63 Brigade Support Battalion in Sloan, Nevada for almost two years from August 2014 to May 2016. Her volunteer service benefitted over 80 Army Reserve Soldiers and their families. Mrs. Turrentine was a volunteer member working over 15 hours a week. She assumed responsibilities in the absence of other volunteers and performed duties as an FRG Leader, Secretary, Newsletter, Budget, and Childcare Coordinator.

2. During that time, she has executed all of her duties in an efficient and thorough manner. Her duties included administrative and program management, budget, and events coordinator. I can honestly say that the standard of the FRG program we enjoy now is a direct result of Mrs. Turrentine's planning and expertise. She has a unique ability to adapt and improvise using whatever is at hand to get the job done and with the minimal resources available to her.

3. In addition, she has helped several other Family Readiness Groups accomplish their goals without expectation of being compensated. Her attitude has helped us to work as a team and increased our overall effectiveness and team cohesion. It is my opinion that Mrs. Turrentine would be a great asset to your organization and I highly recommend her with absolute confidence. She has made me proud as a friend and supervisor, and I am sure she will continue to do so as she grows in your company.

4. Point of contact for this memorandum is Captain Gonzalez at (XXX)XXX-6944, or at


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