16 Oct 13 |
MEMORANDUM FOR Commander USAREC, (RCHS-SVD), 1307 Third Avenue,
Fort Knox, KY 40121-2726
SUBJECT: Letter of Recommendation for (Name, SSN)
1. It is with great pleasure that I recommend (name) for the Inter-service Physician Assistant Program. I have been her senior rater for the past two years and can personally attest to her intelligence, fortitude, and professionalism. Her students, as well as her peers, confirm her exceptional qualities as a leader, trainer, and motivator.
2. (Name) has performed her duties in an exceptional manner. She possesses a breadth and depth of doctrinal knowledge seldom seen in an officer of her rank. (Name) has the natural ability to express complicated and technical information clearly and concisely. Her patience and compassion will serve her well as a Physician Assistant and guarantee her continued success as a leader. As a demonstration of her ability to excel at learning, she graduated as the Distinguished Honor Graduate of the recently completed Health Services Material Management Course.
3. I am convinced (Name) will be successful in any endeavor she attempts.
4. If I may be of further assistance, please contact me at (DSN) or via email at (email address).