Soldier of the Month Recommendation

74D Survey Team Member

Significant achievements in the last 12 months:

SGT Crumlin is the definition of a military leader. He continues to set the example for those around him as he trains, teaches, and mentors those above and below him in the unit. On several occasions this past year he has donated his personal time to help train other units both in and out of the DCNG to include training the 1946th Finance Detachment in preparation for a deployment to Kosovo.

He was also the primary CBRN trainer for DC and CBRN NCOIC and evaluator for the Regional Best Warrior Competition.

Additionally, he volunteered as an instructor with the Young Marines and helps train them in his personal time.

Recently, while on TDY, he was instrumental in helping a fellow team member who suffered an accident and was knocked unconscious. SGT Crumlin took charge of the scene, rendered first aid, conducted crowd control, and in general kept order during a stressful and complicated accident scene.

Beyond that, he provided operational support to over a dozen JHAT missions, including 3 National Special Security Events with DC Fire, FBI, Capitol Police and other federal agencies.

SGT Crumlin is among the best NCOs I have personally worked with and continues to be an invaluable asset to the 33rd Civil Support Team.

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