DA Form 638 for AAM for Meritorious Service (PCS)

25U Signal Operations Specialist

CPL Jefferson was instrumental during multiple training exercises. His knowledge and skills on retransmission systems ensured the 210 Field Artillery Brigade and its subordinate units accomplished their mission. He worked consistently to maintain Retrans systems in operations while training soldiers on proper PMCS procedures on OE-254 antennas and RT-1523 VHF radios while in operation.

CPL Jefferson and his team enabled the brigade and multiple units across 2ID to maintain successful FM communications. CPL Jefferson was vital to the team during numerous training exercises at different training sites to include Casey 39er and OP 15. He was selected to help refurbish and reestablish communication capabilities at the bunker of Casey 39er, rerouting RF cables and labeling them has proven to be an efficient way of tracking antennas that may have connection issues.

CPL Jefferson also contributed in establishing retrans capabilities at OP 15 alongside a striker team assisting them with their radio operations which helped greatly in them completing the mission. CPL Jefferson direct knowledge in COMSEC on multiple missions influenced his soldiers on various levels within the COMSEC field. On all occasions he managed and assisted them on being able to complete their mission, enabling RT-1523 radios to be filled proficiently by building the COMSEC platform correctly on each SKL. Without his personal knowledge the radios were not able to transmit nor receive which in turn rendered retrans inoperable.

92Y Supply Clerk

SPC Rios demonstrated exceptional dedication and proficiency while serving as the Supply Clerk for Battle Company from January 25, 2020 to July 22, 2024. During his tenure, he effectively facilitated four Change of Commands, ensuring the seamless transition of Company Commanders. Additionally, his implementation of the Command Supply Discipline Program and strategic prioritization in filling shortages greatly enhanced company Readiness.

15N Team Leader

Corporal Ledezma served with excellence as an Avionics Mechanic in D Company 2-4 General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB) from August 2020 to March 2024. As a part of the Mustang Battalion, CPL Ledezma's dedication to mission success was evident. During his time with D Company, CPL Ledezma participated in multiple training deployments including one NTC rotation, several Brigade Field Training Events, and multiple Fort Bliss Medevac Training rotations.

Supply NCOIC

SGT XXX's performance of duty and dedication to mission accomplishment has allowed her to serve with great distinction while assigned to Alpha Battery, 1st Battalion, 94th Field Artillery Regiment, Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM). During her tenure, SGT XXX served as an exemplary Unit Supply NCOIC and Barracks Manager. SGT XXX successfully executed weekly supply functions, reduced Battery shortages by 300%, responsible for the well-being of three E-4s, and oversaw over 90 barracks rooms for the Battalion.

As an E-4, SGT XXX served as BN S4 NCOIC. SGT XXX maintained and supervised the ordering of equipment with a cumulative value of over $500 million and reduced shortages by $1.7 million across four batteries/companies. SGT XXX set the standard for all unit supply teams in the BDE during the Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) inspection and was recognized by both BDE and BN CSM for an inspection rating of 98%. Her influence has enhanced the CDSPs at each echelon.

SGT XXX spearheaded the successful execution of Assassin Battery's Change of Command inventories over the course of four weeks. SGT XXX accounted for all property and equipment in excess of $55 million dollars with zero Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (FLIPL) for the outgoing commander. SGT XXX utilized on- post resources as well as previously cultivated relationships with sister units to fill over $4000 of Battery shortages. Her efforts resulted in the smoothest Change of Command inventories for the incoming Commander.

SGT XXX is a quiet professional with an unparalleled work ethic. SGT XXX is one of the few NCOs in the Battalion which consistently demonstrates a relentless commitment to her job in order to achieve success. Alpha Battery Supply has maintained over a 95% CSDP inspection pass rate in two inspections, successfully turned in six of eight M142 Launchers, and credited as the best Unit Supply in the Brigade due to the SGT XXX. She is an asset to the Deep Steel Battalion and Thunderbolt Brigade.

42A Human Resources Specialist

As the Brigade S1 Strength NCO, SPC Joe was the subject matter expert on personnel management to ensure all Enlisted positions were adequately filled across the Brigade to meet mission requirements. His careful analysis and guidance prepared senior leaders within the Brigade to make personnel decisions that affected echelons at all levels. SPC Joe has introduced Strength Management processes that will be used by Brigade S1 for future success and accurate accountability.


- Sgt Barsallo served as a Gunner while assigned to the 1st Battalion, 9th Field Artillery Regiment.

- Sgt Barsallo served with 1st section as Gunner, and contributed to his section and battery by certifying every Table V, VI, and XII.

- Sgt Barsallo acted as Gunner with 1st section throughout the Regionally Aligned Forces rotation and Operation Atlantic Resolve.

- Sgt Barsallo was trusted by his command team to serve as a representative from 1st Battalion, 9th Field Artillery Regiment as Quality for Life board member. To discuss current and future ideas regarding the unit's way of life in Europe.

- While serving as Gunner in the 1st Battalion, 9th Field Artillery Regiment Sgt Barsallo demonstrated excellent leadership, artillery knowledge, mental and physical strength, and esprit de corps. A feeling of pride, fellowship, and common loyalty to those he served under and those appointed below him. All of which resulted in unit and mission success during in country and overseas rotation.

Operations NCO, 289th Composite Supply Company

SSG Pohnpei was selected and served as the Operations NCO for the 289th Composite Supply Company. He managed the production and coordination of over 500 orders, STRs and TMRs with no discrepancies in support of the 1CD and all units across Fort Hood. His thorough preparation and attention to detail during daily operations were critical to ensure support requirements were met for all deployments, redeployments and training exercises. In addition, he displayed exceptional organizational and managerial skills far beyond his peers.

91B Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic

As the only 91B Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic, singlehandedly maintained over 30 pieces of organic, CTEF-I and Theater Provided Equipment (TPE) and maintained 95-98% operational readiness rate with very limited maintenance capabilities to accomplish his mission. SGT was instrumental in the success of the CTEF-I team as he maintained mission essential material handling equipment and gave the team the capability to move over $100,000,000 dollars worth of equipment for 40 divestitures to the Iraqi Security Forces.

Indispensable contributions to the FLE included providing MHE driver's training for the Soldiers that resulted in safe operation of the forklifts while loading cargo onto US and Spanish helicopters for over 97 total flights throughout the deployment. SGT Mozek's tactical and technical knowledge was above standards, therefore he was in charge of security operations in every single mission the FLE conducted. During his off-time he ensured the FLE was trained in warrior leader skills II, III and IV in support of daily operations.


SSG Hero always placed the welfare of his Soldiers first. As a Squad leader and then Section Sergeant, he personally mentored over 30 Soldiers in the areas of technology and professional development and successfully managed 600 CGCS Sites always at maximum capability. He displayed exceptional organizational and managerial skills far beyond his peers. His contributions fostered an organizational culture of teamwork and made maximum use of the diverse talents of all team members.


SPC XXXX has been an outstanding Paratrooper since his arrival to the unit in JUN 2012. As a PFC during the 2012 rotation at JRTC, he was one of the most reliable gunners for all convoys. He showed extraordinary situational awareness and tactical knowledge well above his pay grade, had an exceptional understanding on the operations of all weapon systems assigned to him and eagerly shared this information with his fellow Paratroopers, further advancing the combat effectiveness of his Platoon during Convoy Live Fires.

As a junior leader, SPC XXXX has repeatedly exercised initiative in the absence of orders from higher elements. His dedication to duty was prominently displayed routinely as he conducted transportation missions during the 2013 and 2014 JOAXs that required extremely early report times paired with minimal recovery time from the day prior. Eager to take on more responsibility, he was always the first to report, the last to leave, and was always ready to complete the mission to the standard typically associated with a well rested Paratrooper.

Following two of the three Company Training Exercises to the field in which he participated, SPC XXXX volunteered time not typically associated with the normal duty day for his fellow Paratroopers and the unit. His selfless service was made plain as he put the needs of his peers and subordinates above his own by offering to take additional duty shifts so that married Paratroopers could spend time with their families. His altruistic actions contributed to the morale of both Paratroopers and their families and showed great credit on the unit.

SPC XXXX served primarily as a Motor Transport Operator in the Distribution Platoon during his time with the White Falcons and has driven over 5000 incident free miles delivering classes I & V as well as transporting White Falcon Paratroopers, enabling them to complete vital training. SPC XXXX is task oriented and detail minded; completes assignments to the fullest while staying focused to make sound and timely decisions. SPC XXXX has kept inventory, maintained 100% accountability, and reduced incidental losses.


While serving as a maintenance mechanic, SPC C..... was part of the driver's training team for the MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protective) vehicle, while at Ft McCoy Mobilization Site. He ensured that all soldiers were trained a 100 percent to standard, which was established by the 1-119th Maintenance section; licensing 409 soldiers and logging over 27,000 miles without accidents over a 3 week period.

SPC C..... was a member of the maintenance team that performed over 160 critical annual and semi-annual services on MRAPs, MAXPROs, Camin Plus, Forklifts, HEMTTs and LMTVs. He diligently worked over 1800 hours assisting the completion of over 1200 job orders which contributed to a high readiness rating of a 98% throughout the deployment. With his attention to detail and professionalism, it made him a key factor in the successful completion of the lighting upgrade to the MRAP and MAPROs.

He effectively participated in the organizing and the turn-in of Class IX excess, 3.8 million dollars worth, more than the unit prior, and more than any single unit in the brigade. This resulted in a more efficient stock age and helped the readiness of the other units n ASG-Kuwait by providing needed parts.

SPC C..... showed outstanding performance and dedication to duty while working over 60 hours a week. He still managed to find time keep himself within the Army standards for APFT, scoring over a 220, passing HT/WT and qualifying as an expert with his assigned weapon, the M4. SPC C..... showed great pride and enthusiasm in every task he undertook, producing excellent results throughout the deployment.


As a 91C-System Utilities Repair Mechanic, SPC Becerra's desire to improve his skill-set both within and outside of his MOS paired with his eagerness to learn, led to his successful cross training as a 91B-Wheeled Mechanic and a 91D-Generator Mechanic. He served as the primary mechanic for all DRASH and generator maintenance. His technical expertise proved to be an extremely valuable asset to the overall operation of HHBN's maintenance support mission.

SPC B performed additional duties as the primary operator for the wheeled vehicle recovery team. He operated the wrecker in austere conditions on twelve recovery missions during all hours of the day and night during training at NTC without accidents or damaging equipment. He was responsible for troubleshooting and repairing over 30 tactical vehicles by fixing deficient parts rather than whole assemblies, saving the battalion more than $35,500.

SPC Becerra took it upon himself to help motivate his fellow Soldiers and improve their technical and tactical expertise. On his own initiative, he created a research group within his team that helped increase knowledge of technical manuals, troubleshooting and repair of various military equipment. His direct leadership enabled his peers to achieve a higher technical standard of equipment repair and helped increase the overall readiness of the Headquarters and Support Company.

In preparation for and in support of NTC rotation 16-01, SPC Becerra performed maintenance and technical inspections on over 60 pieces of military equipment which consisted of HMMWVs, FMTVs, LMTVs, DRASHs and generators. SPC Becerra's technical knowledge and mechanical expertise were essential elements to the success of the maintenance program and allowed the battalion maintenance section to maintain an operational readiness rate over 90% at all times.


SPC B excelled as the battalions only Allied Trade Specialist (91E) assigned to Echo Forward Support Company, 1-229th Attack Reconnaissance Battalion (ARB). His impressive performance throughout the Battalion's Unit Maintained Equipment Operation was instrumental in maintaining over 75 generators at a readiness rate of 96%. His attention to detail and dedication to mission accomplishment enhanced the Maintenance Platoon's technical capabilities and contributed directly to the overall readiness for the Tiger Sharks battalion.

SPC B eagerness and unmatched devotion directly led to the success of the 1-229 ARB, National Training Center Rotation 16-04 training. His devotion to duty and selfless service was inspiring as he worked outside of his MOS on numerous occasions cross-training as Power Generator Equipment Repairer (91D). He demonstrated a pattern of outstanding achievement while conducting monthly scheduled services and unscheduled repairs on over 75 pieces of equipment to maintain the Battalion s unprecedented 96% operational readiness rate.

SPC B's outstanding abilities and willingness to think outside the box allowed him to lead numerous machinist projects saving the Army approximately $50,000. He used his extensive knowledge base and experience to duplicate various parts for High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) and Light Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV) vehicles. SPC B demonstrated meticulous attention to detail ensuring every project was completed with precise detail to the original manufactures parts without defect.

SPC B was instrumental in the relocation of $750,00 worth of Ground Support Equipment (GSE) ranging from HMMWVs, LMTVs, forklifts and generators with various parts and special tool kits. His experience enabled him to set up shop operations within 24 hours and provide direct support for the all six companies in the battalion. SPC B input and personal involvement greatly contributed to the relocation of 1-229th ARB footprint resulting in the safe transportation of 100% the battalion's rolling stock and support equipment.


SPC P's demonstrated dedication to team success during the Non-commissioned Officer Academy (NCOA) detail. SPC Payne instantaneously assumed NCO duties responsibilities and quickly provided direction to 12 junior enlisted Soldiers in his team to conduct everyday tasks. SPC P displayed broad professional knowledge and superior military bearing ensuring Soldiers accurately carried out NCOs' instructions received from the NCOA cadre.

SPC P's technical expertise contributed significantly to the NCOA details dispatching of five High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV) and six Light Medium Tactical Vehicles (LMTV). He directed 12 Soldiers to conduct Preventive Maintenance Checks and Service (PMCS) ensuring deficiencies were identified before maintenance inspections. SPC P's foresight to inventory safety equipment IAW the JBLM Comet Roadside inspection team's guidelines guaranteed the successful dispatch process.

SPC P sacrificed several hours of personal time and worked endlessly to set-up and guard the NCOA annual Commandant's arms room inspection. He performed his duties as a guard allowing the NCOA arms room NCO to conduct the Commandant's inspection with no loss of sensitive items and deterred any pilferage of equipment belonging to the Academy as well. SPC P's hard work and dedication played a vital role in the successful NCOA annual Commandant's arms room inspection.

Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic

SPC Carrera served as Echo Company's vehicle recovery and wrecker operator. He maintained a 10-ton Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck Wrecker with basic issue items and personal tools valued in excess of $200,000. He tactically administered expedient wrecker support to 16th Combat Aviation Brigade during Operation Arrow Shark by safely towing 3 vehicles and returning to home station. His mechanical skills and attention to detail provided 16th Combat Aviation Brigade with highly skilled maintenance and recovery support.

SPC Carrera provided critical maintenance support during 16th Combat Aviation Brigade's Forward Arming Refuel Point operations. He conducted maintenance, troubleshooting and repaired 8 HEMMIT Fuelers in a timely manner with expeditious turn around. His hard work and dedication enabled 16th Combat Aviation Brigade's Forward Arming Refuel Point to seamlessly operate with zero down time providing fuel and ammo to continue with all missions and training.

SPC Carrera served as a Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic assigned to Echo Company, 1-229th Attack Reconnaissance Battalion at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. His diligent work ethic was instrumental in maintaining a fleet of 134 vehicles at a 97% operational readiness rate during the Battalion's Unit Maintained Equipment operations. His attention to detail and dedication to mission accomplishment enhanced the Maintenance Platoon's technical capabilities and contributed directly to the success of the Battalion s ground maintenance effort.

SPC Carrera's technical knowledge was a valuable asset during the Brigade's War on Excess. He performed over 20 technical inspections within 24 hours on Ground Support Equipment during the Campaign on Property Accountability (COPA) operations. His efforts benefited the 1-229th ARB by disencumbering the motor pool footprint of excess vehicles and equipment. His technical skills and mentorship were instrumental in the training of eight new mechanics, supplementing the Platoon's ability to maintain the Battalion's assigned equipment.

Air Defense Artillery

SPC Martin devoted countless hours to developing himself and progressing in his military career. While in the 4-5 ADA Battalion SPC Martin maxed military correspondence hours, obtained 25 college credit hours and passed the Defense Language Aptitude Battery Test (DLAB) with a score of 100. Taking initiative, SPC Martin not only completed Structured Self-Development Level 1(SSD), but went further to even complete SSD Level 3 before it became unavailable to him. SPC Martin's determination to succeed was unmatched.

SPC Martin maintained an average score of 250 on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). He also regularly led the morning platoon PT formation in Physical Readiness Training (PRT). Being both dependable and athletic, SPC Martin frequently paced and avidly motivated fellow soldiers in all areas of the APFT. By doing this he single-handedly instilled the drive in many Soldiers to achieve higher scores than even they had imagined. SPC Martin's level of inspiration was a cornerstone in the success of the Hardcore Battery and its Soldiers.

SPC Martin's efficiency and motivation greatly contributed to the Communications Relay Group (CRG) during his time in the 4-5 ADA Battalion. Using proficiency and skill he and his crew passed 2 Table VIII March Order and Emplacement (MO&E) certifications. With one particularly exceptional performance his crew became the only crew in the 4-5 ADA Battalion to have ever received a perfect score on the Table VIII MO&E evaluation. SPC Martin's capable disposition was paramount to the amount of success the CRG crew attained.

Air Defense Artillery

SPC Petersen was deployed as Systems Maintenance while serving overseas in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. During his deployment SPC Petersen engaged a multitude of systems issues that arose within the 4-5 ADA Headquarters and Headquarters Battery. SPC Petersen demonstrated motivation and determination in the face of strenuous times and increasingly difficult deadlines. SPC Petersen's strong mentality contributed to a successful deployment and a safe return back to Fort Hood.

SPC Petersen displayed initiative during many Battery and Battalion level events. SPC Peterson volunteered 46 hours of his off duty time in support of the Family Readiness Group and the 4-5 ADA community. SPC Peterson has demonstrated a magnified caliber of selfless service, and has individually raised over 500 dollars for the 4-5 ADA community. SPC Petersen's altruistic tendencies have made him an asset to the 4-5 ADA community and the United States Army.

SPC Petersen's ambition is exemplified during his tenure as Crew Member 1 of Crew 2 of the Communication Relay Group. SPC Petersen's ability to assimilate quickly to his position as Crew Member 1 of Crew 2 has characterized his motivation as a team member of the Communication Relay Group. SPC Peterson exhibits competence, professionalism, and discipline while performing all assigned tasks and additional responsibilities underlined as a Communication Relay Group Crew Member.

Mail Room

SPC Williams worked in the battalion mailroom and excelled at her duties while serving as the mail clerk. SPC Williams while working in the mailroom conducted daily mail operations by picking up, sorting, and distributing mail to over 1,000 Soldiers. SPC Williams' attention to detail and hard work did not go unnoticed.

SPC Williams exemplified the total Soldier by seeking self improvement while assigned to the 502nd HRC. She exhibited determination by taking college classes earning 30 college credits towards her Associates Degree. Her commitment to higher learning set the example for fellow Soldiers to follow which resulted in four other members of the platoon's enrollment in Distant Education programs.

SPC Williams participated in numerous platoon and company postal training exercises. She lived the Warrior Ethos by always placing the mission first. SPC Williams encouraged her team to perform the assigned tasks above the standards and ensuring the platoons success on postal operations.

Honor Guard

SPC Rodriguez was essential to the success of the Echo Forward Support Company (E FSC) Military Funeral Honors detail. He mastered firing team, pallbearers team and six man flag team positions sacrificing over 80 hours a week for training, learning steps and movements for rendering honors. SSG Rodriguez's ability to learn position placement and confidence coupled with his untiring efforts and can do attitude testify to his achievements and accolades as an outstanding Soldier participating in the E FSC Military Funeral Honors detail.

SPC Rodriguez served with professionalism, honor, distinction and respect conducting ??? funeral services rendering honors to active duty members, retirees, and veterans. His meticulous and orthodox training resulted in flawless performances in the firing team, pallbearers team and six man flag folding team. SPC Rodriguez's endeavors and personal involvement resulted in four excellent progress reports summited by funeral directors and families demonstrating outstanding service from the E FSC Military Funeral Honors detail.

Comm/System Admin

While assigned to 4th Sustainment Brigade rear detachment, PFC Beradelli held the position of system administrator. In this position he helped maintain a 100% compliance with Directorate Of Information Management (DOIM). PFC Beradellis' responsibilities were supervising and overseeing the re-imaging for all systems on the network, updating system software to new Fort Hood standards, and also updating all user agreements within the rear detachment and supporting units.

PFC Beradelli assisted team members in the installation and operation of multichannel line-of-site and tropospheric scatter communications systems and networks. He performed and assisted team members in the performance of unit level maintenance on assigned communications equipment.

PFC Beradelli's tact, resourcefulness, and sound judgment, combined with his ability to work without supervision, contributed greatly to the structuring and implementation of the 4th Sustainment Brigades computer and networks operations. He contributed long hours and tireless efforts to ensure that daily operations continued to run both smoothly and effectively.


He has gone above and beyond the call of duty taking his own personal time to help improve his fellow Soldiers. SPC John Doe took his own personal time to help two Soldiers pass their APFT exceeding the Army standard by over forty points. In addition, SPC John Doe worked diligently and sought self improvement to pass the Pre-Ranger APFT. He improved his own PT score by 30 points, increasing the Squad average by 20%.

SPC John Doe assisted the Battalion intelligence section in preparations for Operation Iraqi Freedom VII. His hard work and dedication allowed the S-2 section to complete pre-deployment requirements such as ISOPREP, Anti-Terrorism Level 1, and APR101A in a timely manner.

SPC John Doe assisted the Battalion intelligence section in the administrative responsibility for over 900 soldiers. He demonstrated administrative versatility and assisted in such duties as security clearance management, Security Clearance Access Roster submissions to Brigade, map custodian, and in the maintenance of various administrative databases.


PFC Snuffy is an invaluable asset to Battalion Flight Operations. His superior and undaunting service, commitment to duty, motivation, and exemplary work ethic significantly contributed to the overall success of the Battalion. As a result of his "Take Charge" attitude, proficiency, and hard work ethic, PFC Snuffy was left in charge of running Flight Operations day shift.

PFC Snuffy assisted the battalion flight operations section in the administrative responsibility for over 120 crewmembers. He demonstrated managerial versatility by performing such duties as individual flight record management, army flying hour program, and the battalion's automated standardization reading card filing system.


PFC Mays continuously worked through her personal time to ensure the staging, packet preparation, and all parts were on hand for equipment. PFC Mays excelled in her duties as a SAMS Clerk, by ensuring 4th Sustainment Brigade's equipment was ready for turn in to Left Behind Equipment Induction.

While serving as a SAMS Clerk for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, PFC Mays demonstrated unyielding sense of duty to accomplish the mission by completing 240 Left Behind equipment packets on the unit's rolling stock and equipment. PFC Mays' expertise and professionalism resulted in 100% accountability of equipment deficiencies before Left Behind Equipment Induction.

Arms Room NCOIC

SGT Travis was the arms room NCOIC for the majority of his assignment at 293rd MP Co. During his additional duty assignment, SGT Travis maintained accountability and serviceability of $4,900,000 worth of equipment to include weapons, ammunitions, law enforcement gear and optics. SPC Travis was accountable for 4 unit armorers. His supervision of the unit armorers ensured the physical security and unit readiness of the 293rd MP Co., and the timely issuance of law enforcement gear to support the unit's gate and road assignments.

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