DA Form 638 Award Bullets

There are two broad categories of medals: those awarded for (1) meritorious service (honorable service over a long period of time) and (2) achievement (a single significant act such as a difficult deployment, rescuing people, or completing a self-help project). Below are examples of both types.

Holistic Health and Fitness Integrator Course (H2F-IC)

SSG Andreuccetti volunteered to step into the role of NCOIC of the Holistic Health and Fitness Integrator Course (H2F-IC) on short notice. The role is slotted for an E8, and he fulfilled all the responsibilities inherent in that role. He was directly responsible for ensuring three NCOs who were a part of his instructor team resourced, coordinated, and taught the program of instruction (POI).

As acting NCOIC, SSG Andreuccetti was able to achieve 100% graduation rate putting 45 new H2F Integrators into the force. Students include compo 1, 2, and 3 Soldiers with ranks ranging from E-5 through O-3. He also adjusted the POI schedule to increase student recovery time resulting in zero injuries during the course.

Strong Man Competition

SGT Gabriel O'Donnell demonstrated exceptional physical strength, resilience, and dedication by winning the base-wide Strong Man competition, proudly representing the SETAF-AF Civil Affairs Battalion. His outstanding performance showcased his individual capabilities and brought significant recognition and prestige to his unit. SGT O'Donnell's commitment to excellence and his ability to perform under pressure exemplify the Army values, making him a role model for his peers and an invaluable asset to the battalion. His achievement reflects great credit upon himself and the unit.


SPC Butler worked outside of his career field and achieved a milestone by demonstrating competency in system security, network infrastructure, and organizational security. He sacrificed countless personal hours to prepare himself for the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) Security+ test. He successfully passed on his first attempt. This outstanding achievement demonstrates his initiative and dedication to the Task Force 82 team.

SPC Butler managed over 250 accounts on the COALITION, and NIPR communications network for all sections across the division element and for our NATO partners during COMBINED RESOLVE 24. SPC Butler processed hundreds of those communication and automation issues with the majority of them being handled in less than 15 minutes. This process ensured that Task Force 82 and 2ID (ROMANIA) had the required communications resources available to effectively assist the war fighter on the ground.

94M Radar Repair

PFC Patterson conducted field Maintenance successfully upgrading AN/TPQ 50 from 2.1.2 software to 2.1.6 software. He assisted the LARs with removal of the flashcards to copy over the flashes to give them the software to help the rest of the division. He then found out that one of the 50s were having a connection issue deeper than a bad flash drive, ending in a bad Digital Signal Processor CCA card. He also helped working with coordinating 1-5 FA and Divarty and getting their assistance with using their radars to help 1-7 FA troubleshoot the AN/TPQ 53 down to a bad GPS/INU issue. He also pulled RTO, ECP and Weapons security at the UMCP and handle any additional tasking given to him during the field event.

91D GSE NCOIC/ Tactical Power Generation Specialist

SGT XXX displayed adaptability and versatility, effectively assuming the role of a Tactical Power Generation Specialist. SGT XXX's technical knowledge of Tactical Quiet Generators (TQG), Advanced Medium Mobile Power Sources (AMMPS), and Environmental Control Units (ECU) greatly separated her from her peers and ensured XXX Company maintained an operational readiness above 90% throughout her tenure. SGT XXX's remarkable initiative, professionalism, and dedication to duty have affirmed her as an invaluable asset to XXX Company and 3-4 ADAR.

35F Senior Intelligence Analyst

He served for two years as the Senior Intelligence Sergeant within the Headquarters and Headquarters' Company's All Source Production Section (ASPS). He was in charge of running daily operations which included operations/ intelligence briefings, producing the common operating picture for the staff and command team, and briefing the Commander with weekly desk-side updates. Separately, he provided over 300 intelligence products from mission support packages (MSP) to white papers supporting numerous missions throughout the PACOM and CENTCOM AORs after the unit received an additional tasking. His vast understanding of complex problem sets and devotion to the development of junior Soldiers impacted the unit through improved production quality and increased situational awareness throughout the staff.

While still serving as the Senior Intelligence Analyst, SFC Quill was selected to support an agency aligned with the organization, known as the Powerhouse sector of the Syfon Warriors. He served as squad leader throughout this tasking, providing himself as essential to two regiments of Syfon Warriors. He conducted in-depth research yielding a fresh red team perspective regarding the entity. His work would go on to create layers of protection and furthered read-ons for the organization that would impact the program as a whole and the future of the organization.

SFC Quill was selected to serve on a Special Operations Joint Task Force as the senior analyst, despite never working at battalion level. Throughout his time on the Joint Task Force, he spearheaded information sharing with two other joint tasks forces working in the same AOR. This would produce a weekly analyst exchange, developing 4 Soldiers aligned to the Southern Syria regional team and driving the Iraq team to establish a similar model. Additionally, he provided a bi-monthly deep dive, discussing topics such as referendum, refugees, terror expansion, and violations of global law.

His work led to his selection by the command team to serve as the leader of the intelligence enterprise for 2nd battalion. His experience allowed him to run all night operations (S3) throughout one exercise in Korea (Key Resolve/ Foal Eagle 2018). He established solid communication between the S3 and the Korean Special Forces (ROK) ensuring strength in a key relationship for the organization. His comms improvement would also allow for reliable and consistent information sharing throughout the night, improving joint operations tenfold.

In each tasking, SFC Quill was selected for multiple positions throughout the organization due to success in each role, constantly meeting the next challenge, and succeeding. Finally, he provided the staff with over 35 briefings to include the command team and VIP visitors to the unit, improving their understanding of the AOR while ensuring that personnel security and physical security were at the forefront of the unit's priorities.

Basic Leaders Course (BLC)

SGT John doe excelled in the Basic Leader's Course (BLC), achieving an impressive GPA of 95%, showcasing a depth of knowledge that distinguished him among his peers. His academic performance earned him a top 10 placement in his class and an overall rank of 72nd out of 290 personnel which highlight his presence, intellect and devotion. This accomplishment underscores his unwavering dedication to both the military service and his role as a Non-commissioned Officer, highlighting his character and commitment to continuous learning.

Stepping into the duties and responsibilities of a Non-Commissioned Officer reflects a strong desire to lead by example. Within the framework of tradition and the core values of the service, SGT John doe has consistently exhibited remarkable adaptability and composure in handling time-critical situations. His numerous contributions to the organization have transformed him into a valuable asset, and his wealth of experience and technical expertise is indispensable for the ongoing success of our mission.

89B Ammunition Specialist

SPC Doe was carefully selected over 40 of his peers as the unit's Key Control due to his competence and unwavering dependability.

SPC Doe proved to be an invaluable asset while serving outside of his MOS as a Key Control Specialist at Miseau Ammunition Depot.

His contributions led to the safeguard of over 400 bunkers that holds over one million Class V stock.

SPC Doe's outstanding performance and tireless efforts aided immeasurably in the prevention of any security issues.

91B Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic

Specialist Robertson installed at least five starters on vehicles.

Specialist Robertson had a vehicle assigned to her and maintained that vehicle and kept it FMC.

Specialist Robertson has assisted in at least five transmission installations.

Specialist Robertson's performance in PT has been exemplary and she has led multiple PT sessions.

Specialist Robertson has maintained her military appearance in accordance with AR 670-1.

Primary Instructor

(NAME) served as the primary instructor for (insert), supporting the SFAB training plan. Despite not having a relief in place with the previous CA element he/she still took the responsibility of teaching (xx number) of Host nation Soldiers weekly, eventually teaching (xx number) of Soldiers. She/He also developed a long term English Instruction Program incorporating multiple Army (or joint forces) elements, which proved to be invaluable in supporting the SFABs training mission as indicated by SFAB Leadership.

74AL3 CRT Team Member

During this period SGT XXX was placed on multiple Chemical Response Teams (CRTs) due to his expertise and ability to adapt as a utility asset for the betterment of the company. SGT XXX's efforts were critical to the success of numerous operations: XXXSCOM Level III Emergency Deployment Exercise (BN's Operation XXXX XXXXX XA), National Technical Nuclear Forensics Ground Collection Task Force (NTNF), XX-01 CERTEX, Operation XXXX XXXXX BN FTX, Operation XXXX XXXXX Company FTX, and Operation XXXX XXXXX.

SGT XXX endlessly pursued strategies aimed at advancing the overall capabilities and readiness of the organization. He improved the company's overall readiness on decontamination operations, casualty care, and sample techniques. His leadership characteristics, combined with his ability to improve the potential of others, played a vital role in the success of the organization. His selflessness to develop others will leave a lasting impression on the overall command and the Soldiers of the XX BN.

11B Infantryman

As the newest member of the Platoon, PFC Snuffy has shown a great ability to quickly adapt to new environments and new leadership contributing to the success of his team and the mission. His swift familiarization with both garrison and combat operations has made him an invaluable asset and outstanding Soldier.

As assistant gunner, SPC Varney was a major factor in the success of 2-4 Infantry Battalion small arms density week. He was called back in to work after hours to fix the company's Light Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV) which was the only vehicle the Battalion had that was capable of transporting ammo during small arms density week. SPC Varney's selfless service and dedication to duty was a major factor in the success of the Battalion's small arms density week.

Specialist Howe demonstrated exceptional commitment and engagement by participating in multiple training events as SAW Gunner, including JPMRC 2022, NICOA FLEK 2022, and PATHWAYS 2023. He also took part in multiple team PLT company live fires. His enthusiasm for learning and unwavering presence were crucial contributors to the unit's overall success. His dedication to continuous improvement inspired his peers and elevated the team's performance to new heights.

79R Recruiter

With his outstanding leadership, professional skills, and ceaseless efforts to ensure mission success, SSG Snuffy planned, coordinated, and conducted 15 funded events over two quarters, as well as developed an intricate and crucial network of educators in five schools that increased station production by 75%. SSG Snuffy has unparalleled interpersonal tact that allowed him to penetrate a hard to reach school and achieve results.

Range Safety

While performing as a range safety on Range 47A, SPC Watson's diligence ensured safety standards were met while his attention to detail enabled Soldiers and Coaches precise and timely maneuvers during Weapons Qualifications.

His lengthy and substantial contributions were instrumental in the safety of all Soldiers under his watch during IWQ.

His contributed hours of guard duty on the Range 19 Gate provided the necessary support for vehicle entry and exit.

SPC Watson's adaptability and willingness to execute any duty as needed was crucial in supporting all Range Operations.


General Statements

PFC Clayton assisted in the development of 2ID C2 Fusion Tactical Standard Operating Procedure (TACSOP), which will be used to update the Mountain Warrior Brigade's TACSOP for the Brigade Intelligence Support Element (BISE).

Sergeant Page was assigned the additional duty of communications specialist for Bravo Company. He quickly made an positive impact on the company by providing detailed hands-on classes on various communications equipment. Sergeant Page managed perfect accountability of an inventory of equipment valued at $500,000.

SPC Ramos trained many Soldiers in the platoon on various types of equipment. SPC Ramos always placed the welfare of his soldiers first, always completed the mission, and personally mentored multiple Soldiers in the areas of Transportation and professional development. He personally taught Soldiers how to properly fill out the DA form 5988-E for their equipment and how to update them to document services, as well as keep them fully operational and mission ready for any task at hand.

During his tenure here at 192nd Infantry Brigade, SSG Quiroga distinguished himself by performing his duties as the BDE S-3 Training Resource NCO, AMMO, Land, Range and Transportation Management NCO. He has done a phenomenal job while assigned to the unit, training Soldiers, NCOs, coordinating and executing plans.

SPC Ross made significant contributions to the overall success of the unit's redeployment to Operation Enduring Freedom XI. He worked long hours to ensure all equipment was prepared for the unit. SPC Ross also aided new incoming Soldiers by welcoming and guiding them to the proper in-processing procedures.

SGT Doe participated in not only one but two deployments to Iraq in support of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team's mission and the War on Terror. SGT Doe deployed in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 08-09 and OPERATION NEW DAWN where he completed a wide variety of missions ranging from conducting mounted combat patrols to Company Intelligence Support Team lead analyst. His skills and ability were essential to GREYWOLF's mission and the Government of Iraq.

Specialist Snuffy inherited duties and responsibilities far above his rank and completed all required tasks with proficiency. His familiarization with both garrison and combat operations has made him a valuable asset and outstanding Soldier for the 173d ABCT.

SPC Walker developed the training schedules. He coordinated field trips and training with supervisors. His dedication to checking out equipment ensured it was always available and training was effective.

SGT Alvarez distinguished himself by exceptional meritorious service, demonstrating to all that he is a professional Soldier, dedicated to excellence in his field of expertise. His untiring efforts and can-do attitude testify to his achievements and accolades as an outstanding Soldier of the U.S. Army.

SSG Knucklehead, epitomizes the NCO Corps, he is a true role model for his Soldiers as well as his peers. He mentored, coached, and guided Paratroopers to be the very best. During his time in 10-30th ADA, he led by example at all times, exhibiting the highest sense of duty, integrity and moral courage. SSG Knuclehead led the way by attending Advance Leaders Course, Property Book Course, Unit Supply Enactment Course and Unit Prevention Leaders Course.

SPC Doe has been an outstanding contribution to the platoon as he had come from the battalion ACP/PSD Element after returning from his deployment with the 2-28 Black Lions. Right away Spc Doe demonstrated devotion to the platoon and worked hard to show proficiency to work his way to a team leader position. This dedication and motivation not only has been noticed but was also used a a shining example for others within the platoon.


SFC Garcia's planning capabilities have been showcased through his meticulous organization of multiple exercises and ranges for Individual Weapons Qualification. His dedication to ensuring Soldiers are qualified and mission-ready has been a testament to his commitment to the unit's success. His ability to manage and execute these tasks effectively has reinforced the battalion's operational readiness and adherence to training standards.

SPC excelled in teaching and leading his peers while assisting in the execution of 10 drivers training classes with a completion rate of 100% and over 250 soldiers being trained. While being assigned to the unit, SPC Kirton-Smith always displayed a high level of dedication and motivation. SPC Kirton-Smith was constantly being tasked for special taskings due to his ability to manage tasks and higher levels of responsibility.

Specialist Smith's willingness to step up to the plate and share his detection asset knowledge and experience was instrumental in the initial instruction of the detection assets to the new soldiers of 2nd platoon, providing them with the standard skills necessary to operate the equipment, resulting in the success of the mission.

SPC Jon showed his expertise when he gave a H966 Bucket Loader class during Sergeants Time Training. SPC Jon gave a class to a thirty man Platoon. During the Bucket Loader class SPC Johns taught Soldiers how drive, recognize the components, how to properly use the the Front Bucket and assemble the forklift attachment to the vehicle. He also taught the class Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services and how to properly carry out a lubrication order to standard to the Platoon.

SPC Dirt served as a clerk in the Bravo Battery training room. He was responsible for as many as 100 service member information files at one time, ensuring that they were complete and maintained at all times. His attention to detail, ability to multitask, and dedication to the organization of the training room allowed information to be quickly and efficiently accessed. His ability to manage files was vital to the success of the training room mission.

SGT DOE was an instrumental part of the Recovery Section for B Company, 204th BSB from 1 December 2009 to 1 June 2011. During his time with the section, he trained and certified 10 Soldiers and four NCO's in welding and recovery techniques that included multiple variants of the MRAP prior to the units deployment to Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). His exceptional knowledge and expertise allowed his section to complete 27 recovery missions safely and without incident during training events prior to the deployment.

SPC Duzen's innovative methods of training created a flexibility that enabled subordinates to learn from many diverse sources during Operation Saber Dawn. He created, found, and used a variety of materials to challenge the squad and stimulate growth, as well as breaking down the training into appropriate segments for the time available and the ability level of the individual members of the squad.

Acted as a mentor for the ANA Combat Medic Course in RST-S. Supervised over 100 Afghan military personnel and ensured all were trained to standard. Set up the following units for success.

Spc Doe, continued to sustain a high standard as he volunteered to give classes on various weapon systems to a separated signal battalion. In this he not only demonstrated a personal dedication to his duties but also brought great credit to his company and battalion as well. By doing this Spc Doe had inspired the command of the 69th signal battalion to contact the 2-28 Cco command and announce their appreciation for the classes that were given while also awarding a coin where Spc Doe had given to the company demonstrating his own appreciation for the chances he recieves to adhere to his duties.

SPC Doe's dedication to duty and knowledge from a previous deployment enabled him to assist the soldiers within the maintenance platoon to prepare for the deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 10-11 and Operation New Dawn. His attention to detail during the company's pack out for the deployment was a key factor in ensuring that E Company was one of the first units ready for the deployment.

Volunteer/Community Service

Sergeant Doe enhanced the 119th Inland Cargo Transfer Company's image in the community by volunteering over 400 hours at the local elementary schools, actively engaging the students to assist with the lesson plans, assisting in the gym to keep the students active and orderly, and assisting the staff with everything from parent drop off at Alanton Elementary School, to helping with paperwork at John B. Dey Elementary School. Her involvement in the community promoted a positive image of Soldiers being viewed as role models.

PFC *** has dedicated over 35 hours to improving US-ROK relations through community service. Her work includes serving with the Good Neighbor Program where she taught English to Korean students at Bongdeok Elementary School and providing Christmas gifts to the Gumi Orphanage for the children. In addition to helping out the community, she was also part of the relay for life walk to help raise funds for cancer research. She has proved time and time again that she will donate her free time to helping others.

SPC Greene's loyalty to military Soldiers who never had a chance to return home and the friends and families of those who have served and continue to serve showed greatly through the Camp Buehring 5k Memorial Day candle light dedication. He spent the entire night prior setting up over 1000 candles and assisted with the execution of the event, guiding Soldiers to the lit field. His efforts contributed greatly to the overall morale and welfare of the Soldiers and Civilians serving on Camp Buehring.

SPC Doe went above and beyond the call of duty by staying after duty hours to help with aircraft and hanger cleaning and set up for a Company Memorial Service. His attention to detail made for all minor details being fulfilled and for the Memorial starting at the correct time. Without his willingness to stay and finish the tasks the Service would have been delayed.

SSG Doe volunteered 84 hours of his off duty time to provide concessions and clean-up support to the St. Louis Cardinals and the stadium. His actions and support contributed to raising over $7,400.25 for the Transportation Battalion to use for organizational and morale building events.


CW2 Webster completed the inactivation of 68th CM Co. TE involving the divestiture, turn in, excess, and lateral transfer between echelons of company to division level elements, encompassing three Forscom divisions. His efforts, included 1800 pieces of equipment and 350 PSDs totaling the property book value of 25 million dollars within a condensed timeline of five months, meeting 20th CBRNE CMD inactivation timeline on short suspense.

SGT Small's exceptional contributions to the 831st TB have significantly improved sustainment operations for over ten units deploying in and out of Al Udeid Air Base. As a skilled logistician, he guaranteed the safe and efficient movement of over 600 twenty-foot equivalent units and expedited the delivery of 200 pieces of rolling stock and coordinated 22 outbound movements valued at $19.6 million during his tenure. His unwavering commitment to mitigating logistical challenges has been instrumental in the continued success of the Qatar Detachment.

SPC K's diligent commitment to professionalism and supply discipline set the bar for HHBN. He established a shop stock list of spare parts worth over $100,000. His dedication to excellence also enabled HHBN to support the 9th Air Support Operations Squadron's (9ASOS) 61 pacer items while conducting several simultaneous missions supporting NTC rotations. SPC K's knowledge played a pivotal part in HHBN's success of the Division Tactical Operations Center (DTAC) during NTC 15-05 and 15-07 operations.

SGT Waters developed and published the Standard Operating Procedures for the company as it grew into a reception element for Wounded Warriors. She has worked to devise a structured supply program that adheres to regulation and policy. She established a precedence for conducting operations with both garrison and community agencies. She mentored her peers as they moved under Base Realignment and Closure to the new location six months after she set up her supply operations.

SSG Snuff, during his tenure here at 108th BDE, 3rd Battalion 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment distinguished himself greatly by performing his duties as the BDE S-4 Assistance NCO, BDE UPL, Property Book NCO, HHB and Echo Battery Supply Sergeant. He has done a phenomenal job while assigned to the unit, training Soldiers, NCO's, coordinating and executing plans. SSG Snuff was responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars of supply during deployments and abroad.

SPC Doe continuously worked during his personal time to ensure the Brigade flowed smoothly through the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration of over 3,600 Soldiers while in Kuwait in preparing for combat operations in support of OIF 06-08. He helped the Brigade staff to focus, plan and prepare for onward movement into Iraq.

SFC Landeros served as the acting TMR OIC five times and served as the Acting Distribution Section NCOIC three times during the deployment while also serving as the TMR Section NCOIC. As the acting OIC and NCOIC the TMR section did not lose visibility or accountability of TMRs

SM organized, conducted, and supervised the Bravo Company Change of Command 29 August through 13 October 2011 in the absence of a Company Executive Officer. Her superb management skills, direct supervision, and technical expertise enabled Bravo Company to conduct their Change of Command without any unaccounted for property.

Soldier of the Month

SPC XXXX set the example for all other soldiers to emulate at the Regimental Engineer Squadron's Soldier of the Month Board. His extensive knowledge of various Army topics, attention to detail, and impeccable military bearing set him ahead of his peers and was instrumental in him winning the board over seven other Soldiers from the Squadron. SPC XXXX's hard work and professionalism has reinforced him as the new standard in which other Soldiers will be measured against in the future.

SGT Redic demonstrated excellent military knowledge and bearing well beyond that of her peers by competing and winning the NCO of the Month Board for the Brigade Troops Battalion, 4th Sustainment Brigade on 2 September 2010. She set a solid example for fellow Soldiers to emulate with her commitment to excellence and motivation during the board proceedings.

SPC Artz was the winner of the May Soldier of the Month Board for the 1-63rd Armor Regiment while deployed to Operation New Dawn. SPC Artz expertise and knowledge separated him from his peers and other 8 Soldiers that attended the May Soldier of the Month Board. His dedication to the task helped him proceed to the next Soldier of the Quarter for the 1-63rd Armor Regiment.

Petroleum Supply Specialist

Served as primary Petroleum Supply Specialist during gunnery and successfully completed 30 LOGPAC missions and 10 LRPs. His expertise allowed him to distribute over 10,000 gallons of JP8 to six companies in the Warhorse BN without incident or delays.

SPC Martin accumulated over 100 hours of drive time and 500 accident free miles during this event. His ability to move throughout the battlefield allowed the commanders of each unit he supported to enhance their situational awareness and wartime capabilities.

SPC Martin's proficiency in ammunition distribution were also utilized by his leadership. He assisted in the safe transportation, distribution, and accountability of over five tons of class V ammunition valued at over one million dollars.

SPC Martin's stewardship and ability to stay focused during a high optempo event resulted in him receiving accolades from all the First Sergeants and Commanders he supported.

SPC C's expertise as a Petroleum Supply Specialist (92F) was a key function for the Division Tactical Command Post (DTAC) training exercise from 01 September to 10 October 2015. His operational knowledge of the M978A4 Fuel Truck greatly aided in requisitioning and dispensing of over 7,000 gallons of F24 fuel to the DTAC vehicles and generators. SPC C's on site presence ensured all F24 powered equipment was fueled and prepared for 24 hour operations throughout the DTAC rotational training exercise.


Ms Angela Chatmon is recognized for her outstanding efforts in closing out SEDD's FY 20 fiscal year budget. Ms Chatmon served as SEDD's Team Budget Lead for less than two months before year end close out, and went beyond the call of duty by staying late and coming in on the weekends to ensure the job got done. Her efforts supported the timely close out of funding at the department of the Army level while ensuring SEDD met all requirements for a clean fiscal year close out.

Force Protection

Sgt Deez exceptional leadership was vital to the success of J Company's force protection mission in support of Operation Freedom Sentinel. While operating over 800 miles from the nearest support facility, Sgt Deez's duties included NCO in charge of camp over watch positions, entry control points, random antiterrorism vehicle patrols, Airfield Security Operations, and as a quick reaction response force team leader.

SPC Alvarado's outstanding dedication to duty and focus towards mission accomplishment was instrumental in the units success during Operation Enduring Freedom 2012-2013. Recognized by peer and senior leadership for his attention to detail and pure determination which was instrumental in eliminating the insider threat and ensuring the security and safety for the Afghan Advise and Assist Element and the Afghan National Army within keeping of the high "Thunder Horse" standards.

Motor Pool

SPC Joe was chosen over 12 of his peers to assist the 412TH ASB motor pool in Shop Office operations. His skill, competence and leadership enhanced the preparation and overall accomplishment of Operation Task Force Harvest, resulting in over 2,000 pieces of equipment turned in without error. His hard work and positive attitude was vital to the turn in of over 12 million dollars worth of equipment.

SSG Phillips was assigned as the Company's Driver's Training NCOIC, with the responsibility of instructing drivers training for the 950th Support Maintenance Company. He certified 88 Soldiers on the HMMWV and 23 Soldiers on the LMTV, increasing the unit's mobility readiness overall by 50%. He also led a multi-domain Driver's Training resulting in 13 Marines trained on mission dependent LMTVs.


SPC Merriweather set the physical fitness standard for other Signal soliders to follow, consistently scoring over 290 points on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and earning the APFT badge. He also regularly led the morning platoon PT formation in Physical Readiness Training (PRT). Being both dependable and athletic, SPC Merriweather frequently paced and avidly motivated fellow soldiers in all areas of the APFT. By doing this he single-handedly instilled the drive in many Soldiers to achieve higher scores than even they had imagined.

Tactical Operations Center (TOC)

While attached to 1/11 ACR, S-3 Section, as a member of the Tactical Operations Center (TOC), SPC XXXX conducted jobs such as an Radio Telephone Operator and JCR operator. His high level of proficiency and knowledge regarding the SINCGARS radio system, radio etiquette and JCR system were critical in ensuring the 1/11 ACR TOC was constantly able to transmit and receive pertinent battlefield data and keeping the command team up to date with a rapidly changing battlefield during STX and rotational operations.

While serving as an RTO for Task Force Shield & Team MOI, PV2 Snuffy monitored radio traffic, blue force tracker & mIRC transmissions for over 250 combat & logistics patrols. He distinguished himself by ensuring that maneuver forces had timely and accurate information on insurgent activities in the Brigade Area of Responsibility. PV2 Snuffy's diligence in providing up to the minute information to Warfighters was instrumental to the 105th MP Co. completing its mission, contributing to a more stable Iraqi Government.

SSG Soso, was directly responsible for facilitating weekly briefs and teleconferences that were invaluable to the operation. He served as a representative to the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard which help build joint service Esprit de core for all maritime services. His unique skills and can do attitude greatly contributed to mission success.

Human Resources/IET

SFC Snuffy has served as the standard bearer for all to emulate during his career. Throughout his tenure he has held several positions of great responsibility. From 2005- 2007 he served as Senior Human Resources NCO for the 95th AG Reception Battalion, Fort Sill, OK. He was responsible for the in processing of over 18,000 Initial Entry (IET), Soldiers into the Army's database. His attention to detail was constantly on display; ensuring each IET's medical, dental, clothing and administrative records were updated and filed accordingly.

SGT Gonzalez distinguised herself during the 2012 G1 Human Resources Workshop. SGT Gonzalez' expertise in the area of military awards was evident as she effectively instructed Human Resources Specialists in the area of Federal and State awards. In addition to conducting several hands-on blocks of instruction, SGT Gonzalez discussed important topics such as proper award routing and regulation and policy updates.

Military Police

SGT XXXXXX was a valuable asset to the 126th Military Police Company in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 04-06. SGT XXXXXX provided needed intelligence to his squad to ensure they were abreast of the new TTP's while on combat patrols. He motivated and mentored 9 Soldiers to accomplish each mission. SGT XXXXXX's squad conducted over 1,900 hours of combat patrols within the Baghdad area.

Sergeant Young played a pivotal role in deploying the Lattice Anduril Counter Drone System, executing training launches, and monitoring 500+ sUAS threats at Ali Al Salem Air Base, Kuwait. His expertise as a system operator in the Wing Operations Center safeguarded assets worth $6.8M and enhanced base defense capabilities.

Sergeant Young delivered 16 comprehensive briefings on the Lattice Anduril Counter Drone System, enhancing C-sUAS awareness for ARCENT, Kuwaiti, 386th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron, and Coalition Force leadership. His critical insights empowered diverse leadership, bolstering joint operational effectiveness and strengthening coalition partnerships across the mission area.

During deployment, Sergeant Young prioritized the well being and morale of his team, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment while providing guidance, recognition, and resources for their physical and emotional needs. His genuine concern for his team's welfare created a positive and cohesive atmosphere, sustaining both morale and the mission during the deployment.

Information Technology

2LT Vowinkel planned, organized, and led three successful Hackathon IV events on 10SEP2024, 08OCT2024, and 19NOV2024, which included coordinating the event with the Odenton Regional Library, Anne Arundel County Public Library (AACPL); and leading a team of 19 Brigade Soldier and Civilian volunteers.

Specialist Rodriguez took on the responsibility of being the commo rep for the CTCP during JMRC. He took part in filling keys and COMSEC for radios such as the 1523'S, 158's and 163's while ensuring seamless communication on the WINTAK and tactical SIPR.

SPC Mcbride performed in an outstanding manner during the Ex Paladin Stike. Her knowledge of digital C4I systems proved to be critical to the success of the mission. She ensured that all digital systems were both configured correctly and were able to communicate with each other, a critical aspect of Tactical Operations Center (TOC) communicating with host nations.

SPC Mays achieved a milestone in her career by demonstrating competency in system security, network infrastructure, and organizational security. She sacrificed countless personal hours to prepare herself for the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) Security+ test. She successfully passed on her first attempt. This outstanding achievement demonstrates her initiative and dedication to the Task Force Maverick team.

SPC Isbell managed over 700 accounts on the CENTRIX, NIPR, and SIPR communication networks for 8 different units and agencies throughout RC South. The S-6 shop completed over 2,500 trouble-tickets and SPC Isbell processed over 1,000 of those communication and automation issues with the majority of them being handled in less than 30 minutes. This process ensured that Task Force ODIN A had the required communications resources available to effectively assist the war fighter on the ground.

As a Senior Information Systems Specialist SGT _______ performed the duties of the Group Support BN S6, Senior IT Specialist. Those responsibilities included the completion of over 1,200 trouble tickets, establishing VOIP, VOSIP, NIPR and SIPR communications, video teleconferencing (VTC), and Army Training and Certification Tracking Systems (ATCTS), which tracked the BN for all automated training certifications.

Performed 103 critical software updates for 43 crypto devices; met DISA deadline 4 months ahead of schedule. Sustained 100% uptime of $700K Combined Air Operations Center with 107 circuits and six trunks, providing crisis management secure voice conference capabilities in support of the National Military Command Center and 11K deployed personnel.

Supervised the tech control facility, and secured 99% uptime for 368 circuits and 125 trunks. Oversaw Joint partners during maintenance of the Army's Black core router system and implemented physical and environmental controls to support the $12.5M facility housing three secure networks valued at $390M in support of 7.3K users and the Army Defense Artillery.

Oversaw multiple COMSEC accounts, safeguarding assets totaling more than $1.2M and guaranteeing precise inventory tracking and key maintenance for critical DRSN operations. Revised and streamlined documentation for SAV evaluation resulting in zero discrepancies during the inspection. He orchestrated the transfer of 48 crypto devices, recouping $390K in maintenance funds, and optimizing server rack utilization.

Coordinated site visit planning with NGA contractors and managed cargo shipments and test equipment setup; liaised with multiple agencies to guarantee seamless execution, resulting in a successful GPS test for potential future facility install. He was coined by the project lead for his exceptional coordination efforts and support.

Coordinated with engineers to rectify a four-year single point of failure by replacing a faulty chiller unit. Skillfully handled over 20 facility manager tickets, identifying a CRAC unit malfunction, preventing potential UPS overheating, averting loss of $50K worth of station batteries, and ensuring the operational integrity of a $12M tech control facility.


SPC Perezramos' outstanding dedication to duty and focus towards mission accomplishment was instrumental in his teams success during Shadow Strike 13-02. He meticulously prepared his team for all stages of validation and inspection, in which, his team achieved outstanding results. Recognized by the Battalion Commander as the best overall team participating in Shadow Strike 13-02, and the standard bearer for all teams to emulate in future training event.

SPC Hernandez demonstrated a high degree of profesionalism skills. Her capacity to adapt, adjust, and overcome allowed her to resolve issues and stressors throughout the exercise. She executes extremely well and with unfaltering reliability; utilizes self motivation to successfully accomplish the most challenging of tasks.

After taking on the full-time role of Unit Supply NCO with the FIST DET, SSG Hayward tackled the task of learning all aspects of his new position. At the same time, he was tasked with getting the unit ready for a COMET scheduled for 20240420. Not only did SSG Hayward quickly master his assigned role, he also had the unit fully prepared for the COMET several days ahead of its inspection date.


SGT XXX served with excellence as the Section Sergeant and Platoon Sergeant on multiple occasions. His administrative and logistical knowledge ensured the success of more than 50 taskings in addition to ensuring the training and development of more than 60 Soldiers to maintain the operational readiness of the platoon. SGT XXX unmatched leadership abilities provided exceptional guidance to 30 Soldiers as he led 5 CPN teams to exceed battalion certification standards in preparation for deployment.

PFC conducted a TAC jump operation during JRTC 25-02 and ensured all radios and JBCP systems were FMC before the initial jump. On arrival at the TAC location, he set up the 117F radio to establish positive communications between the AH-64s and Gambler X-Ray.

PFC Sotelo PMCS, Diagnosed, and Repaired communications in 40 vehicles and 20 radios over a 4 day time period. He constructed the OE-254 in order for the Company TOC to have 100% communication coverage over Muscatatuck Urban Training Center's 1,000 acres and 68 major buildings. PFC Sotelo was crucial for Company Operations to have Zero Communication failure during Mission Execution of Platoon MESL.

SPC Floyd, was instrumental in the expansion of Camp Humpherys' communication infrastructure. His team's knowledge and skill helped the 501st Signal Battalion accomplish their mission. He worked consistently to maintain over 130 manhole cable junction boxes, installed seven miles of fiber optic and copper cable, and installed over 240 landline terminal blocks. SPC Floyd and his team was recognized by the 501st Signal Battalion Commander and First Sergeant for efficiency in communication operations.


SPC Thomas worked side by side with the civilian digital engineers and understood many of the complicated problems associated with server configurations and Joint Network Node integration. His expertise in the field of automation is far above that expected of a Specialist. His skill, competence, and leadership enhanced the preparation and overall accomplishment of Operation Blank and Blank, resulting in three major nodes to become fully operational.

His professional knowledge in the wide and local area network fields as the ADP Security Specialist in NETOPS supporting 3 JNNs and 9 CPNs on the Regiments network resulted in minimal outages

While serving as the communications support systems specialist during OEF 10-11SPC Lovatto demonstrated outstanding motivation and dedication in the setup of 526th Brigade Support Battalin's commuications platform. SPC Lovatto was part of the Advanced party to FOB Wilson. She took charge over three peers to ensure communication systems, tactical and automations, were established with 2 Brigade Combat Team.

Air Defense

As an Early Warning System Operator, SPC Doe crew successfully mastered the tactics, techniques, and procedures, of the TCS by never failing a Crew drill, SPEAR, MRE or an ORE. The vocal leader of his crew, SPC Doe work ethnic coupled with his acute attention to detail allowed his crew to effectively utilize all communication platforms to higher and lower echelons. SPC Doe dedication and eagerness to succeed has made him a tactical proficient Soldier who is dedicated to excellence.

SSG John Doe has been instrumental in the success of the ADAM/BAE cell's day-to-day operations. His expertise not only in Aviation planning but also in the Air Defense systems allowed him to develop, refine, and implement Brigade TOC Battle Drills, resulting in increased efficiency throughout the Brigade TOC. This expertise was further shared with the Brigade Fires cell, creating an enhanced awareness of airspace issues for the Brigade Commander and his staff, allowing them to properly command and control the battlefield.

Combat/Route Clearance Patrols

While appointed as the lead Husky driver with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), PFC Land cleared for over 150 combat route clearance patrols. He distinguished himself by ensuring that International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), Afghan National Security Force (ANSF), and local populist by clearing their main MSRs. PFC Land diligence in rendering up information to RCP39 patrol leader was instrumental to the 72nd MAC CO. completing its mission, contributing to a more stable Afghanistan Government.

SGT DOE displayed a high level of competence and professionalism while serving as a team leader, M240 gunner, and truck commander for CBRN/Security platoon 1BSTB. He was responsible for the welfare, accountability, and mission readiness of two Soldiers. SGT DOE proficiently trained and led his team in over 50 combat patrols which resulted in the security and force protection of COS Kalsu.


SPC Wilson extended his scope of influence by training different maintenance sections and platoons within the battery on conventional maintenance equipment. His training enabled other Soldiers in the unit to perform minor troubleshooting and manage and solve environmental control, self-recovery, and higher level issues at the lowest level. This training reduced the high demand for maintainers to validate faults and therefore reduced non-mission capable (NMC) days by over 20%.

SSG Troup utilized his expertise and knowledge as a mechanic to ensure 5 HIMARS remained operational. His expertise allowed the unit to identify faults and send up accurate reports to ensure proper parts were acquired to maintain the operational readiness of Bravo Battery. His knowledge was instrumental to the success of the mission during Operation Ivy Mass and Annual Training FY 2024.

SPC Rice assisted in the maintenance on over 200 direct support jobs. SPC Rice technical proficiency assisted in saving the National Training Center and the Army over $300,000 in parts and labor by troubleshooting and repairing components, as opposed to replacing major assemblies. His efforts greatly impacted the ability of rotational unit's to conduct world class training as well as training with foreign military components in preparation for upcoming deployments.

SGT sonso conducted over 200 technical inspections and unscheduled maintenance on an entire fleet of engineer equipment. His sucessful training exercise support and rigorous work ethic resulted in 12 Soldiers being well trained, attaining enhanced knowledge in their MOS, and being confident in all tasks and missions. SGT sonso showed excellent leadership skills and superior technical knowledge, ensuring the battalion readiness rate remained above 95% during his service with the unit.

SPC Hend was among the few in the Cold Steel Company that was allotted to work with a seven hundred million dollar piece of equipment. He made it his own mission to perform the vital checks on the crew system every time anyone in the company left for a route clearance mission. With his skilled and faithfulness to his warrior companions he allowed over two hundred route clearance mission to come back without any remote initiated improvise explosive device to detonate.

SPC Doe was given the complex task to replace both tail wheel bonded washers on a UH-60A tail wheel yoke. SPC Doe started the complex repair during winter like conditions at Vagabond Airfield in Yakima Training center. With loosely defined instructions SPC Doe attacked the repair task with vigor and ingenuity. Using a hair dryer, Honda generator and a poncho SPC Doe made sure that the parts were warmed up enough for the glue to cure properly. Thru his efforts the helicopter was repaired and returned to service ahead of schedule.


SGT --- fulfilled the duties of -Unit- Safety NCO from --- 20xx through --- 20xx. He was charged with ensuring the safety of more than -- personnel and $-- million in equipment and supplies within the facility. During the successful performance of his duties, SGT --- maintained a 100 percent free accident record contributing to the unit accident-free running total of -- days.

Combat Arms

PFC Tomsich exhibited technical and tactical proficiency as an integral member of the lane marking team for multiple breaches during EQTs. His efforts and attention to detail allowed for successful marking of various dozer breach lanes, ABV breach lanes, as well as dismounted breach lanes. Through his execution, he was able to contribute to the success of the Platoon's completion of all breaches, as well as allowing for the successful assault of Infantry Platoons.

SGT Kaye served honorably while assigned to Havoc Company, 1st Battalion, 66th Armor Regiment from August 2020 to August 2023. He served in Cutthroat Company as an M240 Gunner and as the platoon armorer. During this time frame, he conducted seven Live Fire Exercises (LFX), four Situational Training Exercises (STX), and one National Training Center rotation. SGT Kaye was selected over nine Soldiers to serve in Havoc Company as a Sniper Team Leader.


Soldier's efforts resulted in over 10,000 room-nights of occupation in the AA, a 94% occupancy rate. The AA distributed nearly $35,000 worth of supplies and managed a fleet of short term rentals that covered over 3000 miles without incident or accident. During this time the 1-119th was called twice to SAD in which MAJ Mason played a crucial role in communicating with the BN the 272d RSG and JFHQ capabilities of the battalion while maintaining current COVID operations within the AA.

Daily operation of the battalion did not cease. Soldier continued to perform the role of BN XO ensuring maintenance and logistics concerns of the 1-119th were addressed. His efforts enabled the staff to provide timely and accurate information to develop COAs in support of MTOE training as directed by the ATAG and in support of the TAG guidance to support Northern Strike 20. The battalion also was able to improve OR rate to 98% and to clear over 90 pieces totaling $2,667,000 of excess equipment.

Made daily coordinations with several Task Forces, increasing interface between middle managers and senior leadership. This dramatically improved operational awareness of the deploying and redeploying of 300 Soldiers, procuring and size testing of vital PPE for 28 COVID Test Teams and planning for and scheduling with civilian providers COVID testing for Soldiers. Soldier's communication skills and planning was the singular vital element in the execution of the mission.

Due to his professionalism and unlimited leadership potential, Soldier was selected to serve as Assembly Area Lugnuts OIC, serving with distinction, honor, and commitment from 20200501 thru 20200717 in support of the State of Michigan's response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Soldier provided Subject Matter Expertise, oversight, and supervision of all operations and logistical efforts of the Assembly Area used to stage 200 Soldiers fighting the pandemic while directly supervising 24 Soldiers.

Quickly responded and stood poised as the Michigan Army National Guard's Rapid Reaction Force to support civil authorities during the civil disturbances occurring in numerus communities throughout the State of Michigan from xx June thru xx June 2020. Solider trained and prepared to assist law enforcement authorities in duties outside of their MOS with protecting lives, property of citizens of our state and their right to peacefully protest. Mobilized into the city of Kalamazoo and augmented with State and local Law Enforcement to assist in maintaining peace and safeguarding the community impacted by nonpeaceful protests.

During Operation Enduring Freedom, SPC Berdan continuously volunteered to work above and beyond his peers during his down time to ensure the Platoons Howitzers were fully mission capable. SPC Berdan continuously took initiative to ensure his gun and radios were fully mission capable with little to no guidance. SPC Berdan contributed to the platoon by maintaining a 100% operational readiness.

During JRTC rotation 10-10 SPC Mitchell set himself apart from his peers by going above and beyond what was expected. As a lower enlisted soldier in the Mortar Section SPC Mitchell consistantly carried out his tasks in a very proficient manner and not only met the standards set forth by the Mortar Section but exceeded them.

Spc Doe advanced to the position of team leader as C co. 2-28 Spartans conducted operation Saber Dawn in Bulgaria wich consisted of rigorous training and mission lanes in the mountains of Bulgaria. During this time not only did he support his team and help to make sure they were physically and mentally healthy, but also served as a shining example in which his squad had performed a "knock out a bunker" lane to show the outstanding and unwavering motivation and dedication the squad had to their professional performance for General Hamm.


SPC SO&SO set himself apart from his peers by attending, CLS, CWLC, and DEA Basic Course Course. His commitment to the mission, as well as his own self improvement, set the example for fellow Soldiers to emulate.

SPC McQueen continued to sustain a high standard for herself as she strived for self improvement. She attended college at University of Maryland and Central Texas College completing 42 college credits and maintaining a GPA of 3.0. SPC McQueen's influential initiative motivated other members in her section to continue their college education.

Driver/Motor Transport Operator

His expertise and knowledge as a Fuel Equipment Operator, while serving as a drivers training monitor in conjunction with the company Master Driver has been instrumental in the company's mission accomplishment.

SPC Carter distinguished himself by his exceptional conduct in transporting over 50 tons of ammunition and other class VII supplies as a Motor Transport Operator during the Yakima Training Center Japanese CALFEX exercise in September 2010. His unwavering skill significantly contributed to the success of his unit's mission. His dedication and contribution to the success of the mission received praise from the Japanese General.

His expertise and knowledge as a Heavy equipment operator has being instrumental to the company's readiness, while serving as a drivers training monitor in conjunction with the company Master Driver.

PFC Baez served as the S1 section driver during NTC 24-11. While originally designated as the S1's driver, he drove the HHC First Sergeant to the Battalion LOGPACs into the morning hours throughout the rotation, often while his peers slept. Although PFC Baez had just received his civilian driver's license earlier that year, he demonstrated skillful and safe driving over uneven terrain under limited visibility and on short notice. He also distinguished himself from his peers by his positive attitude and flexibility.

NCO Induction Ceremony

1SG Contra volunteered to coordinate the XXX Brigade Support Battalion Non Commissioned Officer Induction Ceremony. He exemplified all of the leader attributes and competencies during countless hours spent planning, organizing, and communicating with participants in order to make this event a success. His pursuit of excellence and personal involvement in ensuring this time honored tradition was carried out in a remarkable way, is a true testament to his commitment to the unit and the NCO Corps.

Fire Marshall

SPC Blank served as the Fire Marshal on the Primary Care Clinic from Jan 2010 to present. Due to his diligence, there have been no fire safety hazards on the Primary Care Clinic. SPC Blank was in charge of checking all fire extinguishers, checking all exits in the clinic to be sure they were functional and unblocked, monthly checks of expiration dates and functionality of fire extinguishers, and ensuring all fire extinguishers were unobstructed from view.


Deployed as the primary intelligence analyst in support of C Co for SFRE-THA. Produced INTSUM and on demand intelligence briefings to support AOB command team. Developed digital COP and integrated PALANTIR workflow to enable C2 for JTF-IP.

SGT Doe went above and beyond his duties as FO during the Platoon STX following the LFX. SGT Doe memorized all the pictures, names, aliases, physical features, and duty positions of High Value targets (HVTs) given in the order. His rote memorization of HVTs allowed the platoon to detain HVTs during all phases of the Operation, and also allowed for freedom of manuever of the Engineer to the power building in the middle of the hostile crowd. His ability to aid the platoon in all aspects let to mission success.


As Flight Paramedic, SGT Finklang demonstrated superior technical and instructional proficiency by completing a 40-hour block of Combat Life Saver (CLS) instruction for 60 Soldiers, covering critical life-saving techniques. His commitment to excellence resulted in a 100% pass rate, ensuring that every Soldier was fully equipped to execute CLS procedures in operational environments. SGT Finklang's achievement significantly enhances the combat readiness of the unit in preparation for Operation Atlantic Resolve.

SSG LaViers assisted with deploying Brian D. Allgood community hospital to provide superior healthcare to the military community within Korea. SSG LaViers led a team of five civilians and two Soldiers to conduct 100% inventory of over 40K items of accountable property across BDAACH and outlying clinics, which resulted in locating over 150 unaccounted for medical devices required for emergency services worth over $1M. These findings increased safety and compliance with The Joint Commission (TJC).

SSG Vance expertly served as Platoon Sargant and MEDEVAC NCOIC during Talisman Sabre 2023 while working alongside 13 foreign militaries and JPMRC conducting cross-training with the Canadian army on U.S. Army techniques on operating in the arctic environment. Refined MEDEVAC practices for the Army for operations in the arctic during operation Wolf Valkyrie, a Division exercise.

SGT --- served as the TISA section NCOIC while assigned to --- Branch; she was directly responsible for 3 Soldiers and personally inspected -- million dollars worth of subsistence. She was responsible for the food safety, security, and quality assurance programs in support of -- DFACs, -- AAFES facilities, and -- MWR facilities totaling ---- facility inspections. SGT --- effectively managed all aspects of food safety operations without mission failure and zero food related incidents.

SPC House, with his FLA crew, assisted Weed Army Community Hospital's Emergency Department during a real world MASCAL. While dropping off a patient, a 9 line MEDEVAC was called for 10 rotational Soldiers to be picked up at an AXP, which was well beyond the capabilities of the Hospital's ambulance section. Upon arrival at the AXP, SPC House aided with triage and treatment. SPC House's efforts led to the rapid transport, early treatment, and positive outcomes for all 10 patients.

SPC XXXXX distinguished himself from his peers by exceptional service as an Emergency Room Medic from November 2015 to January 2017. His skill, competence and medical knowledge played a vital role in providing care to a daily patient census of over 170 patients in the Emergency Department. He played an integral part of the Ambulance Team, responding to and transferring over 100 personnel to hospitals providing outstanding en route medical care saving the Army over $150,000.00 in ambulance transport fees.

SPC XXXXXX expanded his knowledge by being competent in assisting our providers in emergency procedures and successfully trained over 100 Air Force and 25th ID Soldiers, allowing them to receive training certifications. He responded to over 300 Rapid Response Team and Code Blue calls during his tenure. SPC XXXX filled a critical position during two RIMPAC's, he was responsible for triaging critical patients ensuring the highest quality of care and was a vital part of the decontamination team treating over 70 simulated patients.

SPC XXXXXX was selected to serve as the enlisted aide to the Command Sergeant Major of Regional Health Command-Pacific. He created and implemented a driver's checklist for driving VIP's which was included in the TAMC Gate Gaurd brief. SPC Henderson tracked required training and was the Combined Federal Campaign manager for RHC-P Headquarters staff. SPC XXXXXX was recognized multiple times for his attention to detail and professionalism when assisting the leadership of the U.S. Army during their visits to RHC-P.

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