Senior Signal Systems Support NCO
Serves as the Senior Support Systems NCO for the 4th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary); responsible for overseeing the operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of complex battlefield communication systems, including radio networks, satellite communications, and local area networks, across the command and its subordinate units; provides technical expertise to commanders and staff, ensuring signal support readiness, and leads the training and development of junior signal personnel within the unit; responsible for managing the planning and coordination of signal operations, managing network infrastructure, identifying and resolving signal issues, and ensuring compliance with Army communication security protocols, policies and regulations.
Forward Signal Support NCO
Serves as the Forward Signal Support Systems NCO for a Patriot Air Defense Artillery Battery; supervises, installs, maintains, and troubleshoots signal support systems and terminal devices, to include radio, wire, and battlefield automated systems; provides technical assistance and Battery-level training for automation, communication, and user owned and operated signal equipment; disseminates information services policy; prepares maintenance and supply requests for Battery-level signal support; develops and executes communications security management (COMSEC) policies and guidelines within the Battery; operates and performs PMCS on assigned power generators and vehicles; responsible for the health and welfare of three Soldiers and their families.
25U Training Developer
Serves as a Writer/ Instructor for Signal Training Operation Development Training Education Developer (STOD TED);analyzes, develops, implements, and evaluates training products for institutional and organizational environments; continually updates lesson plans, equipment, facilities, and publications in the Training Development Capability (TDC); assists with Course Administrative Data (CAD) and Training Requirements (TRAS) documents; conducts classroom observations and course validations; plans and coordinates Critical Task Site Selection Board (CTSSB); recommends changes to the Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP) and Field Manuals (FM); revises Programs of Instruction ( POI) for MOS.
25U20/Signal Support Systems NCO
Serves as the primary Signal Support Systems NCO for the Battalion; provides signal support to nine subordinate companies comprised of over 1,200 Soldiers; supervises, plans and executes the installation, operation, and maintenance of all signal support systems to include all mission command systems; responsible for training personnel in the installation, operation, and maintenance of SINGARS, ASIP and associated line of site equipment and BFT Command and Control systems; directs unit signal training and provides technical advice and assistance; develops and executes communications security management (COMSEC) policies and guidelines within the Battalion; responsible for the health and welfare of two Soldiers and their families.
25U20 DIVISION SIS Retrans Team Chief
Plans, supervises, and integrates the installation, operation, and maintenance of Combat Net Radio (CNR), to include radio, Division Level Retransmission (RETRANS) and Blue Force Trackers (JCR); plans and provides unit level training for CNR and Signal support equipment; assists in Observer Controller (OC) installation and verification of CNR in support of Division Exercise-Evaluations; plans, supervises and executes RETRANS team deployments; prepares maintenance and supply requests for unit level signal support; responsible for the health and welfare, mentorship and training of six Soldiers.
NCOIC of S-6 section of BSTB
Responsible for all matters concerning signal operations, automation Information management, network management, and information security. Supervises and plans the installation, operation, and maintenance of the signal support systems and network integration using radio, wired and battlefield automated systems. Plans for the unit level training in all signal skills and develops and implements unit level signal maintenance programs; monitors maintenance and supply requests for unit level signal support, provides technical advice and assistance to commanders. Primary Information Management NCO and Telephone Control Manager. Maintains accountability for equipment valued at over $1,000,000. Responsible for the health, welfare and morale of 5 soldiers and their families.
Shop Foreman
Shop Foreman of a Forward Direct Support Communications Electronics repair facility. Supervises and trains 12 soldiers who are performing repairs and modifications on computers and other data devices, single channel ground and airborne radio systems, tacfire radar, telephone and wire equipment, night vision sights, and other special electronic devices, responsible for training and directing the set-up and operation of mobile facilities in combat and training environments.
25U Signal Support Specialist
Supervises, plans and executes the installation, operation, and maintenance of all signal support systems to include local area and wide area networks and routers; responsible for network integration using radio, wire, satellite and battlefield automated systems; directs unit signal training and provides technical advice and assistance; develops and executes communications security management (COMSEC) policies and guidelines within the Battalion; manages automation setup, accountability, distribution and troubleshooting of information systems and devices valued at $653,727 assigned to the battalion; responsible for the training health and welfare of five Soldiers.
25U Signal Support Systems Specialist
Plans, supervises, and integrates the installation, operation, and maintenance of Combat Net Radio (CNR), to include radio, wire and battlefield automated systems and Blue Force Trackers (BFT); plans and provides unit level training for automation and communications systems and Signal support equipment; assists in staff supervision of information services; plans, supervises and executes unit level maintenance programs for user owned and operated signal equipment; prepares maintenance and supply requests for unit level signal support; responsible for the health and wealfare, mentorship and training of five Soldiers.
25U Maintenance NCO
Performs senior operator duties and unit level maintenance functions; resposnsible for training personnel in the installation, operation, and maintenance of SINGARS, ASIP and associated line of site equipment and BFT Command and Control systems; accountable for the supervision, health and welfare of five Soldiers.
Forward Signal Support NCO
Supervises, installs, maintains, and troubleshoots Signal Support Systems and terminal devices, to include radio, wire, and battlefield automated systems; provides technical assistance and unit level training for automation, communication, and user owned and operated Signal equipment; disseminates information services policy; prepares maintenance and supply requests for unit level Signal support; operates and performs PMCS on assigned vehicles; operates and performs PMCS on assigned power generators; responsible for accountability of Soldiers and equipment.
Forward Signal Support NCO
Serves as a Section Chief in a forward deployed Internment and Resettlement Military Police Battalion; responsible for the health, welfare, safety, and personal and professional development of two Soldiers; performs duties as a communications liaison to the Afghan National Army in support of train, advise, and assist mission; ensures proper Communications Security (COMSEC) fills are maintained for three camps; supports the Northwestern Joint Regional Correctional Facility with communications and automations support; assists with the planning, coordination, and execution of communications projects with outside contractors and agencies.
Company Communications NCOIC
Company Communications NCOIC in a Light Infantry Battalion capable of rapid deployment to any location; responsible for the planning, coordination, and execution of all C4I requirements for the Company; assists in the supervision and training of Platoon Radio Communicators; assists in the development, scheduling, coordination and evaluation of all communications training at company level; supervises the installation, operation, and maintenance of all communications equipment; monitors the status of all communications equipment; monitors the status of all communications equipment in support maintenance and maintains TAMMS records.
Serves as the S6 for the Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 25th ID comprised of over 900 personnel; responsible for the morale, welfare, training and professional development of a Battalion S6 section comprised of one NCO and six Soldiers; Senior advisor to the BN Commander for all signal related matters; supervises the tactical communications and automated Help Desk support to the Battalion Command team, Staff sections and six Divisional General Staff sections; accountable for the security, care and maintenance of sub-handreceipted and tactical communications equipment valued in excess of $2,000,000.
Senior Signal Support Systems NCO 25U20
Serves as the Senior Signal Support Systems/Retransmission Team Chief in a Division Special Troops Battalion; supervises and integrates the installation, operation and maintenance of signal support systems, to include Command Post Platform (CPP), radio, wire, cable and battlefield automated systems; plans and provides training and support for the Divisions local area networks which service over 10,000 users; assists in staff supervision of information network security and Army Information Assurance policies; responsible for the morale, welfare and professional development of one Soldier and equipment worth in excess of $250,000.
Forward Signal Support NCO
Serves as a Forward Signal Support NCO in a 155mm (Paladin) Battalion; performs senior operator duties and unit level maintenance functions; resposnsible for training personnel in the installation, operation, and maintenance of SINGARS, ASIP and associated line of site equipment; and BFT Command and Control systems; accountable for the supervision, health and welfare of five Soldiers.
Signal Support Systems Specialist
Supervise, plan and executes the installation, operation, and maintenance of all signal support systems to include local area and wide area networks and routers; responsible for network integration using radio, wire, satellite and battlefield automated systems; direct unit signal training and provides technical advice and assistance; develops and executes communications security management (COMSEC) policies and guidelines within the Battalion; manages automation setup, accountability, distribution and troubleshooting of information systems and devices valued at $653,727 assigned to the battalion; responsible for the training health and welfare of five Soldiers.
Signal Support Systems Specialist
Plans, supervises, and integrates the installation, operation, and maintenance of Combat Net Radio (CNR), to include radio, wire and battlefield automated systems and Blue Force Trackers (BFT). Plans and provide unit level training for automation and communications systems and Signal support equipment. Assist in staff supervision of information services. Plans, supervises and executes unit level maintenance programs for user owned and operated signal equipment. Prepares maintenance and supply requests for unit level signal support. Responsible for the health and wealthfare, mentorship and training of two Soldiers.
25U3O Forward Signal Support NCO
Serves as a Forward Signal Support NCO in a 155mm (Paladin) Battalion; performs senior operator duties and unit level maintenance functions; resposnsible for training personnel in the installation, operation, and maintenance of SINGARS, ASIP and associated line of site equipment; and BFT Command and Control systems; accountable for the supervision, health and welfare of five Soldiers
25U2O Infantry Platoon RTO (non-leadership)
Expert in radio procedures, report formats such as close combat attack, call for indirect fire, medical evacuation; proficient with field expedient antennas; maintains communication with company headquarters; informs the platoon leader and reestablishes communication if communication with the platoon's next higher element is lost; conducts radio checks with higher according to unit SOP when in a static position; preserves frequencies and call signs on his person in a location known to all Soldiers in the platoon; assists with information management and the employment of digital mission command systems; determines combat load prior to operations and manages battery utilization during operations.

25U Duty Description
Major Duties: The Signal Support Systems Specialist supervises, installs, employs, maintains, troubleshoots, and assists users with battlefield Signal support systems and terminal devices; integrates Signal systems and networks; performs unit level maintenance on authorized Signal equipment and associated electronic devices; trains and provides technical assistance to users of Signal equipment; and operates and performs prevent maintenance checks and service (PMCS) on assigned vehicles and power generators.
Duties for MOS 25U at each level of skill are:
Skill Levels
o Skill Level 1 MOSC 25U1O. Installs, maintains, and troubleshoots Signal support equipment and terminal devices. Installs, operates, and maintains designated radio and data distribution systems. Maintains selected electronic devices. Performs Signal support functions, to include providing technical assistance and training for user owned and operated automation and communications equipment. Prepares maintenance and supply requests for unit level Signal support. Operates and performs PMCS on assigned vehicles. Install, operates, and performs PMCS on power generators.
o Skill Level 2 MOSC 25U2O. Supervises, installs, maintains, and troubleshoots Signal support systems and terminal devices, to include radio, wire, and battlefield automated systems. Provides technical assistance and unit level training for automation, communication, and user owned and operated Signal equipment. Disseminates information services policy. Prepares maintenance and supply requests for unit level Signal support. Operates and performs PMCS on assigned vehicles. Operates and performs PMCS on assigned power generators.
o Skill Level 3 MOSC 25U3O. Plans, supervises, and integrates the installation, operation, and maintenance of Signal support systems, to include radio, wire and battlefield automated systems. Plans and provide unit level training for automation and communications systems and Signal support equipment. Assist in staff supervision of information services. Plans, supervises and executes unit level maintenance programs for Signal equipment. Prepares and integrates Signal operations orders and reports. Requests maintenance and supply replenishment for Signal support operations.
o Skill Level 4 MOSC 25U4O. Supervises, plans, and executes the installation, operation, and maintenance of Signal support systems and network integration using radio, wire, and battlefield automated systems (BAS). Develops and implements unit level Signal maintenance programs. Directs unit Signal training and provides technical advice and assistance to commanders. Develops and executes information services policies and procedures for supported organizations. Coordinates external Signal support mission requirements. Prepares and implements Signal operations orders and reports. Plans and requests Signal logistics support for unit level operations and maintenance.
o Skill Level 5 MOSC 25U5O. Supervises, plans, and integrates the installation, employment, and maintenance of Signal support systems, to include radio, wire, and battlefield automated systems. Develops Staff information services policy and procedures. Establishes unit Signal maintenance programs, policies, and procedures. Plans and conducts Division, Brigade, and Battalion Signal support operations and user owned and operated Signal equipment training. Provides technical advice and assistance to commanders and subordinate units. Coordinates Signal activities with higher, lower, and adjacent headquarters. Performs Signal staff functions, and develops Signal policies and battlefield integration plans in support of Division, Brigade, and Battalion Signal operations. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. The signal support systems specialist must possess the following qualifications:
(1) Physical Demands Rating: moderately heavy
(2) Physical Profile: 111221
(3) Normal color vision.
(4) Minimum score of 95 in aptitude area SC and EL.
(5) A security clearance of SECRET.
(6) A U.S. citizen.
(7) Formal training (completion of MOS 25U course conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Army Signal School) mandatory or waiver granted by Commandant, USASIGC.
MOS 25U was known as 31U before fiscal year 2005. The major duties, physical demands, physical profile, and skill levels were obtained from Army Pamphlet 611-21.