Signal Support Specialist
NCOER Bullets

o volunteered to validate an operations node prior to the mission, ensured baseband configurations were correct in order for other nodes to communicate

o helped evaluate six additional nodes supporting other cells to validate their SNN equipment

o led his team to validate data and VOIP services for both communication enclaves prior to mission; facilitated seamless and successful communications

o trained soldiers on how to troubleshoot the baseband side of the Scalable Network Node (SNN) to increase their proficiency

o worked beyond her pay grade to ensure successful flight operations

o has shown excellence in not just one, but two MOS's during the training period

o set the example in personal development and mentorship of his fellow soldiers

Communications NCO

o served as Communications Sergeant for a psychological operations unit; set up OE-254/GRC ground antennas, SINGARS, and MBITRs for 60 soldiers; ensured continuous secure communications

o troubleshot and restored a communication network in the mobile command group vehicle; enabled the mobile command group to achieve all 3 mission sets for the duration of Marne focus

o created relevant communications solutions for three separate battalions' assets within a 48 hour window; provided the reins of command

o contributed to the establishment of the 2d MDTF and 2d MDEB from the activation of both units and taught several LOS/BLOS radio classes to Banshee Co and sister units

o provided communication support to the foward support company

o personally designed a telecommunication network which included a secure net for secret email transfer of information, tactical mission planning, and reporting

o trained Soldiers from 2/142 Field Artillery on JBC-P and radio operations

o configured and established radio communications in upwards of countless vehicles

o trained over 20 RTO's and S6 personnel on BN communications systems and maintained the communications readiness of countless vehicles in the BN.

Signal Support Specialist

o configured and established radio communications in 12 vehicles

o installed and maintained two battalion-level retrans stations

o replaced all NIPR and SIPR cable and punched down and reran 200 pair copper in NetCom

o instructed peers and developed checklists for restoring the comm equipment and surveillance cameras in the BDE TOC after power failures

o trained Soldiers from 625th Signal Network Support on VOIP phone operation, enhancing combat readiness

o provided communication support to the foward support company

o ensured the staff had constant access to computers, printers, and network shared folders

o ensured the VTC was always operational and ready for briefings

o reconfigured blue force tracker roles

o configured and established a remote network using a VSAT in support of the Medical Wing's Emergency JOC deployment plan

o anticipated comm interruptions and ensured the Automated Net Control Device (ANCD) was updated with current and future crypto for comsec change over

o trained over 100 Rangers on multiple communications equipment which helped the unit communicate more effectively

o taught the Soldiers in the 512th how to load the radios with an SKL (Simple Key Loader); reduced mx calls by 50%

o maintained, tested, and issued communication equipment and AN/PRC-5D, AN/PRC-148, and AN/PRC-150 radio systems

o provided critical technical support to ensure successful NET/Fielding for the 136th MEB

o trained 26 Soldiers on battery charging and maintenance on the ANCD and Blue Force Tracker

o set up the 3-156 Battalion TAC and enabled communication with soldiers in the field

o ran and terminated all tactical fiber cables from the JNN to the brigade TOC

o maintained accountability for 123 items of radio equipment resulting in total equipment recovery at exercise completion

o organized Thales and Harris radio operation and maintenance classes for the Signal Support Systems Specialists in the S6 shop

o supported the entire Battalion and attached units during the COMSEC change over

o assisted in the maintenance and operation of the JNN Shelter equipment valued at over $1,000,000

Establishing SATCOM link in the Field

Retrans Team Member

o set up the OE-254 system during the FTX setup, operation, and tear down of the retransmission site; allowed the Operations cell to communicate with the Radar section to ensure round tracking was a success

o served as part of the ADVON for the unit's JRTC rotation, enabling safe preparation, shipment, and offloading of 16 vehicles, 15 trailers, and two equipment connexes

o participated in 4 YTC rotations, 2 NTC rotations, and a deployment to Afghanistan in support of OEF

o trained over 20 RTO's and S6 personnel on BN communications systems and maintained the communications readiness of countless vehicles in the BN

o his dedication and expertise in his MOS set him apart in the Bn, gaining the trust and respect of peers and leadership

Section Chief

o coordinated and provided allied and partner nations with an effective communications plan during (operation name) 17

o managed a section through five major training events; logged over 5,0000 hours of upper and lower tactical internet connectivity

o coordinated with (agency) to conduct the first Security + class on (location); resulted in 15 personnel certified

o planned COMSEC support for Division MCE and non-organic lateral units; enabled units to accomplish their missions

o led the revision of the unit's TACSOP, contributing to a successful increase of signal Soldiers being network administrator

o developed an automations tracker used by all battalions within the brigade to report computer quantities, locations and status

o enforced policy and procedure to ensure 100% success for TACSAT communications for 4CAB altitude mountain training

o supervised the WIN-T End of Life cycle and validation ensuring 100% completion of all systems throughout the Brigade

o shared knowledge of time he spent as a company communication representative to five junior Soldiers to help them to prepare for the next level in their career

o inspected and turned in 134 AN/PSN-13 (DAGR) for repair and upgrades; upgraded and returned to Troops ready to complete any mission

o previous NET fielding experience significantly impacted the Battalion's overall implementation rate

o found many deficiencies in equipment and worked closely with the adjacent units to correct or put parts on order to repair equipment

Radio Retransmission Supervisor

o implemented critical field training on the AN/PRC-155 and 154 radios; increased communications proficiency for the battalion by 85% during JRTC rotation 14-10

o coordinated and conducted training for non CMF Soldiers on new CS-14 equipment resulting in over 20 Soldiers being proficient on new equipment

o cross-trained three non CMF 25U on utilization of the Joint Tactical Network Toolkit (JTNT)

o functioned as a spectrum manager during JRTC rotation 14-10; utilized mission planner and JTNT/ JENIM software to increase CS-14 capabilities across the battalion

o quickly adapted to his/her new MOS of 25U from an infantry MOS of 11B

o coordinated over 280 VTCs which supported the medical missions within Afghanistan

o his invaluable experience played a vital role in the Brigade's success during CCMRF; ensured the Brigade had reliable reach-back communications

RETRANS Team Chief

o instrumental in the creation of the Signal maintenance SOP; increased signal Soldiers knowledge on proper maintenance process

o inspected and turned in over 100 pieces of commo equipment for repair and upgrades; upgraded and returned to Troops ready to complete any mission

o deployed one RETRANS teams during NTC Rotation; provided the unit with long-range FM communications during operations

o mentored three Signal Support Signal Specialist in advanced MOS task resulting in those Soldiers becoming Forward Support 25U's

o qualified his RETRANS crew during the BDE RETRANS crew training; ensured his Soldier received a first-time go in all training aspects

o established a training program within the squad that increased technician skills and decreased NMC communication equipment by 50%

o organized JCR operator and maintenance classes for six Signal Support Systems Specialists in the S6 shop

Forward Support NCO

o personally designed a telecommunication network which included a secure net for secret email transfer of information, tactical mission planning, and reporting


o conducted cross training of Soldiers from three different communication MOSs to ensure they were competent to conduct any signal mission during combat operations

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