Signals Intelligence Analyst
Duty Descriptions

35N SIGINT Analyst for Army Reserve Element
Serves as a SIGINT Analyst in the Cryptologic Services Group; responsible for analyzing and disseminating relevant information in support of national and tactical level intelligence requirements; uses and maintains analytical tools to assist Task Force intelligence analysts in facilitating collaboration among supporting elements.

NCOIC, U.S. Army Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) section
Serves as NCOIC for the U.S. Army Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) section; responsible for analyzing and disseminating relevant information in support of the U.S. intelligence requirements; develops and maintains analytical tools to assist G2 intelligence analysts in facilitating intelligence collaboration among supporting elements; collates, processes, and disseminates requirements from US, partner nations, coalition, and host nation equities; maintains the current threat situation and key environmental factors in support of operations.

35N30/Intel Support to Information Operations & Cyber
Coordinates and synchronizes the integration of intelligence into information operations, cyber operations, compartmented planning, and special technical operations; functions as US Africa Command (AFRICOM) Intelligence Directorate subject matter expert and technical liaison to the Information Operations division and the Joint Command Cyber Center (JCCC); develops cyber/virtual electronic target folders to identify cyber threats, targets, and trends that impact the joint force commander's decision-making process.

MOS 35N, Signals Intelligence Analyst

Major Duties. The Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Analyst performs and supervises analysis and reporting of intercepted foreign communications and on communications signals at all echelons; produces tactical, operational, and strategic intelligence; assists in the collection management process; produces combat, strategic, and tactical intelligence reports. Duties for MOS 35N at each skill level are:

MOSC 35N10. Analyzes intercepted information to isolate valid foreign intelligence; establishes target identification and operational patterns; identifies, reports, and maintains SIGINT technical data and Electronic Order of Battle (EOB) information; uses technical references to analyze communications and non-communications information; operates automated data processing equipment to access SIGINT collection for processing, exploitation, and dissemination; maintains analytical working aids and databases to support target collection, identification, and location; prepares technical and tactical intelligence reporting to meet intelligence requirements; assists in the emplacement, employment, and recovery of assigned SIGINT equipment.

MOSC 35N20. Performs duties shown in preceding skill level and provides guidance to subordinate Soldiers; performs intermediate analysis of intercepted communications and non communications information; validates SIGINT technical data and EOB information; verifies correlation and fusion of SIGINT data and products; reviews intelligence reports; supervises the emplacement, employment, and recovery of assigned SIGINT equipment.

MOSC 35N30. Performs duties shown in preceding skill level and provides guidance to subordinate Soldiers; performs advanced analysis of intercepted communications and non communications information; validates technical documents and reports; evaluates and releases SIGINT reports; integrates SIGINT requirements into the Information Collection Process.

MOSC 35N40. Performs duties shown in preceding skill levels and provides guidance to subordinate Soldiers; determines mission objectives and priorities based on requirements; manages processing, analysis, and reporting functions; implements operational readiness strategy; supervises and coordinates collection management of supported commands and other agencies; coordinates collection activities with other disciplines; provides guidance on the interpretation of SIGINT information and employment of collection assets.

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