Signals Intelligence Analyst
NCOER Bullets

See also: Air Force Signals Intelligence EPR Bullets

See also: Navy Cryptologic Technician - Collection Evaluations

Counter-Narcoterrorism Analyst

o demonstrated unparalleled analytical prowess in a high stress deployed environment; provided unwavering support for 75 missions in Kandahar province

o contributed to over $2.4M in opioid seizures, 24 HVT apprehensions, and the successful completion of over 65 outside-the-wire missions


o developed a meticulous and detailed tracking system; improved the section's ability to plan for daily mission and exercises

o conducted multiple training events with military police to increase law enforcement abilities across the installation

o leveraged his knowledge of tactical SIGINT to effectively train newly activated SIGINT soldiers in XXX MI BN

SIGINT Analyst

o identified critical intelligence gaps during 1AD WFX 2021; resulted in adjusted tactics and an improvement in mission effectiveness

o selected to instruct a third-party nation's SIGINT element on EUCOM provided SIGINT collection equipment; expanded host nation collection capabilties by 50%

o trained one officer, one NCO, and three Soldiers on processing foreign shipborne threat communications; garnered a unique SIGINT access for the U.S. in the Black Sea

o modernized host nation's existing analytical and reporting processes; improved the partner nation's SIGINT processing, exploitation, and dissemination capability

o developed the orientation and training plan for incoming Military Intelligence war fighters; ensured 100% task coverage and progressive site qualification

o produced a comprehensive training plan which was evaluated during 13 successive iterations; finalized and adopted as the theater standard

o served as the primary instructor for two Mode-1 Ground Signal Terminal Guidance Operator courses

o developed and instructed the Mode-1 curriculum; certified 20 personnel from joint agencies

o researched, produced, and presented a briefing on the potential costs and benefits of a Low Level Voice Intercept team and their equipment

o conducted hands-on training on the required maintenance and deployment of the Wolfhound and PRD-13 man-portable Signals Intelligence System

o completed a variety of MOS-specific training to expand analytic capabilities; increased the number of auditors, certified SIGINT reporters, and team ELINT analytical capabilities

o developed and implemented a tracker that kept the Bn Commander up to date on COVID 19, flu shot, and bi-weekly COVID testing status; enhanced 5th Armored Brigade's readiness

o oversaw Low Level Voice Intercept operations for the 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade

o produced over 100 Intelligence Information Reports; answered Task Force Gunner and Task Force Ready First's Priority Intelligence Requirements

o provided Task Force Commanders with an elevated sense of situational awareness

o deployed the First Brigade Combat Team's SIGINT assets to two Combat Training Center rotations and two multi-echelon field exercises

Signals Intelligence NCOIC

o provided round-the-clock Counter Intelligence for Force Protection and A Co. 325 Military Intelligence Battalion

o identified the location of three weapons caches (13 80mm Russian rockets and 4 anti-tank mines) in Babil Province Iraq

o named numerous individuals known for suspicious activity during Key Leader Engagements to prepare and protect 1st Squadron 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment

o conducted multiple forensics exploitation actions when COS Kalsu received VBIED threat and local nationals were detained at our ECP

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