Medical Logistics Sergeant/USAMMC-SWA
Serves as a Medical Logistics Sergeant for the United States Medical Materiel Center - Southwest Asia (USAMMC-SWA); provides centralized management functions for critical medical items and communication to deployed units throughout the CENTCOM Theater; provides enduring Health Service Support logistics capabilities across the US CENTCOM Area of Responsibility (AOR) to successfully sustain US, DoD, approved coalition forces, and other partner entities; supervises the receipt, inventory management, quality control, inspection, care, segregation and accounting of medical supplies and equipment for the Theater Lead Agent for Medical Materiel (TLAMM).
Forward Support Team NCO
Serves as a Medical Logistician, Forward Support Team in the Army's only Medical Logistics Management Center; provides centralized management for critical medical items and communication to MEDLOG units in CONUS and Theater; analyzes logistical data and provides statistics driven decision making for supported units; provides medical logistics guidance ISO supply chain integration functions across the PACOM and EUCOM AORs; plans and executes medical materiel information systems in support of joint and multinational operations; integrates the supply chain as part of the Single Integrated Medical Logistics Manager; responsible for the health, morale, and welfare of 3 Soldiers and 2 NCOs.
Clinical Operations NCOIC
Serves as the Clinical Operations NCOIC for U.S Army Medical Materiel Center-Southwest Asia (USAAMC-SWA); utilizes Theater Enterprise Wide Logistics System (TEWLS) to facilitate joint coalition forces; responsible for the processing, packing, shipping, receiving and tracking of all controlled CLVIII medical materiel; conducts weekly vault inventories and facilitates monthly Disinterested Officer Inventories; provides CLVIII controlled substance distribution to over 100 customers throughout the CENTCOM area of responsibility in support of Operation Spartan Shield (OSS), Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), and Operation Freedom's Sentinel (OFS).
Medical Logistics Sergeant
Serves as the NCOIC of Shipping and Receiving for the United States Army Medical Materiel Center-South West Asia(USAMMC-SWA); responsible for shipping and distributing functions throughout the CENTCOM AOR; directly responsible for the accountability, safety, training, welfare, morale, and deployment readiness of seven Soldiers; provides direct support to 113 customers in CENTCOM area of responsibility in support of Operation Spartan Shield (OSS, Freedom's Sentinel(OFS), and Inherent Resolve.
Storage NCOIC
Serves as a Medical Logistics Sergeant for the United States Medical Materiel Center - Southwest Asia (USAMMC-SWA); provides centralized management functions for critical medical items ensuring Health Service Support logistics capabilities across the CENTCOM Area of Responsibility (AOR) to successfully sustain US DoD, approved coalition forces, and other partner entities; supervises the receipt, inventory management, quality control, inspection, care, segregation and accounting of Medical supplies and equipment for the Theater Lead Agent for Medical Materiel (TLAMM); directly responsible for the accountability, safety, training, welfare of seven Soldiers ISO Spartan Shield (OSS), Freedom's Sentinel (OFS), and Inherent Resolve (OIR).
Transportation Movement NCOIC
Serves as Transportation Movement NCOIC in support of U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center-South West Asia (USAMMC-SWA); provides centralized transportation management functions for critical medical items to deployed units throughout the CENTCOM Theater; directly responsible for 60% of the Theater Lead Agent for Medical Materiel's CLVIII shipments valued at over $100M while overseeing the vehicle maintenance and transportation management of Personnel and equipment in support of Operation Spartan Shield (OSS), Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), and Operation Freedom's Sentinel (OFS); responsible for the morale and welfare of 5 Soldiers.
Enlisted Advisor
Serves as the principal enlisted advisor to the Chief of Logistics and the Health Center Commander on matters relating to logistics management; provides leadership and direct supervision in support of maintaining, supplying, and equipping RWBAHC, DENTAC, VETCOM and two outlying clinics; primary interface with the clinical and administrative departments within the activity; oversees the training of over 50 Soldiers, civilians and contractors; responsible for the health, welfare and professional development of three NCOs and five junior Soldiers; oversees the managment of a $12 million property book; responsible for a $10,000 hand receipt.
Brigade Medical Supply Office (BMSO) NCOIC
Serves as the NCOIC for a deployed Brigade Medical Supply Office in support of OEF XII, supporting over 4700 joint and coalition forces; plans and staffs current and future operations concerning medical supply and medical maintenance support to over 23 geograpically-dispersed medical units on six Forward Operating Bases; responsible for the requistioning and direct distribution of CLVIII throughout the 3BCT AOR; responsible for the training, professional development, safety, morale, welfare and discipline of three NCO's and three Soldiers; maintains platoon equipment and facilities valued over $1.5 million.
68J Medical Logistics Specialist
Advisor to the Commander pertaining to all medical supply issues within the unit; Performs and supervises the overall requisitioning, receipt, inventory management, storage, preservation, issue, salvage, destruction stock control, quality control, and property management for the unit; Ensures that repair parts management, inspection, packing and shipping, care, segregation and accounting of medical supplies and equipment, are in compliance with regulations; Representative for higher echelons to ensure correct shipments are deployed to outlining areas of operations and calibrations are in accordance with time line mandates.

68J Medical Logistics Specialist
The medical supply specialist performs or supervises requisitioning, receipt, inventory management, storage, preservation, issue, salvage, destruction stock control, quality control, property management, repair parts management, inspection, packing and shipping, care, segregation and accounting of medical supplies and equipment.
MOS 68J - Medical Logistics Specialist
Major Duties. The medical logistics specialist performs or supervises requisitioning, receipt, inventory management, storage, preservation, issue, salvage, destruction stock control, quality control, property management, repair parts management, inspection, packing and shipping, care, segregation, and accounting of medical supplies and equipment. Duties for MOS 68J at each level of skill are:
MOSC 68J10. Performs receipt, storage, issue, packing and shipping, care, inspection, quality control, segregation, inventory control, requisitioning, preservation, salvage, and destruction of medical supplies and equipment.
MOSC 68J20. Performs receipt, packing and shipping, care, inspection, quality control, segregation, inventory control, requisitioning, storage, preservation, issue, salvage, destruction, repair parts management, distribution, supply management, property management, and accounting of medical supplies and equipment.
MOSC 68J30. Supervises small logistics divisions medical supply, stock control, property management or storage activities.
MOSC 68J40. Supervises medium sized logistics division medical supply, stock control, property management, or storage activities.
MOSC 68J50. Supervises large logistics division medical supply, stock control, property management, and storage activity in MTOE/TDA organizations, both CONUS and OCONUS; manages the functional areas pertaining to the specialized and technical materiel and services utilized in support of the health care delivery system; exercises staff responsibility for units engaged in medical supply and service operations and other logistical support; serves as a focal point for medical property management and accountability procedures; advises staff on matters regarding supply and services support and other medical logistical functions; as a materiel manager, develops, coordinates, and supervises the supply support portion of an integrated logistics support plan.