Medical Logistics Specialist
NCOER Bullets

See also: Air Force Medical Materiel Specialist EPR Bullets

o built trauma and ATLS push packs and sent them off to places around the CJOA; improved readines at EAB and Al Asad Air Base (AAAB)

o served as Instructor; his instruction was crucial to the success of Individual Weapons Qualification, Table II EST2000

o conducted Convoy Operations during 424 MMB'S FTX; traveled over 750 miles without injury or loss of military equipment

o set up and operated the Portable Oxygen Generator (POG); refilled the entire emergency stock of 29 oxygen tanks and restored medical readiness

o established control points and supported forces and gate personnel on Camp Casey, Market, and Yongsan with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), thermometers, and refreshments

o established and supplied quarantine barracks for sick personnel; provided efficient COVID 19 response measures within the BDE and Division despite numerous obstacles

o ensured supplies and equipment were tracked and delivered to ensure optimum care

o improved medical capabilities and the quality of healthcare in TF Med-East

o his dedication to the mission was indispensable to the FST's overall success

o provided DMLSS and DCAM training to over 25 Soldiers and civilian employees, enhancing their ability to order Class VIII supply

o assisted in the automation of five departments with the OMNICELL system, enhancing the inventory management of medical supplies throughout

o coordinated the processing and delivery of $150,000 worth of medical supplies

Inventorying Medicine

o displayed a high level of technical competence during the integration of the new Defense Financial Integrated System Services (DFISS)

o served as the supervisor for the patient medical supply section with over 60 lines of routine supplies

o consistently developed new ways to improve customer service within the hospital

o efficiently processed and distributed over 200 lines of medical supplies valued at $250K throuhought the hospital weekly

o enforced workplace safety resulting in zero safety incidents during the rated period

o received and delivered about 40 commercial packages throughout the hospital per day

o a key player for the Material Branch in its successful pass rate of 99% compliancy during CLRP inspection

Operations Sergeant

o received, maintained, and disseminated CUOPS information to all members; facilitated up to the minute situational awareness and readiness

o served as Battle NCO during Pacific Medic Focus; also assisted mock Boards and multiple Additional Duties as Armorer and Unit Prevention Leader (UPL)

o corrected the unit's supply system; began receiving a variety of critical dental supplies that were previously backlogged and reducing dental access


o advised Medical Supply Officer in requesting, receiving and disseminating units' Medical Chemical Defense Materiel in preparation for deployment to OEF

o synchronized the consistent delivery of over 25,000 lines of medical supplies valued in excess of $8 million

o procured an Expeditionary Deployable Oxygen Concentration System decreasing oxygen ressupply from two weeks to less than 72 hours

o increased the authorized stockage list from 334 to 430 lines of Class VIII in order to better support over 40 Battalion Aid Stations

o motivated seven Soldiers including self to complete a total of 10 college courses an over 6000 hours in correspondence courses

o supervised medical maintenance section sustaining an operational readiness level of 95-97% during OEF XII

o coordinated range training with Special Forces to ensure 12 Soldiers qualfied on their assigned weapon resulting in nine Expert Shooters and three Sharp Shooters

o personally coached and mentored one of his Soldiers to compete and win the Battalion Soldier of the Month Board

o directly responsible for training his Soldiers on the wartime mission by identifying perishable METL task; which helped improve their combat readiness

o coordinated CPR, CLS, and Field Sanitation Courses for BMSO resulting in certification of all assigned Soldiers

o applied his 15 years of experience and previous combat experience to enhance his section's combat capabilities

o advised BCT Surgeon Cell in turn-in, destruction, and accountability of Medical Chemical Defense Materiel in preparation for pre and redeployment of OEF XII

o coordinated a unique intra-theatre transit of CLVIII; ensured rapid distribution and delivery of critical life-saving products

o made Composite Risk Management a top priority when dealing with all operations assigned significantly impacting the overall safety of his section

GTMO Warehouse Specialist

o moved medical equipment valued at more than $1,500,000 on four occasions; these movements directly supported the JTF's humane, care and custody mission

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