Transportation Senior Sergeant
Duty Descriptions

Senior Truckmaster
Serves as a Truck Master in a Transportation Company consisting of over 170 soldiers; responsible for emplacing and enforcing safety and environmental standards within the motor pool; responsible for the Drivers Training Program, health, welfare, professional development, safety, tactical and technical competence, and morale of the Soldiers.

88Z5O Senior Transportation Supervisor
Operations Center NCOIC for a forward stationed Transportation Brigade responsible for tracking strategic deployment, redeployment, retrograde, and sustainment ISO Operations Enduring Freedom and Spartan Shield; facilitates information flow with HQ SDDC, 1st TSC, and USC-7/multi-modal carriers to provide accurate ITV on the PAKGLOC, the NDN, and multi-modal Air Lines of Communication; responsible for the QA of the daily OPSUM that provides a synchronized picture of the brigade's efforts that facilitate strategic level decisions for USFOR-A and CENTCOM; responsible for the training of seven Officers, one Warrant Officer, 11 NCOs, and one junior enlisted; Brigade SARC responsible for the SHARP program that covers 375 Soldiers and Civilians stationed in eight host nations.

Serves as the senior enlisted advisor to the commander of the National Training Center Movement Control Company at three distinct operational sites in support of NTC; responsible for the health, welfare, training, administration, professional development, accountability, safety, morale, and mentoring of 21 Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs), 26 Soldiers, and their Family members; ensures all Soldiers in the company are trained and proficient in warrior tasks and drills; assists the commander in planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities that support the unit's mission; accountable for the maintenance and serviceability of more than $3,000,000 worth of equipment.

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