Transportation Senior Sergeant

Transportation Senior Sergeant

MSG Steve set the example for the organization, working numerous hours during evenings and weekends. He managed daily operations and augmented training function by demonstrating 10K ATLAS operation and safety to ensure the safe transportation of equipment and supplies from the Rail Operations Center to various 1st Calvary Division (CAV DIV) sites in support of the 1ST CAV DIV redeployment.

He maintained, without loss, an extensive list of property, including M1088 A1s, M871 A1/A3 trailers, M998s, M1078s, M10Ks, M6Ks, Refer Vans, Conexes, Quad cons, and Individual Storage Units, dispersed over several facilities and coordinated an accumulation of over 10,000 movement miles and moved more than 300 containers without accidents.

His strong emphasis on safety resulted in zero accidents and incidents throughout his tenure. His efforts helped the 13th Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) provide critical equipment for deploying and returning units on or ahead of schedule and expedited the return of the equipment for the fight against the enemy in the war on terrorism.

MSG Steve's exceptional leadership in training and mentorship of M1088/M871A3 Trailer drivers resulted in the unit achieving over 310 successful Class I Refer Van support missions to numerous units throughout III Corps, logging over 24,500 accident-free miles and delivering Class I valued at over $2.5 million. His analysis and coordination with other unit leaders resulted in the successful relocation and consolidation of the 553rd Combat Service Support Battalion (CSSB) and 180th Transportation Battalion motor pools which increased available support staff and resources while reducing overall personnel requirements.

SFC Myers successfully submitted and tracked all Transportation Movement Requests (TMR) for two battalion movements from Camp Taji in support of Operation Wildcat

SFC Myers deployed to Afghanistan in support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM

SFC Myers provided support for the entire Supply and Services branch, freed the S&S branch to support the build-up of the CJOA-A, multiplied mission capability of JSC-A

SFC Myers' efforts were instrumental in the deployment of 14 Brigade Combat Teams and made possible a safe and expedient forward movement

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