Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
Performs duties assigned in preceding skill level, supervises and provides technical guidance to lower grade Soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties; conducts in-process inspection/troubleshooting procedures during repair and overhaul of engines, transmissions and power train major assemblies and components, hydraulic systems and fuel system components; supervises recovery team performance of wheeled vehicle recovery operations.
Performs field level maintenance on automotive wheeled vehicles; wheeled vehicle operations; introduction to troubleshooting; fuel system maintenance; electrical system maintenance; power train maintenance; chassis, suspension, and steering maintenance; brake maintenance; preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS); common maintenance subjects; TMDE; publications; maintenance forms; use and care of tools/power tools; shop safety; maintenance discipline; information systems security; physical fitness; use of Soldier's Manual and 40 warrior tasks and 9 battle drills
Maintains wheeled vehicles, their associated trailers and material handling equipment systems by inspections, servicing, maintaining, repairing, replacing, adjusting, and testing parts and systems; responsible for maintenance support for 6 vehicles valued at $775,834; also responsible for the use and readiness of two general mechanic's toolkits and a Standard Automotive Tool Set (SATS) Trailer with a total value of $220,830; when necessary leads Company vehicle recovery operations.
Responsible for the maintenance of 25 wheeled vehicles and 15 generators worth over $1,000,000; supervises, trains, advises, and professionally develops 3 subordinates; performs unit maintenance related administrative functions and supervises preparation of records and reports; plans and organizes work area layout to gain maximum efficiency and productivity; establishes safety procedures and inspects work area for safe physical and environmental factors; supervises on-the-job training.
Serves as a Light Wheel Vehicle Mechanic for a Non-Division Maintenance Company in the Corps Support Battalion at the National Traning Center; provides maintenance support for the unit, nine tenant units, the National Training Center and rotation units regeneration; responsible for training, professional development, welfare, morales, quality of life and discipline of 9 soldiers; responsible for the accountability and serviceability of four pieces of wheeled equipment and seven general mechanic tool kits valued in excess of $600,000.
Serves as a Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic and a Squad Leader on a Combat Repair Team, in support of 2nd Battalion 3rd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division; maintains hazmat, TMDE, unscheduled services, and the Quality Assurance/Quality Control on organizational and direct support maintenance for 74 Strykers, 40 wheeled vehicles, and over 400 pieces of communication and weapon systems; responsible for the serviceability and accountability for over $ 1.6 million worth of tools and equipment; responsible for the health, welfare and professional development of four Soldiers.
Senior Mechanic
Serves as a Senior Mechanic in a Medium Transportation (POL), responsible for the health, welfare, training, discipline and morale of three NCOs and 16 Soldiers; provided supervision and technical guidance to subordinates; organized and performed maintenance on 35 M1088 systems, 6 M1114 HMMWVs; responsible for the accountability and serviceability of the upkeep of one M984A1 HEMMT Wrecker and two Recovery Crews; provided technical expertise for direct support level job repairs.
Senior Mechanic 91B30
Serves as a Senior Mechanic in a Forward Support Company, responsible for the health, welfare, training, discipline and morale of 5 team leaders and 11 Soldiers; provides supervision and technical guidance to subordinates; organizes and performs maintenance on Field Artillery movement vehicles and M777 Howitzers; responsible for the accountability and serviceability of the upkeep of M984A1 HEMMT Wreckers and Service Recovery Crews; provided technical expertise for direct support level job repairs.
Motor Sergeant
Serves as Battalion Motor SGT and is responsible for the 420th MCB Battlion monthly AMSS report and three of their down trace units; serves as the 211th CTC acting supply SGT and unit LIK coordinator; responsible for reports and maintaining scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, repairs and services on over 54 items of equipment consisting of wheeled vehicles, material handling kalmars, generators and light sets, special tools, vehicles, and class IX repair parts; responsible for the overall supervision, training, maintenance, health, and welfare of 3 AGR Soldiers.
Serves as a Motor Sergeant in a brigade support company in support of a battlefield surveillance brigade; primarily responsible for providing field level maintenance to a cavalry squadron and two military intelligence battalions; supervises the maintenance, repairs and services of 600 wheeled vehicles and support equipment; responsible for managing maintenance operations, creating work schedules, attending maintenance and shop safety meetings; supervises the accountability for equipment with a total value of $8,610,566; responsible for the health, welfare, safety, and training of 15 NCOs and 50 Soldiers.
Motor Sergeant for 4th Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment with the mission of worldwide deployment in support of EUCOM contingency missions and combat operations; manages unscheduled maintenance of 224 ground support equipment valued over $12,432,000; directly responsible for the accountability of $141,000 worth of maintenance support equipment; responsible for the self development, training, safety, discipline, health and welfare of 3 Non-Commissioned Officers and 4 Soldiers.
Performs duties as the Battalion Motor Sergeant for the Special Troops Battalion consolidated Motor Pool; responsible for the health, welfare, professional development, training and moral of five Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and five Soldiers; principal duties of ensuring the accomplishment of planning, coordinating, directing, and managing organizational maintenance for scheduled and unscheduled field maintenance for six pacing items and over 500 pieces of reportable equipment; manages The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS), and Shop Stock Listing (SSL.)
Serves as a Motor Sergeant for a forward-deployed, tactical signal company; provides tactical contingency C2 communications to the United States Army Europe (USAREUR), European Command (EUCOM), United States Central Command (CENTCOM) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) missions within the EUCOM and CENTCOM area of responsibility; responsible for the maintenance, and combat mission readiness of government property in excess of $26,000,000; responsible for service, deadline and USR reports as well as overall motor pool effectiveness; responsible for the training, welfare, discipline, combat readiness and development of 13 Soldiers.
Shop Foreman
Serves as Shop Foreman in the Combat Repair Team for the 2nd Cavalry Regiment; Provides scheduled and unscheduled field level maintenance and logostical support for 81 Stryker Combat Vehicles, 32 HMMWV's, 15 Generator, 15 HEMTT's, 34 Trailers, and one M88; Responsible for the health, welfare, training and professional development of 24 Soldiers and four Non-Commissioned Officers; Maintains accountability of assigned vehicles and equipment valued in excess of $2 million dollars.
Serve as a Shop Foreman in a deployable MTOE Military Police Company; provided technical guidance to subordinates performing field and sustainment maintenance on 60 pieces of equipment, material handling and ground support equipment; established priorities, work schedules, supervised work flow, and monitors repair procedures; determined sericeability and disposition of defective assemblies and subassemblies; responsible for the accountability and preservation of MTOE property valued in excess of $ 250,000.
Serves as Shop Foreman in the forward Support Company of an Assault Helicopter Battalion forward deployed in the Republic of Korea; prioritizes DS/GS work orders; performs troubleshooting procedures using diagnostic tools and schematics; provides recovery support to seven companies with over 200 pieces of wheeled vehicle, trailer, power generation and material handling equipment; coordinates tracking of scheduled and unscheduled services, installation of repair parts, Foward Repair System (FRS) organization and shop safety; ensures the training, readiness and professional developement of 4 NCOs and 23 Soldiers; accounts for MTOE valued over $3.5 million.
Serves as shop foreman in a Heavy Brigade Combat Team Support Battalion; Supervised 20 soldiers and 3 NCOs during shop operations on scheduled and unscheduled maintenance tasks, troubleshooting procedures, support maintenance job orders, shop operations and safety; directly responsible for the professional developement of 3 NCOs; accountable for property and assets worth $xxx,xxx
Service and Recovery Section Sergeant
Serves as the Service and Recovery NCOIC for the 703RD Brigade Support Battalion in direct support of the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3RD Infantry Division; supervises the recovery and welding operations; responsible for the individual and collective training, professional development, health, welfare and mentorship of seven NCOs, 13 junior enlisted Soldiers; responsible for coordinating, directing, and managing scheduled and unscheduled field maintenance on two M984A2 HEMTT wreckers, two M1089A1 MTV Wreckers and Shop Equipment Welding Trailer; maintains and accounts for tools and equipment in excess of $4,000,000.
Serves as the Service and Recovery Section Sergeant for 1-67 Combined Arms Battalion; responsible for the accountability, training, safety, morale, and the welfare of 20 Soldiers; provides expertise on troubleshooting, isolating, repairing malfunctions, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance on four M88A2 Recovery Vehicles, two M984 wreckers and one M1089; signed for over $1,000,000 worth of equipment.
Technical Inspector
Maintains quality standards by approving incoming materials, in-process production, and finished products; recording quality results. Approves incoming materials by confirming specifications; conducting visual and measurement tests; rejecting and returning unacceptable materials. Approves in-process production by confirming specifications; conducting visual and measurement tests; communicating required adjustments to production supervisor. Approves finished products by confirming specifications; conducting visual and measurement tests; returning products for re-work; confirming re-work. Documents inspection results by completing reports and logs; summarizing re-work and waste; inputting data into quality database. Keeps measurement equipment operating by following operating instructions; calling for repairs. Maintains safe and healthy work environment by following standards and procedures; complying with legal regulations. Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading technical publications. Accomplishes quality and organization mission by completing related results as needed.

Maintenance Support Operations NCO
Serves as a Maintenance Support Operations NCO for a Special Troops Manuever Support Battalion in support of the 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized); forward deployed to the CENTCOM area of operations; manages The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) and all related logistcal managemnet funtions for seven companies; coordinates the ordering and distribution of Class II, IX, items for five locations; manages repairs and contractor assistance for weaponry, optics, and combat MTOE equipment; manages maintenance for three Route Clearance package, operating in all regional commands of Afghanistan; directly responsible for battle loss/ damage replenishment.
Maintenance Supervisor
Maintenance Supervisor in USAREUR's dual mission Opposing Forces Battalion that deploys in support of NATO's International Security Assistance Force; responsible for the health, welfare, morale, professional development, tactical employment and training of four NCOs and six Soldiers; responsible for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance of 89 M113A2 Armored Personnel Carriers, 101 pieces of rolling stock, ground support and material handling equipment, the battalion welding shop, tools and equipment valued at $9,738,235.
Maintenance Platoon Sergeant
Serves as a Maintenance Platoon Sergeant for Hotel Forward Support Company, 2-30th Infantry Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division; responsible for the health, morale, and welfare of 28 Soldiers, 14 Noncommissioned Officers, and two Commissioned Officers; supervises maintenance of the Battalion's fleet, valued in excess of $46,000,000; enforces safety and environmental protection procedures throughout platoon area.
10-91B. MOS 91B—Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic, CMF 91 (Effective 202210)
a. Major duties. The wheeled vehicle mechanic supervises and performs field level maintenance and recovery operations on light and heavy wheeled vehicles, their associated trailers and material handling equipment (MHE). Duties for MOS 91B at each skill level are:
(1) MOSC 91B1O. Maintains wheeled vehicles, their associated trailers and MHE systems to include: use of applicable references, inspecting, servicing, maintaining, repairing, replacement, adjusting and testing of wheeled vehicles and MHE systems, subsystems and components such as: power plant/packs, compression ignition engines and engine fuel systems, air induction and exhaust systems and cooling systems, vehicle chassis, and powertrain components including frame cross members, clutches assemblies, transmissions, transfers, final drives, propeller shaft assemblies, brake systems, steering systems, suspensions systems, fifth wheel assemblies, wheeled vehicle crane, hoist and winch assemblies, and hydraulic systems; maintains automotive electrical systems including wiring harness and starting and charging systems; performs wheeled vehicle recovery operations.
(2) MOSC 91B2O. Performs duties assigned in preceding skill level; supervises and provides technical guidance to junior grade Soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties; conducts in-process inspection/troubleshooting procedures, during repairs and overhaul of engines, transmissions and power train major assemblies and components, hydraulic system and fuel system components; supervises recovery team performance of wheeled vehicle recovery operations.
(3) MOSC 91B3O. Performs duties assigned in preceding skill level; supervises and provides technical guidance to junior grade Soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties; supervises compliance with shop safety program and use, maintenance and security of hand and shop power tools; supervises and performs diagnostic troubleshooting to determine maintenance repair criteria using Test Measurement Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE); performs equipment classification inspections and annotates and submits appropriate forms and documents; supervises wheeled vehicle recovery operations; performs battlefield damage and assessment and repair (BDAR).