Track Vehicle Repairer
Duty Descriptions

91H Recovery Supervisor
Serves as Recovery Supervisor for a Battlefield Surveillance Brigade in a Forward Support Company; provides technical skills and techniques to recover and repair assets on the battlefield; uses practical methods of recovering, repairing disabled and immobilized vehicles due to terrain, mechanical failures, or hostile actions in a combat or garrison enviroment; performs battle damage assessment and repair/recovery (BDAR/R); provides principles of rigging techniques, and expedient repairs; responsible for training, supervising all lower H8 (ASI) Soldiers on all proper towing, lifting, winching, rigging.

91X40 Motor Sergeant
Performs duties as the Battalion Motor Sergeant for the Special Troops Battalion consolidated Motor Pool; responsible for the health, welfare, professional development, training and morale of five Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and five Soldiers; principal duties of ensuring the accomplishment of planning, coordinating, directing, and managing organizational maintenance for scheduled and unscheduled field maintenance for six pacing items and over 500 pieces of reportable equipment; manages The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS), and Shop Stock Listing (SSL).

Track Vehicle Repairer
Serves as Track Vehicle Repairer in a Forward Support Company in support of a Field Artillery Battalion; performs maintenance on tracked vehicles and coordinates repair of fuel and electrical systems; tests and repairs diesel power plants, engine fuel systems, and air induction systems; repairs air and liquid cooling systems; troubleshoots hull electrical systems and automatic transmission assemblies; services track vehicle cross drive transmission assemblies, transfer assemblies, hydraulic brake systems, and fire suppression systems; maintains forward supply point valued at more than $1,000,000.

MOS 91H - Tracked Vehicle Repairer

Major Duties. The tracked vehicle repairer supervises and performs field level maintenance on tracked vehicles (other than the M1, M2, and M109 family of vehicles). Duties for 91H at each skill level are:

MOSC 91H10. Performs repair of diesel power plants/ packs, compression ignition engine fuel systems, compression ignition air induction systems, vehicle air cooling systems, vehicle liquid cooling systems, tracked hull electrical systems, automatic transmission assemblies, tracked vehicle cross drive transmission assemblies, transfer assemblies, hydraulic brake systems, mechanical/ hydraulic steering systems, tracked vehicle hydraulic assemblies, fire extinguisher/ suppression systems; repairs tracked vehicle using Battlefield Damage Assessment and Repair (BDAR).

MOSC 91H20. Performs duties in preceding skill level, supervises junior grade Soldiers and provides technical guidance to the Soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties.

MOSC 91H30. Performs duties in preceding skill levels, supervises junior grade Soldiers, and provides technical guidance to the Soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties; supervises the repair of fuel systems, fuel system components, electrical systems, electrical system components, diesel engines, cooling systems, transmissions, brake systems, steering systems, hydraulic systems, and auxiliary drives; inspects and troubleshoots tracked vehicle automotive systems and classifies equipment.

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