Petroleum Supply Specialist
Duty Descriptions

See also: Air Force Fuels Management Duty Descriptions

See also: Air Force AFSC 2F0X1 Fuels Duty Descriptions

Tech (POL Logistics)
Serves as a Tech (POL Logistics) for Deployable Communications and Information Systems (CIS) Module-Alpha (DCM-A), 2nd NATO Signal Battalion (2NSB); responsible for the resupply of vehicle and generators fuels, oils, lubricants and operators servicing parts, including to remote tactical activities and equipment readiness; coordinates supply activities and reviews stock records and other documents such as inventory, material control accounting, and supply parts; reviews and verifies quantities received against purchase and shipping documents; responsible for combat readiness.

92A Petroleum Platoon Leader
Platoon Leader responsible for the safety, accountability, health and welfare of a ## Soldier Petroleum platoon, within #######; responsible for the administration, training, planning, and execution of daily operations in order to support commander's intent; supervises the acquisition, testing, surveillance and distribution of Class III bulk petroleum products; supervises the regular and unscheduled maintenance of ## pieces of equipment valued in excess of $# million dollars; responsible for developing and guiding junior leaders and Soldiers within the platoon to ensure the most tactically and technically proficient team possible.

92F Instructor
Prepares, plans and controls MOS courses of instruction; coordinates with Course Manager/ Director of Instruction and Battalion Institutional Training Staff to establish course and class records; provides timely and accurate submission of attendance documentation, academic deficiency notice and course correspondence; provides a complete training schedule 90 days prior to start of class; maintains complete and accurate class records; prepares for accreditation and certifies junior instructors.

Platoon Sergeant
Serves as the Platoon Sergeant within the ###th Quartermaster Company, responsible for the discipline, accountability, and development of 25 Soldiers and 4 NCOs; supervises personnel readiness, maintenance, and utilization of 3 Fuel Tankers, 3 HMMWV and additional equipment valued in excess over $500,000; enforces technical, tactical training standards and unit mission accomplishment.

Petroleum and Ammunition Supply Squad Leader
Serves as a Petroleum and Ammunition Supply squad leader in the Distribution Platoon; supervises four soldiers within the squad; responsible for their health, welfare, counseling, training and professional growth; tracks and controls the distribution and storage of POL/HAZMAT products and environmental protection materials; reports POL/HAZMAT shortages due to use or attrition of the products; maintains records of bulk fuel and supplies IAW state and Federal regulations; meets all safety standards and storage requirements IAW EPA and OSHA regulations; sets up and administers tactical ground fueling training and operations; trains new operators; responsible for the maintenance and operation of two M978-A4 HEMTT tankers and the transport of the M107 Modular Fuel System (MFS).

Senior Joint Logistics NCOIC
Served as a forward deployed Senior Joint Logistics Noncommissioned Officer for Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT) in the Special Operation Command Forward Jordan (SFJ) at the United States Embassy in Amman, Jordan. Provided multi-functional logistical support for the Marine Special Operations Teams (MSOT), Air Force Expeditionary Special Operations Squadron (ESOS), Civil Military Support Element (CMSE) and the Military Information Support Team (MIST).

92F40 Platoon Sergeant
Platoon Sergeant for a Quartermaster Company Platoon with an end strength of 47 Soldiers; responsible for the health, morale, welfare, and professional development of all assigned Soldiers; serves as the senior NCO and advisor to the Platoon Leader; assists the Platoon Leader in planning, coordinating, and supervising all Platoon activities that support the unit's mission to include training, administration, and logistics; provides previous deployment experience to his subordinate leaders.

92F40 Platoon Sergeant
Serves as a Platoon Sergeant in a Distribution Company for the 2-2 ID Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT); responsible for the discipline, accountability, and development of 24 Soldiers and 16 NCOs; supervises personnel readiness, maintenance, and utilization of 14 Truck Fuel Tankers, four Load Handling Systems, five Forward Area Water Point Supply Systems Equipment (FAWPSS),one Tactical Water Purification System (TWPS), and two Lightweight Water Purifiers (LWP)and additional equipment valued in excess over $2,000,000,000; enforces technical, tactical training standards and unit mission accomplishments.

92F40 Platoon Sergeant
Serves as Platoon Sergeant in the class III/V platoon of an AH-64D Attack Helicopter Battalion; responsible for the mentorship, supervision, professional development of eighteen NCO's who are charged with the training, morale and welfare of fifty six Soldiers; supervises the acquisition, testing, surveillance and distribution of Class III bulk petroleum products and requesting, storage and issue of class V munitions to support the Task Force No Mercy thirty one multi-airframe aircrafts; supervised the operation and maintenance of three theater FARPs and other related equipment valued in excess of six million dollars.

Supervises 9 soldiers in the maintenance and operation of POL distribution equipment; responsible for their health, welfare, counseling, training and professional growth; tracks and controls the distribution and storage of POL/HAZMAT products and environmental protection materials; reports POL/HAZMAT shortages due to use or attrition of the products; maintains records of supplies IAW state and Federal regulations; meets all safety standards and storage requirements IAW EPA and OSHA regulations.

92F/Squad Leader
Receives and stocks bulk and package products; issues and dispenses bulk fuels and water from storage and distribution facilities to using units; selects and submits samples to laboratory for testing; performs petroleum and water accounting duties.

92F Petroleum Inventory Control Specialist
Serves as a Petroleum Inventory Control Specialist for Alpha Company, 46th Aviation Support Battallion responsible for all-level sample is taken of all storage facilities and tank vehicles and issue of Class III bulk; maintains records on total petroleum products available; conducts weekly inventories, inspections, proper disposal of used petroleum products; responsible for the health, morale, welfare and professional development of five soldiers

Petroleum Heavy Equipment Operator
Serves as a Petroleum Heavy Equipment Operator in a Palletized Load System (PLS) Medium Truck Company forward deployed to Camp Arifjan Kuwait, in support of Operation New Dawn; responsible for the receipt, transport and issue of Class III bulk and Class IX; conducts weekly inventories, inspections, proper disposal of used petroleum products; performs quarterly training's on OSHA; responsible for the submission of all daily, weekly and monthly reports associated with Field Level Maintenance Operations and the SAMS-1E; maintains 120 lines of Shop Stock; responsible for the health, morale, welfare and professional development of five soldiers.

Squad Leader/92F/92W Training NCO
Served as a Squad Leader in a Fuel and Water Platoon; responsible for the health, welfare, counseling training, and professional growth of 8 Soldiers. Provided retail ground refueling operations and aerial fuel support for COB Basrah, Iraq. Supervised and assisted in operation and maintenance of petroleum equipment to include; seven M978 HEMTTs, fourteen 5000 gallon M969, six M1088 tractors, and five LHS's, valued in excess of $3,365,000.00. As Assistant Training NCO, he develops and maintains all training records; monitors, schedules, and prepares training; assists Soldiers in personnel actions and schedules service school attendance 92F/92W Training NCO

Platoon Sergeant
Served as a Platoon Sergeant in a Distribution Company for the 39th Brigade Support Battalion, 39th Infantry Combat Team (IBCT), responsible for the discipline, accountability, and development of 34 Soldiers and 16 NCOs; supervises personnel readiness, maintenance, and utilization of 14 Truck Fuel Tankers, four Load Handling Systems, one Tactical Water Purification System (TWPS), and two Lightweight Water Purifiers (LWP) and additional equipment valued in excess over $2,000,000,000; enforces technical, tactical training standards and unit mission accomplishments.

Petroleum Heavy Equipment Operator
Served as a Squad Leader in a Distribution Company in the 15th Brigade Support Battalion; primary supporting five Battalions in a Heavy Armored Brigade Combat Team in a rapid deployment division; responsible for the receipt, transport, and issue of Class III (Bulk); supervised responsible for maintenance, accountability, and combat readiness of three M1088 tractors, three M969 5,000 gallon semi-trailers, and two M978 HEMMT fuelers worth in excess of $1 million dollars; responsible for the health, morale, and welfare of one NCO and seven Soldiers

92F20 - Petroleum Heavy Vehicle Operator
Petroleum Heavy Vehicle Operator in the Class III section of an AH-64D Attack Helicopter Battalion's III/V platoon; responsible for the mentorship, training, professional development, morale and welfare of 10 Soldiers; supervises the acquisition, testing, and distribution of Class III bulk petroleum products to support the Task Force's No Mercy 31 multi-airframe aircraft; supervised the operation and maintenance of five 50K collapsible fuel bag three point theater FARP, one prime mover and other related petroleum supply equipment valued in excess of one million dollars.

Serves as a Squad Leader in a Petroleum and Water Distribution Platoon for a Direct Support Company in support of the 45th Sustainment Brigade, in support of the 8th Theater Sustainment Command, 25th Infantry Division, and non-divisional units assigned to the United States Army Pacific; provided bulk and retail ground refueling operations and aerial fuel support for COB Adder during OIF 09-10; responsible for the health and welfare, and professional development of five soldiers; responsible for the accountability and serviceability of a 60K Fuel System Supply Point and Basic Issue Items of essential equipment valued in excess of $500,000 dollars.

92F Petroleum Oil and Lubricants Section Chief
Serves as the Petroleum Oil and Lubricants Section Chief for the 3-1 Brigade Special Troops Battalion consolidated motor pool, responsible for providing estimates for personnel, equipment, petroleum usage and user/organizational maintenance; initiates and supervises environmental protection activities and contingency plans; reviews, consolidates, and prepares personnel, and administrative reports associated with POL to the Battalion Maintenance Officer; provides fuel distribution for over 260 pieces of rolling stock, 45 power generation and eight UAV's; responsible for the health, welfare and training of 13 NCO's and 35 Soldiers.

92F Aircraft Fuel Handler
Serves as a Aircraft Fuel Handler of the 3d Air Armored Cavalry Squadron consisting of 24 AH-64D Apache Longbows, 10 UH-60L Backhawks and managed the receipt, storage, issue and accountability of all bulk and retail fuel; directly responsible for seven Troopers; responsible for the accountability and maintenance FSSP site, eight M978 HEMTT fuelers, two M969A2 trailer, and other MTOE equipment valued in excess of over one million dollars.

92F Squad Leader
Squad Leader for a water storage and distribution platoon; responsible for the health, welfare, training, and discipline of four Soldiers; conducts water reconnaissance and performs water quality analysis tests; supervises site preparation and daily water distribution operations; ensures all quality control standards are enforced; maintains accountability and combat readiness of all squad's Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) properties valued in excess of $750,000.

92F Duty Description
Served as a Petroleum Heavy Equipment Operator in a 150 Soldier Airborne Distribution Company that supports the 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division; responsible for the health, welfare, safety, morale and combat readiness of six Paratroopers; responsible for Forward Arming Refueling Point operations; provided bulk and retail ground refueling operations and aerial fuel support for FOB Sharana and 25 FOB's in AO Yukon during Operation Enduring Freedom 09-10; responsible for the accountability and maintenance of an 800,000 gallons Fuel Supply System Point valued in excess of $1,500,000.

92F Squad Leader
Performed duties and responsibilities as a Squad Leader in the 214th Brigade Support Battalion, Rear Detachment supporting the 2nd Brigade Combat Team in the 5th Infantry Division Mechanized; responsible for the health, welfare, discipline, and morale of two Soldiers and their Families on a weekly basis.

Watercraft, aircraft, trucks, tanks and other Army vehicles simply can't run without fuel and oil. Petroleum-based products, such as oil, fuel and compressed gas, need special storage and handling. It's up to the Petroleum Supply Specialists to take charge of the proper storage and shipment of these products.

Petroleum Supply Specialists are primarily responsible for supervising and managing the reception, storage and shipping of bulk or packaged petroleum-based products. Some of your duties as a Petroleum Supply Specialist may include:

Receive and stock bulk and package POL products
Issue and dispense bulk fuels and water from storage and distribution facilities to using units
Select and submit samples of POL to laboratory for testing
Perform petroleum and water accounting duties
Operate equipment associated with petroleum and water distribution system and multi-product pipeline system
Fuel and defuel vehicles, aircraft and stationary equipment
Take emergency precautions to prevent harm to self and facilities in event of petroleum spillage or fire

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