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See also: Navy Fuels Specialist Evaluation Examples
See also: Air Force Fuels Management EPR Bullets
See also: Air Force AFSC 2F0X1 Fuels EPR Bullets
o maintained and operated a HEMTT fuel truck efficiently; ensured a steady and reliable fuel supply of up to 14,500 lbs of JAA which improved flight operations efficiency
o his attention to detail and proactive approach to equipment upkeep minimized downtime and maximized mission effectiveness
o managed fuel operations efficiently for 7 aircraft; issued fuel on time, on spec, and on grade to ensure aircraft were ready to respond at a moment's notice
o ensured all aircraft received fuel within a 3-5 minute response time; exceeded expectations of an ammunition specialist and displayed the capabilities to serve as a petroleum supply specialist
o supervised oil analysis samples taken from engine oil servicing carts; ensured 100% contaminant free oil carts, safeguarded AH-64 program
o revised aircraft ground support equipment (GSE) inspection schedule; prevented five over-due inspections; 100% scheduling effectiveness rate
o reviewed over 90 DA Form 2408s at hangers and flight line; identified and corrected one discrepancy, achieved 99% QA pass rate
o his qualifications on multiple vehicles was required, at length, during the 2024 Annual Training; foresight and preparation was instrumental in the success of the fuel mission
o fueled over 5,000 gallons of F-24 across the entire fleet; kept all equipment FMC to meet mission requirements
o distributed 10,000 gallons of F24 during the battalion field training excise; supported the Brigade support area and Forward support companies
o oversaw platoon operations with 22 Fuel trucks; covered two separate 24-hour standby fueling points
o served as a Company Slingload Inspector; rigged and inspected twelve non standard loads in direct support of remote located Task Force FARPs
o trained and rehearsed all Soldiers to be reactive and proactive in FARP and AHA safety procedures; resulting in flawless execution of all tasks
o instilled the desire to put forth the maximum effort in missions and duties; motivated his NCOs to take on tough missions and succeed
o responsible for and maintained over six million dollars worth of accountable MTOE equipment without loss or damage
o issued and maintained the storage of over five million gallons of JP-8 fuel and over seventy tons of ammunition valued at over twenty million dollars without loss
o directly responsible for ensuring his FARPs were in compliance with all OSHA, HAZMAT and safety regulations; highly praised during two safety inspections
o erected the 800K FSSP for Erbil, Iraq FOB; experience with the FSSP was instrumental to the unit's success
o conducted multiple water/ice distribution and fuel missions; delivered over 500 gallons of fuel and 1,700 lbs of water/ice
o ensured water buffalos, light sets, and generators were full and running at all times; indispensable to the 87th Troop command FTX and CPX success
o accounted for and issued more than 1,500,000 Gal of JP8 to support the 244th, Combat Aviation Brigade's mission during OIR
o performed daily maintenance in rear department, assisting with moving and maintaining the unit's equipment and vehicles during the Kuwait deployment
o supervised a team in moving containers during ULACC; contributed to the success of 1-22nd ASB A.Co SAV and ARMS inspection
o completed over 40,000 fuel dispensing and managing the FARP (FORWAR ARMING REFUELING POINT) and NTC Rotation
o received, stored, and preserved over 1,000,000 gallons of POL that served a camp of 1,300 residents
o performed duties as SAMS-E clerk, maintained necessary parts to keep rolling stock at a high readiness state
o served as the company's environmental officer, ensured everyone complied with standards
o conducted daily FARP inspections and weekly PMCS on equipment to maintain the Company's 100% readiness rate
o managed the fuel section of the distribution platoon; supervised 5 Soldiers, dispensed 7,000 gallons of fuel in support of vital convoy missions
o distributed over 100,000 gallons of F-24 fuel to support international operations over Somalia
o assumed responsibility for Pump Station #3 during AT and pumped over 1,500,000 gallons
o supervised operations and enforced safety procedures; was directly responsible for the operation crew sustaining zero injuries during the entire training mission
o trained 4 non-mos qualified soldiers to safely conduct fueling operations during annual training
o enforced safe operating procedures during a bulk fuel draw; facilitated squadron's mission
o delivered 50,000 gallons of purified water during a rotation to Pohakuloa Training Area
o conducted OPFOR operations at the urban operations land during annual training
o demonstrated and instructed soldiers on radio practices, procedures and etiquette contributing to the improvement of the unit
o deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom II, provided over 3 million gallons of purified water to FOB Speicher
o developed and implemented realistic and highly succesful training for 2nd platoon's water purification section
o ensured all 154th QM Water Purification and Distribution Company equipment was accounted for
o executed the duties of ADVON, completed all tasks and provided necessary equipment for a seamless transition between the unit in Winterville and CSTX at Fort Dix
o filled and secured 2K gallon water bladders for emergency airlift to remote outposts; rescued drought victims
o he was key factor in successful stand up of 1st Platoon's water purification station; freed unit from dependence on NATO unit
o implemented tough, realistic, and effective training for 3rd platoon's water purification section
o key to Company's successful move; maintained equipment at a high state of readiness during the move from Sea Girt to Fort Dix
o made critical on-the-spot repairs to the TWPS which enabled distribution of 70,000 gallons of water to 5,000 soldiers
o maintained 95% operational readiness rate on over $3 million dollars of water purification equipment
o overhauled maximum security cell block in Camp 5 and restored water service to 4 cells and cleared 2 sewer blockages
o prepared 3 companies for deployments and ensured personnel were trained and equipment was operational, key to successful operations
o prepared five companies for deployment to multiple combat zones; ensured personnel were trained and equipment operational
o produced 100,000 gallons of water daily to sustain Soldiers in MND North Iraq, contributed to overall success of the platoon's mission
o provided over 2 million gallons of purified water for FOB Speicher while deployed in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM 2
o scheduled water cross-training for truck drivers, fuelers, and engineers, reduced size of and support requirements for deploy teams
o scheduled water cross-training for fuelers, truck drivers, and engineers multiplying self-sufficiency and expanding service
o she maintained a 95% operational readiness rate on over $1 million worth of non-standard water purification equipment
o stood up 2nd platoon's water purification section, allowing permanent settlement and expansion in the region
o trained crew on set up and break down of TWDS and 20k bag
o trusted with responsibility for all water-related issues supporting the unit and exceeded expectations
o volunteered for multiple details contributing to the overall mission's success of CSTX
o was responsible for all water-related issues pertaining to the unit; participation in all all planning ensured continuous support
o assisted in the set up of fuel system supply points for our internal companies and neighboring units and provided multiple quality assurance tests
o was instrumental in the movement and distribution of more than 6,000,000 gallons of JP8 to eight separate locations in the austere conditions of combat
o identified, contained and cleaned up a fuel spill in Alpha Company's motor pool; prevented hazardous environment, eliminated threat to welfare
o assisted in the designing and planning of the expansion of FOB Salerno theater FARP and AHA; improved aircraft versatility and ammuntion storage capacity by 20%
o awarded the designation of Demonstrated Logistician and completed the Additional Duty Safety Course
o contributed to 2013 CAPEX; pumped 130,000 gallons of JP-8 for 34 C-130s which fueled successful 1,000-Ranger air assault exhibition
o directly responsible for ensuring his FARPs were in compliance with all OSHA, HAZMAT and safety regulations; highly praised during two safety inspections
o due to his strong leadership no major accidents or spills occurred during warrior exercise 91 14-03
o implemented and strictly enforced a fuel pilferage deterent system resulting in only 3% fuel losses from host nation fuel delivery contractors
o instilled the desire to put forth the maximum effort in missions and duties; motivated his NCOs to take on tough missions and suceed
o integrated expeditionary FARP training into the battle rhythm of JTF-B units; increased the Joint Task Force's expeditionary FARP capabilities
o issued and maintained the storage of over five million gallons of JP-8 fuel and over seventy tons of ammunition valued at over twenty million dollars without loss
o managed and maintained 100% operational readiness of three theater FARPS concurrently by providing non stop fuel and ammunition support 24/7
o NCOIC of the FSSP system at warrior exercise 91 14-03, pumping over 170,000 gallons of DF-2 diesel fuel
o outstanding mentorship and coaching resulted in Task Force NCO and Soldier of the Month winners during combat operations
o responsible for and maintain over six million dollars worth of accountable MTOE equipment without loss or damage
o served as a Company Slingload Inspector; rigged and inspected twelve non standard loads in direct support of remote located Task Force FARPs
o Soldier was selected to be acting Platoon Sgt for an undetermined amount of time until the AGR position is filled
o supported 2,000 flying hours during six exercises and issued 300,000 gallons of JP-8 in response to 115 fuel requests
o trained and rehearsed all Soldiers to be reactive and proactive in FARP and AHA safety procedures; resulting in flawless execution of all tasks
o exceeded 10,000 gallons of F24 fuel; ensured the success of all refueling operations
o demonstrated exceptional motivation and dedication to his duties supporting 40th BSB operations
o developed and implemented procedures for FARP awareness and spill contingency plans
o served as Junior Team Leader at Peason Farp during JRTC
o recovered 5,000 gallons of JP-8 that was unaccounted for in logs
o refueled over 5,000 aircraft; issued over 1,000,000 gallons of fuel
o maintained 3 HEMTT Trucks and all basic issue items in top condition at all times
o trained shift NCO on closing daily and monthly fuel accountability reports
o kept aircraft on schedule and reduced required engineering support by 30%
o loaded 4,000 2.75 rockets and over 1,000,000 50 cal rounds ISO TF Lightning Horse
o performed 11 hot refueling operations and dispensed over 10K gallons of JP-8 with a record response time average of 9 minutes
o mastered the Army's most diverse hydrant system, routing 90K gallons of fuel to ten aircraft at 5 stations and enabling delivery of 20 tons of cargo
o ensured HEMTTs were mission capable; performed PMCS, minor repairs and topped-off side tanks
o made load sheets for each HEMTT and loaded all equipment that was needed during the AT period
o conducted inventory of HTAR systems and tagged equipment that was not operational
o ran Millipore samples to check fuel filter effectiveness; prevented potential failures
o key to the 101 CAB Combatives Team winning second overall during the Eagle Combatives Tournament
o introduced FARP training for JTF-B units; increased Joint Task Force expeditionary FARP capabilities
o used prior experience to teach and conduct hot re-fuel missions, issuing 5,000 pounds of fuel which directly supported battalion airborne operations
o participated in multiple convoy missions and transferred over 3,000 gallons of bulk fuel to the FSC
o dispensed and received over 5 million gallons of JP-5, and JP-8 at four different facilities with perfect safety record/zero mishaps
o performed tests on 47 fuel samples for color, water presence, density, flashpoint, and particulate; guaranteed quality
o served as the commo representative for the squad and assisted with all ORR and ULAC requirements
o deployed as a fuel handler at COP Nangalam and conducted over 200 refuel missions which ensured the Reefer units, generators and other critical support equipment were always operational
o established a working fuel point with secondary containment and protection againts enemy IDF which extended span of control by 50 miles
o qualified himslef on the ATLAS forklift to fill gap in force protection efforts around the COP
o acted as POL NCOIC for COP Nangalam, provided flawless fuel consumption and scheduling reports and ensured timely fuel resupply, never let COP Nangalam go black on fuel
o worked numerous hours, on and off-duty, planning and coordinating the operational, logistical and administrative requirements for the turn in and consolidation of Connexs