SAMS-E Operator Duty Descriptions

SAMS-E Operator
Serves as SAMS-E Operator for an Ammunition Supply Point/Theater Storage Area; performs vehicle, equipment and container maintenance management and repair part supply functions; submits maintenance requisitions via automated or manual supply transaction; reviews and posts all received supply transactions within SAMS-E; conducts monthly reconciliation with the SSA; identifies inventory and parts requisition discrepancies; provides reports to supported battalion headquarters.

SAMS-E Operator
Serves as SAMS-E Operator for 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command (3ESC); coordinates with XVIII Airborne Corps to identify and support maintenance and supply priorities; maintains equipment maintenance files; schedules equipment repairs, maintenance, and service; issues and receives parts; opens and closes work orders; submits daily reports via SAMS-E; conducts monthly parts reconciliation; maintains hard copies of supply transactions, adjustment documents, and other records.

SAMS V1 Operator
Oversees all shop office functions and operations such as production control, Class IX ordering, and overall man hour accounting; supervises SAMS-E V1 operators for all supported units and maintains and controls SAMS-E V2; supervises quality control personnel and ensures that procedures are in place to monitor quality of maintenance provided to supported units; provides maintenance reports to supported battalion headquarters with current status of all battalion equipment.

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