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o strived for fitness excellence, scored 271 on the APFT, and maintained Fitness Badge; epitomized FM 7-22, sec 3-1
o integrated seven Soldiers into the THOR3 Program; his team scored over 80 points in each PT event
o set the example during Detachment stress shoot; displayed the physical stamina to go the distance on the battlefield
o exhibited mental and physical toughness during FTX; led three Soldiers on rigorous 15 kilometer dismounted movement
o displayed impeccable military bearing and resiliency; confident leader that made best decisions for the interests of subordinate's
o encouraged all subordinates to implement strenuous PT programs; scored xxx on most recent APFT
o went above and beyond to ensure mission success; regularly coming into work early and staying late; ensured Battalion tasks were supported and executed to standard
o displayed multi-faceted physical fitness; awarded the Silver German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge (GAFPB) during the rating period
o unwavering dedication to physical readiness training for 21 Soldiers; resulting in a 21 point increase in platoon PT score average from 235 to 256
o consistently performs physical training to maintain a high level of physical endurance and stamina
o took pride in uniform and personal appearance; displayed a high level of confidence
o proved mental toughness through assigned duty performance
o possessed an attitude of determination and optimism throughout challenging missions
o Senior NCO that strongly encouraged our unit's Soldiers to improve their PT scores by implementing PT programs at home and leading our remedial PT program
o exceptional role model for Soldiers who sets the example in physical fitness and wear of the uniform, always projecting self-confidence, authority, and enthusiasm
o Soldier sets the example when it comes to physical fitness
o Soldier continues to increase his PT score, constantly scoring over 270
o encourages younger Soldiers to implement PT programs at home to increase PT score
o implemented a fitness workout to improve the welfare and strength of his Soldiers
o APFT administrator for the company; supported Commander's APFT program
o tough and aggressive; never quits physically or mentally
o true self-starter with the strength and conviction to get the job done
o enthusiastically competed in the Commander's Cup challenge leading his team to a first place finish in a 17-mile foot march while carrying over 50 pounds of equipment
o maintained the APFT badge by scoring a 300 on physical fitness test; awarded Certificate of Achievement for his accomplishment
o displays excellent mental agility; is able to think through any dilemma
o failed to meet body fat standards IAW AR 600-9; measured at 25% body fat but is making progress on the weight control program
o created and implemented a rigorous PT plan which kept his FO team physically able to meet the strenuous demands of operations in the rugged Afghanistan terrain
o set the example for his FO team by maintaining and enforcing proper military appearance through constant uniform inspections and spot corrections
o exceeded the Army standard by scoring a 292 on the APFT and maintaining the Army Physical Fitness Badge
o tremendous emphasis on APFT resulted in Platoon raising PT average from 219 to 254 in only a matter of three months; January to April FY12
o has not passed an APFT in this rating period but is training to improve and meet the standard
o demonstrated outstanding physical and mental toughness during the 12 month combat deployment to Afghanistan
o critical and independent thinker, possesses the confidence and mental toughness to strive for excellence
o the Soldier has passed his AFPT this year and has just received his walking profile.
o a very enthusiastic NCO, motivated to correct his mistakes and improve from them
o earned a score of 282 on most recent PT test
o displayed exceptional physical endurance; set the standard for Soldiers to emulate
o dedicated long hours upon arrival to Afghanistan to establish the Task Force's C4I systems into a steady state ensuring the Task Force assumed the mission on time
o presented a professional, soldierly appearance at all times
o motivated, enthusiastic NCO who took lead in organized physical fitness training of all soldiers
o scored 300 on last APFT
o outstanding endurance! Sustained combat operations in a hostile environment outside of the FOB for 72 hours straight
o excellent runner, ran two miles in 12 minutes
o strong stamina and will to win
o appearance and bearing above reproach
o is alert, quick and responsive
o displays impressive poise under stress
o remains flexible and cooperative under all conditions
o raised platoon APFT average by 22 points
o failed to properly train his/her Soldiers in physical training, resulting in their failure of the APFT
o meets height and weight requirements of AR 600-9
o scored over 280 on last two APFTs
o Master Fitness Trainer; served as unit instructor for daily PT
o takes extreme pride in personal appearance
o excellent physical condition; led advanced PT during physical training
o platoon achieved 100% first time pass rate on APFT for two consecutive testing cycles
o motivated platoon to improve PT average by 30 points
o his mental toughness and discipline brought him to new found physical goals
o maintained excellent physical fitness; encourages the same standards of others
o praised by the BDE CSM for service as Master Fitness Trainer and the Aquatic PT program instructor
o mentally, physically and emotionally ready to lead in combat
o sets the example for subordinates
o disciplined in attitude, appearance, poise and authority
o always displays a commendable military appearance
o fully committed to success; always gives 100 percent
o assisted squad in averaging 270 on APFT score
o motivates the unit by giving challenging physical fitness training
o consistently scored 270 and above on APFT test
o failed height and weight standards/exceed body composition standards by X.X% IAW AR 600-9
o failed to meet APFT standards due to lack of motivation
o displayed a pattern of not meeting minimum APFT requirements and currently lacks the mental and physical toughness to overcome these shortcomings
o took an apathetic approach to the health and welfare of troops; resulted in entire squad failing to meet the height and weight standard
o failed to complete 2-mile run during APFT, quit after 1 mile
o worked a demanding schedule that included changing between from nights to days, but frequently fell asleep during shift
o NCO displayed substandard appearance and military bearing for NCO of his maturity
o failed to meet the body fat standards during rating period; maintained three to eight pounds of weight loss and removed himself from the AWCP
o soldier is on profile and cannot conduct an Army Physical Fitness Test, or participate in any physical training events
o presented an unprofessional appearance and lacks military bearing
o he continued to undermine what it means to be a soldier, let alone a leader
o attempted to abuse position and authority to cheat on previous record APFT
o demonstrated a complete lack of integrity and military bearing when he attempted to cheat on the previous record APFT
o personal issues are interfering with military bearing
o failed to meet body fat standards IAW AR 600-9; measured at 27% body fat and maintained 2-3 pound weight loss per month while on the weight control program
o SFC Hero's participation in unit physical training waned during this rating period
o made satisfactory progress in run time but still approaching minimum standards in...
o presents sharp military appearance but needs to realize importance of subtlety
o counseled twice for disrespect toward an NCO; focus on relationship skills
o refused suggestions to attend counseling until problems escalated to the point of making him unfit for duty
o failed to meet APFT standards for the two mile run and sit-ups with a total score of 124
o soldier failed to meet height and weight requirements or make any progress
DA PAM 623-3 Para 3-7
NCOER part IV: block c-APFT
Action required: In the space after the word "APFT" the rater will enter "PASS" or "FAIL" and the date (YYYYMMDD) of the most recent
record APFT administered by the unit; it will be within the 12-month period prior to the "THRU" date of report. However, the APFT date does
not have to fall within the period covered by the evaluation report. If the NCO was unable to participate in the most recent record APFT (for
example, due to a profile or pregnancy), his or her status at that time will be documented appropriately. The APFT for Soldiers without profiles
consists of push-ups, sit-ups, and a 2-mile run.
- For Soldiers with permanent profiles who have been cleared to take an alternate APFT, enter "PASS" or "FAIL" for the alternate APFT as prescribed by health care personnel and the date of the APFT. The APFT may include an alternate authorized aerobic event (walk, bike, or swim). No comment about the rated Soldier's profile is required.
- For Soldiers with permanent profiles whose profiles prohibit them from taking the APFT, the entry will be left blank and the rater will explain the reason it has been left blank.
- Soldiers with temporary profiles at the time of the unit's record APFT will enter "PROFILE" and the date (YYYYMMDD) the profile was awarded. The date of the profile must be within 12 months prior to the "THRU" date of the evaluation report.
- Sample entries are; "PASS 20100414", "FAIL 20100507", or "PROFILE 20100302." APFT numerical scores will not be entered.
- The rater will address a "FAIL" entry for APFT in block c. Bullet comments for "FAIL" entries may include the reason(s) for failure and/or note any progress toward meeting physical fitness standards of AR 350-1.
- A comment on "PROFILE" entries will be made only if the rated NCO's ability to perform his or her assigned duties is affected.
- The rater will explain the absence of an APFT entry in block c. If the APFT has not been taken within 12 months of the "THRU" date of the report the APFT data entry will be left blank and the rater will provide an explanation in block c. In accordance with AR 40-501, an APFT is not required for pregnant NCOs.
- For pregnant NCOs who have not taken the APFT within the last 12 months due to pregnancy, temporary profiles, and/or convalescent leave, the rater will enter the following statement: "Exempt from APFT requirement in accordance with AR 40-501." Note. When using the Wizard application associated with the electronic form within the "My Forms" Portal on AKO, the APFT and height and weight statement will be combined.
- In accordance with AR 350-1, NCOs 55 years of age and older have the option of taking the three-event APFT or an alternate APFT, but they will not be considered as being on profile, unless a current profile exists.
- Additionally, NCOs 60 years of age and older have the option of not taking the APFT; however, they must maintain a personal physical fitness program approved by a physician and remain within compliance of height and weight standards of AR 600-9. If no APFT is taken, leave the APFT entry blank and make a comment addressing the blank APFT entry, "NCO exempt from APFT requirement in accordance with AR 350-1."
- Deployed units unable to administer the APFT due to mission or conditions will annotate NCOERs with the following statement: "NCO unable to take the APFT during this period due to deployment for combat operations/contingency operations." In accordance with AR 350-1, upon return from deployment, NCOs will be administered a record APFT no earlier than 3 months for active Army and 6 months for USAR and ARNG NCOs. Note. NCOs are not exempted from complying with height and weight requirements of AR 600-9.
- Rater-specific information on bullet comments in block c for the following:
- "Received APFT badge" may be entered as a bullet comment to justify "excellence." The APFT badge is awarded for scores of 270 points and above with at least 90 points in each of the three events.
- NCOs who meet Army minimum standards for APFT, but fail to meet unit standards, will not be given a rating of "needs improvement" for physical fitness and military bearing, if such rating is based solely on the failure to meet unit standards.
Reference: AR 350-1, AR 40-501, and AR 600-9
NCOER part IV: block c-Height/Weight
Action required: In the space after "Height/Weight" the rater will enter the rated NCO's height and weight as of the unit's last record weigh-in. If there is no unit weigh-in during the period covered by the report, the rater will enter the NCO's height and weight as of the "THRU" date of
the NCOER. An entry of "YES" or "NO" will be placed in the space next to the weight to indicate compliance or noncompliance with AR 600-9.
Sample entries are: "72/180 YES" or "68/205 NO."
- For NCOs 60 years of age and older, who must remain in compliance with height and weight standards, the "Height/Weight" entry will be completed. Soldiers 60 years of age or older are only exempted from the requirement to take the APFT.
- The rater will enter a "YES" for NCOs who meet the table screening weight or are in compliance with the body fat standards of AR 600-9, as determined by tape measurement and the use of DA Form 5501.
- The rater will comment on a "NO" entry, indicating noncompliance with the standards of AR 600-9, in part IV, block c. These comments should indicate the reason for noncompliance; medical conditions may be cited for noncompliance, however, the "NO" entry is still required because medical waivers to weight control standards are not permitted for evaluation report purposes. The progress or lack of progress in a weight control program will be indicated.
- For pregnant NCOs, the entire entry is left blank. The rater will enter the following statement: "Exempt from weight control standards of AR 600-9." Note. When using the Wizard application associated with the electronic form within the "My Forms" Portal on AKO, the APFT and height and weight statement will be combined.
- Rating officials will not use the word "pregnant," or refer to an NCO's pregnancy in any manner when completing the NCOER.
- Unless the Soldier has an approved request for Army, DCS G-1 waiver of compliance with AR 600-9, the height and weight standards of AR 600-9 apply at all times, even when the officer is deployed for combat or contingency operations. If the Soldier has an approved Army G-1 waiver, the rater will enter "Rated NCO has an Army G-1 waiver of compliance with AR 600-9." In such cases, a copy of the Army G-1 approval memo will be submitted as an enclosure to the evaluation report. This entry will not be left blank.
Reference: AR 600-9