NCOER Bullet Comment Examples
This page lists examples of NCOER bullets that are appropriate for the categories on the NCOER. To contribute bullet comments, e-mail them to or use the form at the bottom of this page. Thanks!

Guidance on Army NCOER Bullet Comments
Excerpts from the Unofficial DA PERSCOM NCOER Preparation Guide
Per DA PAM 623-3, bullet comments:
- must be short, concise, and to the point. They cannot be longer than two lines, preferably one, and no more than one bullet to a line.
- must begin with verbs or possessive pronouns (his or her); personal pronouns he or she may be used; should use past tense when describing performance or contributions.
- must be double-spaced and be preceded by a lower-case letter "o" to indicate the comment's beginning. Each bullet comment should begin with a lower-case letter unless it's a proper noun that is normally capitalized.
When the rater enters bullet statements on the NCOER, they should match the rating marked: Excellence, Success, or Needs Improvement. Below are examples of comments describing these decreasing levels of performance.
Exceeds standards; demonstrated by specific example(s) and measurable results; special and unusual, achieved by only a few; clearly better than most others. Examples:
- received Physical Fitness Badge
- qualified entire squad as expert with M-16 and M-60
- awarded the expert Infantryman Badge (EIB)
Meets all standards; majority of ratings; fully competitive for schooling and promotion; counseling goal to bring all NCOs to this level. Examples:
- shares experiences readily, constantly teaching soldiers
- constantly seeking to improve, completed three subcourses during rating period
- coached and played on company softball team
- established a comprehensive cross training program for his section
- his platoon had only one tank on deadline report (for 10 days) during last 11 months
Missed meeting some standard. Examples:
- was often unaware of whereabouts of subordinates
- had the highest deadline rate in the company due to apathy
- lacks the endurance/stamina to complete company runs
- unprepared to conduct formal training on three occasions
- failed to meet APFT standards for the two mile run and sit-ups with a total score of 148
The NCOER bullet comments below are examples of Excellence, Success, and Needs Improvement NCOER Bullets. Excellence bullets should clearly describe performance above the ordinary and should be quantifiable. Excellence bullets should be demonstrated by specific examples and measurable results.
- selected to compete at DA level in the Phillip A. Connelly competition
- maintained 100% accountability of all property during change of command inventories
- completed over 60 hours of military correspondence courses during rating period
- Sergeant's Time briefing book selected as standard for the battalion
- totally committed to quality of awards, NCO-ERs and OERs, 100% timeliness and processing rate utilizing his system and expertise
- provides students the latest in course material by devoting countless after-duty hours revising lesson plans
- motivated three soldiers to compete in Division NCO of the Year competition
- demonstrated competence resulted in her selection as NCOIC, Preventive Dentistry Course, over five more senior NCOs
- his competence enabled him to rank 3d of 20 recruiters in mission accomplishment
- competed in brigade level NCO of the Quarter Board in which he placed second of seven NCOs
- improved supply reconciliation of overdue documents by 66% with expert knowledge of ammunition procedures
- developed and supervised a company Force Protection Plan for an OCONUS deployment resulting in zero incidents or compromise
- commended by Kenyan Minister of Defense for his outstanding medical instruction to over 150 Kenyan soldiers
- planned and executed an immunization program for a reserve battalion allowing over 200 personnel to receive all required shots
- completed six semester hours during the rating period towards a Bachelor's Degree despite an extremely high OPTEMPO
- maintained 100% accountability of over 1 million dollars worth of equipment
- sets the example in the battalion for NBC proficiency, often lends his expertise to other companies, improving their NBC training
- completed the battalion's monthly Unit Status Report (USR) requirement for the past 6 months with zero defects
- expertly performed security and circulation control of a 6,700km sector in Bosnia.
- achieved three honor platoon awards during rating period
- developed a rigorous PT program which resulted in improvement of section APFT scores from an average of 224 to an average of 246
- achieved an outstanding rating on 3 out of 4 command inspections, best in the battalion
- improved the processing rate of pay actions from 65% to 94% in less than 3 months
- in the absence of an officer, commanded the detachment on two separate missions at JRTC
- coordinated and executed ahead of schedule the set up of a local area network for 240 computers during the battalion move
- selected by the JTF Commander to serve as the J3 to train an ARNG staff on all aspects of TOC Operations
- commended by numerous officers for his exceptional training of the national military academy of the former Soviet Republic of Moldova
- awarded the FORSCOM's MG Aubrey "Red" Newman Award for leadership excellence
- first-choice reporter on prestigious MacArthur Awards ceremony in Pentagon - lauded by Chief of Public Affairs for 117 releases to media
- selected as a finalist for the White-House Military Office Senior NCO of the Year
- processed over 200 evaluations for all four military services; error-free and achieved an exceptional 98% on-time rate
- nominated for the Agency's "Technician of the Year"
- coordinated the movement of 184,000 pounds of equipment worth over $2.5 million maintaining 100% accountability
- maintained 100% accuracy for 7 Major Subordinate Command ammunition accounts valued at over $28 million
- led by example by mentoring two soldiers toward successful achievement of their gold recruiter rings
- team APFT average of 294
- displayed technical mastery of his instrument as solo bugler during wreath laying ceremony for the Defense Minister of Greece
- demonstrated excellent work habits and attention to detail that contributed to a 26% rise in EIB success
- directly responsible for 7 soldiers being awarded the EFMB
- biked across Georgia; 468 miles in 6 days
- maintained a 100% SIDPERS accuracy rate for all transactions for 12 months
- his aggressive training program resulted in 12 soldiers excelling in the Army's Culinary Arts competition; Winning 16 medals
- selected over 10 senior SFCs to be Detachment First Sergeant
- received a 100% rating from the Command Inspection Program in NBC, Property Book, and vehicle maintenance
- failed to meet APFT standards for the two mile run and sit-ups with a total score of 148
- lack of supervision over subordinates and failure to follow procedures resulted in the loss of $2,000 worth of equipment
- demonstrated little concern for the security and accountability of sensitive items during cyclic field exercises
- improper purchase from subordinate adversely affected morale and discipline within the section
- consistently failed to meet administrative suspenses
- counseled by the Battalion CSM for having the most disorganized platoon in the company
- failed to develop subordinates; did not perform mandatory performance counseling for the NCO-ER
- many times has failed to inspect soldiers and their equipment
- perception of improper conduct adversely affected morale and discipline within the Division
- unexcused absence from duty left platoon enlisted soldiers unsupervised
- failed to comply with instructions of superiors on several occasions
- encouraged soldiers to grow by cheating for each other
- integrity compromised upon submission of false documents
- constantly complained about time spent in the field
Below are examples of senior rater bullets that selection boards like to see. Senior rater bullets need to be clear, concise and reflect potential for promotion and higher levels of authority and responsibility.
- promote to SFC immediately
- an exceptionally talented and gifted NCO who consistently produced superb results - a must select for promotion
- models, mentors, and motivates soldiers to emulate Army values
- selected over other senior NCOs to manage the administrative section of the largest directorate in the Agency
- unlimited potential; one of tomorrow's leaders; promote now
- absolutely outstanding NCO whose performance and abilities clearly outdistance that of his peers
- capitalize on his leadership abilities and select for Drill Sergeant School
- clearly capable of serving with distinction in the most demanding and critical assignments
- promote immediately, place in leadership positions
- send to ANCOC and assign as a trainer of soldiers
- would be an invaluable asset on any Battalion Staff
- the epitome of a professional NCO warrior; a model for all others to emulate
- unlimited potential; clearly a future First Sergeant
- promote first time eligible in the secondary zone
- outperformed 99% of his peers; clearly the best NCO in the battalion
- unlimited potential, promote now, send to 1SG's course and assign as a 1SG
- his demonstrated competence and potential deserves immediate promotion to MSG
- his leadership is directly responsible for his platoon being rated number one of twelve