Needs Improvement NCOER Comments


o refused to provide input on current event directed by Commander or how to improve J1 operations

o demonstrated poor integrity by purchasing a forged bachelor's degree

o failed to fulfill his leadership's intent for positive and appropriate EO practices

o demonstrated a serious lack of integrity and poor judgment without consideration of results

o compromised integrity by submitting altered documents; poor example to subordinates

o encouraged soldiers to advance by cheating for each other, poor example

o hid serious shortfalls until it was too late to correct them

o did not report barracks thefts until relieving NCO performed inventory

o used others' meal card without authorization; recommend counseling

o good Soldier, but does not make effort to improve or advance

o demonstrated lack of integrity by building fraudulent medical documentation for planned disability claims

o avoids responsibility; needs to gain self-confidence in abilities

o good troop, needs mentoring to avoid negative influence of career SGTs

o was aware of peers involvement with underage drinking but failed to report it

o needs to be consistent with leadership style and maintain formality when in presence of Soldiers

o avoided complying with orders, regularly showed disrespect to NCOs, required constant supervision

o encouraged insubordination in team members by regularly ignoring standing orders

o repeated previous error in judgement, did not learn or benefit from Army's previous leniency


o exhibits deficiencies in critical thinking; does not improve knowledge base through research and note taking

o did not attempt to find alternate solutions or report obstacles; delayed shift change numerous times

o completed tasks only after they were brought to his attention; needs to improve follow-up to accomplish all tasks thoroughly

o did not meet expectations in...

o required additional time to prepare for courses

o needs to increase technical abilities in...

o is indifferent to suggestions for advancement and refuses opportunities for improvement

o demonstrated lack of ability to execute his duties and depends on others for help

o was unable to qualify in key tasks and limited the readiness of the entire team

o performed admirably in most duties but needs to concentrate on...

o failure to use TM is a frequent problem and risks equipment and personnel

o unable to multitask in a high OPS TEMPO area due to lack of knowledge of her additional duty (Training NCOIC)

o decertified as a Howitzer Chief of Section for violation of orders by allowing his non-certified Gunner to fire a live round during Battery Certifications

o failed to assume duties and responsibilities as senior NCO in the absence of the NCOIC

o struggled with following up on tasks given to him by his first line leader

o was unable to qualify in key tasks and limited the readiness of the entire team

o performed admirably in most duties but needs to concentrate on...

o does not follow safety procedures and endangers everyone around her

o must realize the importance of finishing assigned tasks without supervision

o frequent unwillingness to cooperate in working toward unit goals affected readiness

o has good potential but requires more experience applying daily soldier leadership skills

o wasted resources due to ignorance of local procedures; recommend retraining


o displayed inability to adjust to high-operation tempo and ignores taskings set to meet command requirements

o presents an unprofessional appearance and lacks military bearing

o complained about time spent in the field, deployments, adversely affected morale and discipline

o lacks respect for chain of command and needs improvement in peer communications

o demonstrated a complete lack of integrity when he attempted to cheat on the previous record APFT

o personal issues are interfering with military bearing

o failed to meet body fat standards IAW AR 600-9; measured at 27% body fat and maintained 2-3 pound weight loss per month while on the weight control program

o SFC Hero's participation in unit physical training waned during this rating period

o made satisfactory progress in run time but still approaching minimum standards in...

o presents sharp military appearance but needs to realize importance of subtlety

o did not meet standards in...

o counseled twice for disrespect toward an NCO; focus on relationship skills

o refused suggestions to attend counseling until problems escalated to the point of making him unfit for duty

o failed to meet APFT standards for the two mile run and sit-ups with a total score of 124

o soldier failed to meet height and weight requirements or make any progress

o displayed a consistent lack of initiative and enthusiasm and is the subject of frequent counseling

o failed to render the proper respect and was subject to non-judicial punishment twice

o has not made any effort to change his behavior during this reporting period and is not fit for retention

o made significant progress in qualification but failure to follow instructions limited results

o made remarkable progress in aerobic fitness but still approaching minimum standards in...

o presents sharp military appearance but needs to realize importance of subtlety

o counseled twice for disrespect toward an NCO; focus on relationship skills


o has good potential, but requires more experience applying daily Soldier leadership skills; needs to focus on leader presence at the right time and place

o displayed a genuine concern for Soldiers under his direction; at times shied away from setting the example and leading Soldiers

o an ineffective leader

o avoids responsibility and is a negative influence on his section

o corrects mistakes and inappropriate behavior but fails to reward loyalty and performance

o demands unreasonable performance and blames failures on understaffed Soldiers

o demonstrated a lack of leadership skill; lacks the confidence, managerial skills, and ability to make immediate decisions without supervisor's guidance

o displayed an inability to delegate tasks to subordinates

o exercised poor judgment during off-duty hours; cited for driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated

o exhibits strong ability to lead, should now focus on staff skills and communication

o failed to mentor his subordinate junior leaders with effective and timely counseling

o fails to live up to the Army values and places no moral emphasis on the Warriors ethos

o had poor rapport with his subordinates and was ineffectual in supervision or delegation of responsibilities

o his personal demeanor needs to improve to reflect favorably on the Military Police and NCO Corps

o is sometimes unaware of operational picture and often leaves subordinates unsupervised

o lacks initiative and managerial skills

o leadership and managerial skills need improvement to qualify for next rank

o needs to realize importance of tact when questioning orders and effect on platoon

o occasionally failed to prevent off-duty conduct from interfering with daily personal accountability; resulted in counseling and professional development involvement

o placed his own personal welfare before that of his subordinates

o received verbal and written counseling to finish pre-mob training

o Soldier's flaccid leadership style degraded squad moral by failing to provide guidance, support or confidence to his subordinates

o was ineffective and provided no useful guidance


o unable to relate to trainee, does not possess good people skills

o will not use off-duty time for study or self-improvement, fails to advance in qualification

o failed to mentor team on troubleshooting procedures; consequently platoon always last when he is absent

o could not adapt to rear-detachment duties due to limited training and inability to work alone

o obviously inexperienced due to lack of training and mentorship by senior shop members

o Soldier is inefficient in all aspects of Soldiering due to supervisor isolating him from wider duties

o failed to train his Soldier to take over daily operations of warehouse in his absence

o counseled by the Battalion CSM for having the least qualified platoon in the company

o has made significant progress in qualification and may be ready for advancement

o overcame lack of formal school opportunities but requires further training before ready for deployment

o demonstrated sincere effort to expand skill set but limited by lack of experienced trainers

o delivered substandard results consistently; should be decertified


o required consistent follow-up and oversight due to lack of attention to detail

o followed orders but did not attempt to become shop-qualified or make progress in training

o worked well under supervision but needs to develop self-discipline and learn to work independently

o ignored daily taskings; lack of records led to multiple write ups during QA inspection

o turned down opportunities for new experience and professional growth; not progressing or advancing in responsibility

o was uncooperative when corrected and displayed a consistent lack of interest in Section goals

o did not support organizational morale events; weakened camaraderie and unit cohesion

o failed to follow orders, led to the loss of security clearance; Section is now undermanned and unable to meet msn requirements

o cannot be depended on and is frequently late for shift. Recommend...

o reported to work under the influence of alcohol and was unable to execute his duties as wheeled mechanic

o was entrusted with our most critical and essential tasks but disappointed his mentors

o couldn't be relied upon to maintain production rate in the absence of supervision

o could not be trusted to oversee safe delivery of...must be supervised at all times

o was and is negligent in meeting his responsibilities causing numerous obstacles to mission accomplishment

o failed to supervise subordinates or follow procedures; caused the loss of $2,000 worth of equipment

o left soldiers unsupervised during unexcused absence from duty; risked the safety of inexperienced Soldiers

o failed to understand the importance of his duties, took advantage of every opportunity to avoid responsibility

o demonstrated little regard for the security and accountability of sensitive items during deployments; delayed ops while determiniing if COMSEC was compromised

o had to be constantly reminded to counsel and mentor Soldiers on a regular basis

o failed to identify critical mistakes which reduced productivity and wasted valuable time and unit funds

o struggled to meet the general expectations and internal suspenses directed by the commander; increased the workload of his peers

o accomplished all tasks to the minimum standard

Rater Comments

o recommend provide SM with time to refocus on the Army and being an NCO in a less demanding and stressful position

o unable to adjust to deployment or the diverse demands of a Joint environment; removed from position as Platoon Leader

o a technical SME and asset for training but contributes to declining unit morale. May perform better in another Command.

o failed to set the example for his Soldiers to follow during this rated period

o allowed the pressure of family issues to affect her performance. Recommend release from duties and counseling until such time she can resume work without endangering others.

o an excellent technician but needs to work on tact and communication skills

o cannot work with his peers and is counter-productive

o could not recover from family crisis; ignored support and did not make effort to meet responsibilities; recommend counseling

o declined to attend NCOES Schools; delayed further development as a leader; squad without capable supervision

o demonstrated a lack of skill in some duties, has potential, should double training efforts

o despite increasing assistance and training, continues to have difficulty completing assigned tasks, recommend reclassification

o disobeyed a direct order from the SSA Accountable Officer; do not assign to positions of greater responsibility

o lacks maturity, displays poor judgement, needs further development

o do not recommend for promotion at this time, with further mentorship and training this Soldier may be ready for greater responsibility

o do not recommend NCOES or promotion at this time; with further mentorship and training this Soldier may be ready for greater responsibility

o combative attitude is counter-productive and a liability to this Command

o does not comply with regulations and is a threat to the safety of this battery. Recommend discharge at earliest opportunity.

o does not possess the qualities necessary to advance to the next level

o does not prefer to be in a leadership position, does not command respect from subordinates

o encouraged insubordination in team members by regularly ignoring standing orders

o failed to comply with instructions given to him from the chain of command

o failed to understand the difference between "taking care of the troops" and following orders

o has difficulty understanding, acknowledging, and accepting constructive criticism, thus limiting his potential

o is diffcult for others to work with; has potential, with more experience, to excel as a leader

o has the potential to be an excellent technician but is often careless with classified materials

o keep with troops so our Soldiers can benefit from his leadership and selfless service

o lacks experience and fails to understand the importance of advancement

o failed to meet Brigade standards and should not be retained

o maintained professionalism and poise, but lacks motivation to lead

o probably the worst performer in our Command

o promote at the convenience of the Army

o maintained professionalism and poise; performance is sometimes above average, but has a lack of loyalty and respect for superiors

o NCO consistently failed to perform the duties required at his rank; incapable of handling even menial tasks without direct supervision (MAB)

o NCO is not a contributing member of the U.S. Army; do not retain and remove from positions of responsiblity immediately

o NCO's otherwise great performance was severely impacted due to his lapse in judgement during rating period; failed to uphold the Army Values

o needed some help to meet deadlines; could have benefited from delegating, prioritization and multitasking

o needs to be consistent with leadership style and maintain formality when in presence of Soldiers

o needs to develop his technical skills before advancing to the next grade with duties of greater responsibility

o not fit for this type of activity, exhibits a negative attitude and should be disqualified

o performance is sometimes above average but erratic and undependable, could not be relied on to complete assignments

o performance is sometimes above average but erratic; undependable and cannot be relied on for unsupervised assignments

o performs at expected levels, does not distinguish himself from his peers

o unable to report to work on time and needs constant supervision. Retention is not advised.

o promote to SFC if slots are available, send to ALC immediately

o promote to Staff Sergeant with peers; continue to groom as squad leader

o lacks personal drive to lead soldiers or accomplish tasks

o maintain at current position; personal life events have lowered morale within his section

o promote when NCOES is complete

o put forward much effort but unable to progress; consider reclassification

o rater was relieved during rating period

o recommend release from duties and counseling until such time she can resume work without endangering others

o resists suggestions for improvement and actively works against the orders of his superiors

o send to Advance Leaders Course when slot is available

o send to SLC as soon as Soldier is eligible

o SGT Smith's negative attitude is detrimental to morale and a threat to the unit's mission success; recommend transfer

o SSG Smith is uncooperative with peers and leadership

o unlimited potential; needs to work on his leadership and problem solving before executing duties of greater responsibility

o allowed the pressure of family issues to affect her performance; reliability declined dramatically

o with detailed instruction and supervision Soldier can accomplish assigned tasks

Redeployment Problems

o makes continuous attempts to assist other Soldiers with pre-deployment training but unable to express himself due to nervous condition

o complies with all training requirements but progress after return from deployment is slow; recommend counseling

o dedicated himself to the well-being of the Soldiers but is neglecting his own health to the point that the misison is threatened

o exemplifies the total Soldier but increasingly fails to show patience for training since redeployment

o performance has declined since redeployment; all efforts appear to require more effort with lessened results

o showed rare aptitude for operations planning but unable to work with peers or participate in group planning; recommend counseling

o first rate vehicle maintainer; turn-around time still good but half of what it was before Afghan rotation

o his techniques and procedures contributed to unit success during both stateside and overseas missions but family life has deteriorated and SGT is often late for work

o displays alternately a keen motivation and a distrust and unwillingness to follow orders; recommend medical evaluation

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