Values NCOER Bullets

The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.
—Dwight David Eisenhower

o moral; denounced widespread abuse of VA disability program and fraudulent claims by Soldiers

o accepts all responsibilities and tackles all missions successfully

o dedicated NCO who consistently focuses on mission accomplishment with superior results

o placed others' needs above her own and always stayed until the job was done

o accepted difficult, short deadlined, tasks with enthusiasm

o consistently demonstrates leadership and integrity beyond reproach

o lives the warrior ethos and never wavered during times of adversity while serving on a combat tour

o faced demanding challenges with conviction and high sense of professionalism

o planned and coordinated food service support for the 212th CSH conversion ceremony which served over 300 Soldiers, civilians, and family members

o extremely loyal to Soldiers and unit; loyalty is never questioned

o leads from the front, accomplishes all mission tasks

o unfailing loyalty to the chain of command, its goals, and Soldiers

o uncompromising passion to mission accomplishment

o dynamic character and stamina in overcoming any challenge

o highly task/mission focused

o puts the Army, the mission and subordinates first before his own personal interests

o possesses the moral courage to always do what is right

o preserves momentum when those around him falter

o totally dedicated to unit, mission and soldiers; a credit to the NCO Corps

o supports and encourages allegiance to mission

o highly dedicated and professional NCO

o delayed college enrollment to cover manning deficiency

o always gives 100% to ensure mission accomplishment

o utterly dependable under all circumstances

o loyal to the unit and the NCO Corps

o often works late to ensure his soldiers' professional and personal needs are met

o exhibits high standards of behavior; a model soldier and extraordinary leader

o committed to mission accomplishment

o totally professional on and off duty

o dedicated to mission accomplishment

o consistently displayed a sense of loyalty seldom seen in others of his rank and stature

o has the courage to stand up for his soldiers and himself

o is a member of the team and shows pride in unit

o outstanding problem solver; dynamic planner and organizer

o handles situation firm and fair; unequaled in promoting harmony and teamwork

o loyal, truthful and fair

o loyal, honest and sincere NCO

o a real team player; makes positive contributions

o committed to excellence and exudes quality in all actions and assigned tasks

o unequaled loyalty; dedicated and caring leader

o focuses on mission accomplishment with superior results

o dedicated to the values and traditions of the Army

o continually demonstrates leadership and integrity beyond reproach

o innovative and determined in pursuit of goals of the Army

o professional conduct above reproach

o the epitome of what every NCO should be; aggressive, intelligent and professional

Needs Improvement

o understood his role as a senior leader but failed to contribute to the mission

o fails to keep track of the Soldiers under his supervision; unable to support last minute taskings

o sometimes requires supervision on how to talk to Soldiers

o demonstrated poor judgement without consideration of results

o hid serious shortfalls until it was too late to correct them

o avoids complying with orders, regularly shows disrespect to NCOs, requires constant supervision

o is a motivated troop but needs further guidance in...

o has unlimited potential but requires more experience before...

o must realize the importance of finishing assigned tasks without supervision

o failed to use time wisely, consistently failed to complete duty assignments

o frequent unwillingness to cooperate in working toward unit goals affected readiness

o failed to fulfill his leadership's intent for positive and appropriate EO practices

o needed to be consistent with leadership style and maintain formality when in presence of Soldiers

o an excellent technician but needs to work on tact and communication skills

o has good potential but requires more experience applying daily soldier leadership skills

o good Soldier, but fails to self improve by applying sound personal management skills

o demonstrated a serious lack of integrity and poor judgment without consideration of results

o compromised integrity by submitting altered documents; poor example to subordinates

o encouraged soldiers to advance by cheating for each other, poor example

o do not send to ALC

o do not assign to positions of greater responsibility

o rater directed relief

o Soldier refused to sign

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