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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
o stood by values; denounced efforts to document frivolous medical care to support future VA disability claims
o upholds the Army Equal Opportunity and SHARP Program
o selflessly placed the Army and subordinates above himself to meet the needs of the mission through professionalism, mission accomplishment and dedication to duty
o insistent and motivated NCO; vigoriously prosecuted personal and professional objectives
o looked upon by superiors, peers and subordinates as a model Soldier and extraordinary leader
o totally dedicated to the Army, the unit's mission and Soldiers; a credit to the NCO corps
o never failed to extend his assistance to other units; puts the welfare of troops above his own personal needs
o exhibited pride in the unit; believes in team building and force multiplication
o her performance has been exemplary throughout this rating period
o competent in all her duties and responsible
o knowledge of the supply system enabled her to better support the command
o team player; makes significant positive contributions
o unquestionable loyalty to the unit, subordinates, peers and Chain of Command
o lives the warrior ethos and never wavered during times of adversity while serving on a combat tour
o takes initiative by taking action quickly and with quality
o unfailing loyalty to the chain of command, its goals, and Soldiers
o continually demonstrates leadership and integrity beyond reproach
o focuses on mission accomplishment with superior results
o fully dedicated to upholding and enforcing the Army Core Values
o demonstrated a genuine level of commitment and dedication by working eagerly alongside peers and subordinates
o synchronized the consistent delivery of over 25,000 lines of medical supplies valued in excess of million
o procured an Expeditionary Deployable Oxygen Concentration System decreasing oxygen resupply from two weeks to less than 72 hours
o increased the authorized stockage list from 334 to 430 lines of Class VIII in order to better support over 40 Battalion Aid Stations
o epitomized selfless-service by placing the needs of his Soldiers and unit above his own
o hard working; dedicated NCO, demonstrates by his actions to subordinates, the meaning of integrity
o committed to excellence and exudes quality in all actions and assigned tasks
o not afraid to confront sensitive issues; understands the excitement of truth
o volunteered for difficult civic project to improve Army's image abroad
o loyal, honest and sincere NCO
o displayed the utmost devotion to the mission and the soldiers
o always open and candid when asked questions or expressing his opinions
o remained flexible and cooperative under any condition
o absolute dedication and loyalty to the chain of command, unit, and mission
o unselfishly devoted an extraordinary amount of time to increasing the functionality of the unit area
o handles situations firm and fair; unequaled in promoting harmony and teamwork
o displayed a high degree of professionalism and demanded the same of others
o motivates and challenges subordinates through leadership by example
o focused on mission accomplishment consistently achieving superior results
o possessed unselfish dedication to duty and quality maintenance
o executed all tasks with vigor and integrity
o willing to sacrifice time and effort to attain unit goals
o extremely reliable and industrious, performs extremely well under pressure
o absolutely dedicated to the mission and unit success
o possesses strong moral principles and personal values
o risked life so that others may live on countless occasions
o utmost competence in his duties even under the most extreme circumstances
o continuously seeks out new and difficult challenges and responsibilities
o exhibits the skill, temperament, and reliability of a true professional
o possesses absolute dedication and loyalty to the unit, the mission, and the soldiers
o committed to excellence and mission accomplishment
o maintains a fierce and steadfast belief in assigned mission
o displays sincerity in ambitions and objectives
o enjoys challenges no matter how difficult
o consistently displayed a sense of loyalty seldom seen in others of his rank and stature
o understood his role as a senior leader but failed to contribute to the mission
o fails to keep track of the Soldiers under his supervision; unable to support last minute taskings
o sometimes requires supervision on how to talk to Soldiers
o demonstrated poor judgement without consideration of results
o hid serious shortfalls until it was too late to correct them
o avoids complying with orders, regularly shows disrespect to NCOs, requires constant supervision
o is a motivated troop but needs further guidance in...
o has unlimited potential but requires more experience before...
o must realize the importance of finishing assigned tasks without supervision
o failed to use time wisely, consistently failed to complete duty assignments
o frequent unwillingness to cooperate in working toward unit goals affected readiness
o failed to fulfill his leadership's intent for positive and appropriate EO practices
o needed to be consistent with leadership style and maintain formality when in presence of Soldiers
o an excellent technician but needs to work on tact and communication skills
o has good potential but requires more experience applying daily soldier leadership skills
o good Soldier, but fails to self improve by applying sound personal management skills
o demonstrated a serious lack of integrity and poor judgment without consideration of results
o compromised integrity by submitting altered documents; poor example to subordinates
o encouraged soldiers to advance by cheating for each other, poor example
o do not send to ALC
o do not assign to positions of greater responsibility
o rater directed relief
o Soldier refused to sign