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See also: Leads NCOER Bullets
People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. . . The leader works in the open, and the boss in covert. The leader leads, and the boss drives.
—Theodore Roosevelt
o demonstrated superior interpersonal skills with civilian and military personnel
o an exceptional team player, he is always able to help his organization without hesitation to accomplish the mission
o stressed basic concepts of attention to detail during training, emphasized personal responsibilities and teamwork
o Soldier fostered a climate of dignity and respect and adhered to the SHARP program
o Soldier flawlessly supervised the FSSP system during warrior exercise 91 14-03, ensuring proper work and rest schedules were followed
o due to his strong leadership no major accidents or spills occurred during warrior exercise 91 14-03
o selected over two more senior peers to serve as Platoon Sergeant; outperformed his SFC predecessor in terms of physical fitness and the mentorship of Soldiers by 60% (excellence)
o established a workplace and overall command climate that fostered dignity and respect for all members of the group
o sacrificed his personal off-duty time to improve his squad's knowledge of operational procedures to make them more efficient team members
o selected to assume Section Sergeant responsibilities over a more senior NCO; demonstrated impeccable devotion to duty and Paratrooper welfare
o instructed the TSSC's Commander on the PacStar equipment and the executive commuications package capabilities; demonstrated agility and exceptional leadership
o outstanding manager, organizer and leader; inspired squad to place 1st overall in the Detachment Leader Reaction Course
o shows enthusiasm in his performance and duties; created blueprints to accommodate equipment for 29 JSOTF-P communication platforms
o developed and implemented a platoon tactical PCC, PCI checklist that received praise from the Battalion CSM during his NCOPD instruction and presentation
o successfully deployed 75 Soldiers in support of Vibrant Response '13; in preparation for DCRF Battalion mission posture
o mentorship program influenced two NCOs and one Soldier to win company and battalion level boards; two Soldiers achieved Commandant's List while at WLC
o encouraged Soldiers to seek self-improvement through educational courses and college; 527 correspondence hours and 14 college credits completed for his team
o mentored and trained two Soldiers to receive promotion recommendations and advancement to the next level of responsibility
o outstanding leader who selflessly assisted peers and Soldiers without any hesitation; inspired others to raise the bar and perform at a higher standard
o led over 30 paratroopers on a detail as the senior NCO that executed the accountability and serviceability of 1300 parachutes with a 100 percent success rate
o introduced subjects and tests in preparation of CLS recertification course; responsible for successful completion
o showed genuine concern for soldiers
o maintains vigilant contact with all detachment Soldiers and is always aware of detachment readiness and individual Soldier needs
o inspires leadership in others; encourages subordinates to take initiative while he continues to provide guidance as needed
o established a detachment rapport such that subordinates seek his council on personal as well as professional matters
o performed superbly while serving as the TPD NCOIC, a SFC position, for over half the unit's battle assemblies
o far exceeded his contemporaries in training, leading and motivating Soldiers
o epitomized the qualities of selfless service and loyalty to unit; always willing to provide assistance to subordinates and peers
o maintains vigilant contact with all detachment Soldiers and is always aware of detachment readiness and individual Soldier needs
o inspires leadership in others; encourages subordinates to take initiative while he continues to provide guidance as needed
o established a detachment rapport such that subordinates seek his council on personal as well as professional matters
o lead his TPT on over 180 missions through town and local leader assessments, loudspeaker broadcasts, and KLEs throughout Sangin, Shukvani and Sarawaan Quela
o persistently mentored his Soldiers' to improve their preparedness and military bearing
o under adverse conditions, he has trained his Soldiers to accept nothing less than a high standard in every aspect of their duties and responsibilities
o took charge of TPT in executing combat missions, area assessments, TPT logistics, and key leader engagements
o led and trained one junior soldier to operate independently in order to effectively implement PSYOP across the battalion and its subordinate commands
o created, briefed, and implemented the PSYOP support plan for a supported AO to the supported command's leadership
o reflected a positive influence over his subordinates building esprit de corps
o immensely supportive of unit level and individual training; always ready to lead Soldiers
o lead his TPT for over 300 missions by means of town and local leader assessments, loudspeaker broadcast, KLE's, and various named operation throughout Now Zad
o persistently mentored to improve his Soldiers' preparedness and military bearing
o possessed poise and confidence;
o developed positive team cohesion
o his confidence and assertiveness allowed him to successfully backfill as a TPT Team Chief while the team Sergeant was on R&R
o led and trained one junior soldier to operate independently in order to effectively implement Detachment
o assisted in preparing laboratory to achieve 98% compliance during College of American Pathologist inspection resulting maintaining lab accreditation
o assisted in developing a Battalion level field feeding section with no prior section to build from
o worked diligently to codify and implement standardization to practices and procedures used to develop products for mission rehearsal exercises
o as Redeployment Support Battalion NCO, she safely directed more than 10,000 Soldiers returning from Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom
o assisted in the execution of the SSA transfer of responsibility between two Brigade units ensuring zero down time or degradation to supported units
o streamlined intelligence sharing practices with foreign officers in order to gain more visibility on information of value to US interests in Afghanistan
o awarded the Bronze Star by the Division Commander for exceptional leadership as a Motor Sergeant during Operation Iraqi Freedom 08-10
o orchestrated the cleaning, inspection and loading of 37 generators, three forklifts, and two M129 vans in support of the battalion's reset program prior to redeployment
o directly responsible for the renovation of the battalion motor pool at Camp Taji, Iraq, recognized by the Brigade Commander as the best motor in the brigade
o Soldier welfare was always first, volunteered his personal time by building a gazebo, six phone booths, an archery range, and driving range for the battalion MWR
o as Range Safety Officer, ensured 41 Soldiers qualifed on their Crew Served Weapons 10 expert and nine sharpshooter
o coordinated and scheduled power generation training that resulted in 48 Soldiers being qualifed to operate the Battalion's power generation equipment
o mentored and prepared seven Soldiers in the Platoon for Warrior Leaders Course resulting in 100% completion and two Soldiers making the Commandant's List
o proven leader who produces top quality results the first time, every time
o vigorously attacked all assigned tasks and encouraged his Soldiers to do the same; a model take charge NCO
o enrolled his Soldiers in correspondence courses and on post Education Center orientation to improve their growth professionally
o showed genuine respect and empathy to all Soldiers' concerns not just his team
o volunteered to stand in for HHB supply sergeant and assume all property accountibility on last day of annual training
o a true asset in the absence of higher leadership
o instrumental in one Soldier winning the Brigade Soldier of the Year competition and two Soldiers winning the Battalion Soldier of the Quarter Board
o stern but fair NCO who consistently exceeded established standards and demanded excellence from his subordinates
o action-oriented manager who fostered a war fighting mentality in his Soldiers
o has outstanding rapport with subordinates and is able to extract the most from each individual by tailoring leadership to the task at hand
o has strong leadership attributes, encouraged his team to achieve best repair rate in SWA
o gave 100% loyalty and support to chain of command
o maintenance section received a distinguished rating for security operations at NTC rotation 06/2
o risked personal injury to save M1038 during a fuel-fed fire; prevented $3M loss of assets/readiness
o his squad successfully assaulted and defended key facilities during Operation Noble Anvil
o cadets under his charge won their division in the National Parachute Competition
o noted by AADCOM Inspector General as having the best Sergeant's Time program in AADCOM
o distinguished himself as both the acting senior drill and acting First Sergeant
o led his men to beat six of seven rifle squads in a Company Biathlon in Japan
o volunteered for every combat mission assigned to 2nd BN during Operation Just Fury
o received Best Team rating during JRTC as a direct result of his leadership
o squad repelled enemy attack of two platoons and enabled the company to accomplish mission at CMTC
o chosen by Brigade and Battalion Commanders to lead reconnaissance of attack routes at CMTC
o outstanding NCODP program proven by company accomplishing all 10 missions at NTC
o during an attack at NTC, he led the remnants of three scattered platoons and secured the BN objective
o raised an inherited unsatisfactory supply section to a commendable rating within a month for the BN CIP
o his Radio Teletype Team won the Brigade and III Corps Artillery Communications Competition
o took command of a failing station and led it from 50% accomplishment rate to over 100%
o his training produced a TOC operated solely by NCOs for Team Spirit '02
o won Honor Platoon with a platoon average of 95% in all EOCT areas
o his ammunition squad was named the best in the history of AH-64A Helicopter Fielding
o deployed on FTX BRIM FROST '98 with temperatures below -70 degrees with no cold weather injuries
o planned and coordinated the ARTEP for a Confinement Facility, a first for the US Army
o distinguished squad as TOP GUN in battalion during Annual Service Practice
o led deployment and redeployment of over 200 Soldiers and 65 vehicles by air and sea
o introduced subjects and tests in preparation of MOS realignment; responsible for successful transition
o maintained a daily physical fitness program in forward deployed theater despite increased workload
o supported the division level Warfighter training events; 100% equipment delivered, 100% task rehearsal
o assisted with building 2 new brigades over the past 6 months; expanded capability while maintaining current strength
See FM 6-22 Army Leadership Appendix A for more Leadership bullet comments
o constantly needs to be monitored to ensure deadlines are being met
o tends to pass off responsibility of negative observations onto junior subordinates
o exercised poor judgment during off-duty hours; cited for driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated
o exhibited strong inability to lead; showed no focus on future goals
o failed to set the example, driving with junior Soldier in POV after driving privileges were revoked
o demonstrated poor leadership by failing to execute movement timeline which delayed unit transition
o displayed questionable leadership ability; failed to set the example for peers and subordinates through unlawful use of alcohol in a deployed environment
o occasionally failed to prevent off duty conduct from interfering with daily personal accountability; resulted in counseling and professional development involvement
o questionable leadership ability; failed to set the example for junior NCOs and Soldiers
o relieved for misconduct, conduct inconsistent with Army Values
o left his squad unsupervised during Annual Training to operate the masonry saw station; a task typically assigned to a subordinate
o Soldier's flaccid leadership style degraded squad moral by failing to provide guidance, support or confidence to his subordinates
o avoided responsibility whenever possible
o demonstrated a lack of leadership skill; lacks the confidence, managerial skills, and ability to make immediate decisions without supervisor's guidance
o displayed a lack of ability to delegate tasks to subordinates
o her behavior, lack of discipline and failure to follow orders consistently disrupted daily operations in the EWO section and the Tactical Operation Center (TOC)
o performance fluctuated based on emotional outbursts; fostered a toxic environment in her section
o aggressively attacked the missions that seemed important to her
o does not use his free time to improve his knowledge of his MOS to become a more efficent and better leader
o his personal demeanor needs to improve to reflect favorably on the Military Police and NCO Corps
o betrays the trust and loyalty of peers and subordinates alike
o fails to take responsibility for the actions of soldiers under his charge
o places his own personal welfare before that of his subordinates
o fails to live up to the Army values and places no moral emphasis on the Warriors ethos
o lacks the moral conscience of an Army leader
o apprehensive in the face of moral adversity
o is a positive and effective leader but needs more confidence with making immediate decisions without supervisors guidance
o received verbal and written counseling to finish pre-mob training
o needs to respect and follow lawful orders from all superiors in the chain of command regardless of personal thoughts regarding the order
o received verbal and written counseling for insubordination and unprofessional behavior
o lacks enthusiasm for teaching subordinates
o sometimes does not understand the importance of his position; leadership and managerial skills need improvement to qualify for next rank
o sets low expectations and fails to achieve them
o fails to follow up on delegated tasks
o always sought the advice of his subordinates rather than issuing directives when given a task
o failed to mentor his subordinate junior leaders with effective and timely counseling
o exhibited strong ability to lead Soldiers, but often lacked the communication skills and tact required of an effective and credible NCO
o is a positive and effective leader but may need more experience before...
o exhibits strong ability to lead, should now focus on staff skills and communication
o is sometimes unaware of operational picture and often leaves subordinates unsupervised
o needs to realize importance of tact when questioning orders and effect on platoon
o leadership and managerial skills need improvement to qualify for next rank
o had poor rapport with his subordinates and was ineffectual in supervision or delegation of responsibilities
o lagged behind contemporaries in...
o was ineffective and provided no useful guidance
o failed to maintain standards and allowed his workcenter rating to decrease from Excellent to Satisfactory
o perception of favoritism affected morale and discipline within the section
o lacks initiative and managerial skills
o lacks enthusiasm in his duties and has no pride in his performance
o failed to develop subordinates; did not perform mandatory NCO-ER performance counseling
o failed to consistently inspect soldiers and their equipment, decreased unit readiness
o mediocre staff skills contributed to mediocre results during inspection
o fails to understand the importance of his position, avoids responsibility when possible
o avoids responsibility and is a negative influence on his section
o occasional challenge of authority affects his leadership ability with Soldiers
o demonstrates outstanding leadership and management skills but should work on staff skills
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