See also: Leads NCOER Bullets

A leader is a dealer in hope.
Napoleon Bonaparte

o displayed self-control and composure when the situation changes or is confusing

o established a workplace and overall command climate that fostered dignity and respect for all members of the group

o dedicated to mission accomplishment with no deviation from standards; never accepts substandard performance or effort from his subordinate leaders

o imparted invaluable guidance on the SHARP program to his Soldiers; provided safety measures during weekend safety briefing

o supervised 20 paratroopers on a chute detail as the senior NCO that executed the accountability and serviceability of 500 parachutes with a 100% success rate

o facilitated prevention of sexual harassment by executing character-focused training to ensure Soldiers were able to recognize subtle violators

o selected to serve as company First Sergeant on multiple occasions; ensured 100 percent accountability, readiness, and cohesion of 70 Soldiers

o prepared four Soldiers in his platoon for WLC resulting in one earning distinguished honor graduate and three earning commandants list honors

o took charge of his platoon and an Italian engineer platoon, resulting in conducting a bridge reconnaissance during a airborne mass tactical exercise

o supported the Army's SHARP program by fostering an environment free of harassment through training and by his own example

o fostered an environment which promoted accountability of SHARP violators and protection for Soldiers and assault victims

o served as the First Sergeant for two months; seamlessly transitioned into his new role managing 60 Soldiers as they each prepared to PCS or ETS

o empowered Squad and Team Leaders through dedicated mentorship and NCO focused development; trained the top two Squad Leaders in the company

o personally mentored eight NCO's to volunteer and submit recruiting packets, truly placing the mission first by supporting the Army's need to fill its ranks

o ensured 100% Soldiers in his platoon were enrolled and 91% completed their SSD 1 course to enhance Personal and Professional growth

o ensured individual deployment readiness by tracking training, administrative and medical requirements; deployed one NCO in support of Operation Atlantic Sentry

o consistently ensured platoon weapons, equipment, and vehicles were serviceable and mission ready, resulting in a 96% mission readiness during OEF XII-XIII

o led squad during route clearance in support of brigade retrograde; resulted in no IED-related casualties to supported unit and mission success

o tracked and supervised the administrative actions for 60 Soldiers, resolving all personnel issues and directly impacting the overall morale of the company

o committed to eliminating sexual harassment and assault; established a workplace that fosters dignity and respect for all members of the organization

o performed duties as the acting Motor Sergeant, a senior position that required supervising a staff of 7 for over six months until the Motor Sergeant was assigned

o demonstrated exceptional leadership prowess by enduring the 5th SFG(a) Supply Support Activity to finish runner-up for the USASOC Supply Excellence Award

o performed duties of Forward Observer exemplarily; created and briefed fires plans for more than 40 patrols immediately upon assuming duties as Forward Observer

o motivated his peers and subordinates to keep pushing during difficult movements over mountainous Afghanistan terrain ultimately leading to mission success

o performed exceptionally well under the pressures of combat and without supervision; guaranteed to accomplish any mission to a high standard

o focused leader; conducted pre and post mission debriefs for over 40 operations executed in Regional Command East and Regional Command North

o effectively assumed and performed the position of LNO without any supervision and executed all her duties with enthusiasm

o a passionate and dedicated leader; trusted by Soldiers and leaders for her integrity and commitment to excellence

o led all Soldiers within the Platoon to pass the Army Physical Fitness Test; only Platoon in the Battalion to complete the required task stated in AR 350-1

o volunteered to perform duties as the BDE BOSS representative; actively informing units and single Soldiers on upcoming events and programs

o set the example as a non-promotable E6 earning the leadership award at the Senior Leaders Course phase II leadership board; outperformed 75 fellow SF soldiers

o encouraged his subordinates to reach their educational goals; resulted in one Soldier enrolled in college classes at Jefferson Community College

o provided the necessary leadership during daily operations of the S1 section, in the absence of the NCOIC, with no loss of office efficiency or customer service support

o extremely motivated NCO who genuinely cares for the health and welfare of his Soldiers; resulted in the successful retention of two solid Soldiers

o personally involved in the career decisions of Soldiers, giving them the knowledge necessary to make informed, intelligent choices

o routinely sought out by other senior NCOs and superiors for advice and guidance

o meets challenges head on; displays courage, conviction and professionalism daily

o epitome of the NCO Corps by being awarded NCO of the month, quarter and year for the state

o voluntarily mentored 20 students of the youth challenge program to receive their General Education Diplomas

o demostrated unparalleled skills by leading his section of 6 to 100% apft pass rate, with an average score of 270

o dedicated to the mission; the results of his zelous and agressive leadership are seen in the continued success and growth of his Paratroopers

o principal advisor to the Platoon Leader on the capabilities and limitations of all Stryker vehicles; responsible to maintain combat readiness of all vehicles

o superb performance during annual training, his/her name was mentioned by several superiors for his/her actions; a true professional soldier

o Soldier was accepted into the Drill Sergeant program and exceeded expectations by memorizing 100% of required modules prior to attending school

o organized and ran a fundraiser for the Troop Health Clinic that raised over $500.00

o ensured all newly arrived personnel were integrated into the Battalions Driver's Training Programs designed to prepare personnel for unit combative missions

o led an ingenious training program tailored to the 7th SFG Group (A) newest MTOE vehicle M1151 and M1165 qualifying 30 Soldiers to assist in the receiving

o shared knowledge and experience with peers and subordinates alike; always willing to assist and train others in the details of Military Vehicle Safety

o set the example with integrity and professionalism; always a team player

o promoted harmony and teamwork; a gifted supervisor

o identified motivation problems, corrected, produced incalculable savings in manpower and budget

o solid leader, genuinely cares for soldiers; motivates them to accomplish all missions

o set stringent, achievable standards for his soldiers

o set leadership standard for peers; selected as platoon sergeant

o provides one on one training to soldiers exhibiting difficulty learning

o guidance and training programs improved SQT scores by 15% to 90 average with no failures

o planned for, established and implemented standards used at all Desert Storm Forward Operating Bases

o led committee to win TRADOC Commanders Award for Excellence for an Outdoor Training Facility

o commended by 23rd TAACOM CSM for improving Quality of Life environment for single soldiers in barracks

o designed and implemented a PAC training team, improved soldier actions timeliness by 20%

o orienteered Kaulter March Team on a 27 mile night road march to place second of twenty teams

o influenced soldiers to accomplish all assigned missions

o accomplished the harder right instead of the easier wrong

o always places mission first

o led platoon to Distinguished Marksmanship Platoon honors during annual battalion shooting competition

o effectively led and inspired sub-standard soldiers to willingly perform to Army standards

o selected as Drill Sergeant of the Cycle

o a role model and mentor for other drill sergeants

o performed duties as First Sergeant; obtained excellent

o knowledge, experience and military bearing make him a role model NCO

o inspired three soldiers to compete and win Post NCO of the month

o always puts soldiers needs first

o received commendation from Battalion CSM for his soldiers appearance and performance during company BCI

o turned the EOD school around by greatly increasing quota utilization and reducing attrition by 25%

o maintained the late NCO-ER rate at zero percent for 12 consecutive months

o coached female weight lifting team to place third in post tournament

o reduced instrument calibration turn around time from 6 day average to 1.5 days

o led retention NCOs to reduce SIDPERS processing time from 14 to 5 days

o guided new 2LTs through complex information project, received commander's approval for efforts

o awarded Bronze Star by Division Commander for leadership during Desert Storm

o motivated his entire section to qualify expert with the 60mm mortar

o commendable performance as acting commander for three months during Commander's absense

o mentorship produced two consecutive MACOM Soldier of the Year winners

o the driving force in the SIDPERS section receiving a Commendable rating

See FM 6-22 Army Leadership Appendix A for more Leadership bullet comments

Needs Improvement

o constantly needs to be monitored to ensure deadlines are being met

o tends to pass off responsibility of negative observations onto junior subordinates

o exercised poor judgment during off-duty hours; cited for driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated

o exhibited strong inability to lead; showed no focus on future goals

o failed to set the example, driving with junior Soldier in POV after driving privileges were revoked

o demonstrated poor leadership by failing to execute movement timeline which delayed unit transition

o displayed questionable leadership ability; failed to set the example for peers and subordinates through unlawful use of alcohol in a deployed environment

o occasionally failed to prevent off duty conduct from interfering with daily personal accountability; resulted in counseling and professional development involvement

o questionable leadership ability; failed to set the example for junior NCOs and Soldiers

o relieved for misconduct, conduct inconsistent with Army Values

o left his squad unsupervised during Annual Training to operate the masonry saw station; a task typically assigned to a subordinate

o Soldier's flaccid leadership style degraded squad moral by failing to provide guidance, support or confidence to his subordinates

o avoided responsibility whenever possible

o demonstrated a lack of leadership skill; lacks the confidence, managerial skills, and ability to make immediate decisions without supervisor's guidance

o displayed a lack of ability to delegate tasks to subordinates

o her behavior, lack of discipline and failure to follow orders consistently disrupted daily operations in the EWO section and the Tactical Operation Center (TOC)

o performance fluctuated based on emotional outbursts; fostered a toxic environment in her section

o aggressively attacked the missions that seemed important to her

o does not use his free time to improve his knowledge of his MOS to become a more efficent and better leader

o his personal demeanor needs to improve to reflect favorably on the Military Police and NCO Corps

o betrays the trust and loyalty of peers and subordinates alike

o fails to take responsibility for the actions of soldiers under his charge

o places his own personal welfare before that of his subordinates

o fails to live up to the Army values and places no moral emphasis on the Warriors ethos

o lacks the moral conscience of an Army leader

o apprehensive in the face of moral adversity

o is a positive and effective leader but needs more confidence with making immediate decisions without supervisors guidance

o received verbal and written counseling to finish pre-mob training

o needs to respect and follow lawful orders from all superiors in the chain of command regardless of personal thoughts regarding the order

o received verbal and written counseling for insubordination and unprofessional behavior

o lacks enthusiasm for teaching subordinates

o sometimes does not understand the importance of his position; leadership and managerial skills need improvement to qualify for next rank

o sets low expectations and fails to achieve them

o fails to follow up on delegated tasks

o always sought the advice of his subordinates rather than issuing directives when given a task

o failed to mentor his subordinate junior leaders with effective and timely counseling

o exhibited strong ability to lead Soldiers, but often lacked the communication skills and tact required of an effective and credible NCO

o is a positive and effective leader but may need more experience before...

o exhibits strong ability to lead, should now focus on staff skills and communication

o is sometimes unaware of operational picture and often leaves subordinates unsupervised

o needs to realize importance of tact when questioning orders and effect on platoon

o leadership and managerial skills need improvement to qualify for next rank

o had poor rapport with his subordinates and was ineffectual in supervision or delegation of responsibilities

o lagged behind contemporaries in...

o was ineffective and provided no useful guidance

o failed to maintain standards and allowed his workcenter rating to decrease from Excellent to Satisfactory

o perception of favoritism affected morale and discipline within the section

o lacks initiative and managerial skills

o lacks enthusiasm in his duties and has no pride in his performance

o failed to develop subordinates; did not perform mandatory NCO-ER performance counseling

o failed to consistently inspect soldiers and their equipment, decreased unit readiness

o mediocre staff skills contributed to mediocre results during inspection

o fails to understand the importance of his position, avoids responsibility when possible

o avoids responsibility and is a negative influence on his section

o occasional challenge of authority affects his leadership ability with Soldiers

o demonstrates outstanding leadership and management skills but should work on staff skills

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