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See also: Air Force Training EPR Bullets
o team player who trains students to achieve their maximum potential
o ensured academic standards were upheld by holding after hours study sessions during Air Ground Integration Course in Ft. Sill, OK
o developed a meticulous and detailed tracking system that improved the unit's ability to plan, forecast and logistically prepare for training exercises and schools
o RSO for BN M203 range qualification, resulting in a 95% qualification rate and zero injuries, accidents or incidents with 1400 rounds fired
o ambitious NCO, never turns down training opportunities, and shares knowledge gained with all soldiers, attended biometrics training with only 1 day notice
o volunteered 10 additional duty days, unpaid, to help prepare company for NTC rotation 8-14
o adjusted without complaint as changes were incorporated in the Training Program
o learned rapidly and adapted quickly to changing situations
o directly responsible for success of two STAFFEXs; his efforts increased the S2's functionality and effectiveness to support the Battalion's wartime missions
o strongly addressed SHARP by aggressively focusing on prevention through education and training; ensured 100% attendance in semi-annual classes
o his knowledge of MP Tasks allowed him to effectively train the entire unit in Area Security efficiently to prepare to duties during deployment to GTMO
o utilizing superior organizational skills, planned and coordinated training of 173 personnel to achieve exceptional results during Pre-Mobilization in Fort Bliss, TX
o possessed strong technical and operational knowledge in all facets of position held
o notably trained 35 Artillery Soldiers in riot tactics in preparation for unit's Rapid Reaction Force Mission
o successfully trained his incoming replacement on the tasks associated with Division Inprocessing
o exceptional land navigation skills enabled his students to achieve a 100% land navigation pass rate for 8 consecutive cycles
o trained Students in the tactical leadership skills needed for Army NCO's in the areas of combat operations, combat orders, and battle drills with a 100% passing rate
o instructed and retrained through expert guidance over 200 Students in land navigation resulting in a 98% pass rate; enhancing overall Army mission success
o provided realistic and relevant training directly related to the Contemporary Operational Environment; training methods provided a model for others to follow
o developed a variety of techniques that enhanced the learning process enabling 7 of his students to make the top 20% of the class in the past 8 cycles
o cross-trained all soldiers on his team to ensure 100% un-interruptible service to his customers on COB Adder and FOB Echo, Iraq during OND 11
o trained one junior NCO to teach the post level three week CBRN class without any loss of continuity to the program
o conducted four Staff Assistance Visits to maintenance sections in various locations throughout the combat zone
o exhibited excellent training management; Platoon was always well informed and prepared for training and to execute any mission assigned
o trained fire team in STP 21-1 SMCT, Warrior Skill Level 1 tasks ensuring Soldiers where trained on the most current doctrine available
o ensured section was training and prepared to continue mission in her absense
o trained logistic contractors on proper theater movement procedures which enabled the Force Protection and Aerostat programs to better support the warfighter
o volunteered during off duty hours to train and prepare four Soldiers for the promotion board; resulted in all four Soldiers being selected for promotion
o despite not having formal training, instructed peers and superiors on M1151, Was solely responsible for success of training
o platoon readiness excellence; CTT, marksmanship, drivers training, APFT: all 100 percent
o inspires teamwork and a winning professional attitude
o training management excellence; students were always well informed and prepared for training
o enthusiastic, motivated and dedicated to provide every soldier with quality training
o motivated trainer and mentor; personally prepares and trains his soldiers for soldier, NCO and promotion boards
o instilled the desire to put forth the maximum effort; motivated his NCOs to take on tough missions and win
o doubled the BNCOC training capacity to support the surge in SSG promotions
o supervised training instructor rehearsals; ensured all instruction was logical and appropriate for the Iraqi students
o unmatched capacity for training soldiers
o designed and implemented a company Soldier Handbook which greatly enhanced the company’s success at NTC
o revised and refined training strategies which enhanced the quality of squad level training
o motivated trainer who sets high standards; trains soldiers until standards are met; no soldier left behind!
o tactical and technical proficiency exceeds that of his peers; Excellent, result-oriented trainer
o rescued a sub-standard weight control program, increased unit APFT scores
o an instrumental part of the planning and execution of the company STX lane training
o trained platoon to maintain technical and tactical proficiency
o delegated effectively and supervised the results; developed his subordinates to lead
o trained her platoon in Night Land Navigation Course; result 100% first time go
o conducted numerous small arms ranges qualifying over 1,000 soldiers
o flawlessly coordinated training and make-up training
o kept his SGT’s informed of changes to training and policies governing the conduct of training
o team player; assisted other Platoons in accomplishing their mission and training objectives
o computerized training, operational and administrative procedures
o developed plan to prepare unit NCOs for in processing, integration and training of newly assigned soldiers
o shared knowledge of operations and administration; enhanced performance of subordinates
o his platoon recognized as instrumental in the successful defense of the unit’s perimeter during NTC, repelling three OPFOR attacks
o motivated soldiers to learn with his enthusiasm and knowledge of training subjects
o received a Coin of Excellence from the Bde Cdr for conducting an outstanding Special Forces range in preparation for their upcoming Afghanistan rotation
o certified 50 personnel down to Company level throughout the Brigade to operate the EST 2000, resulting in dramatic improvement of weapons qualifications
o supervised Pre-Marksmanship Instruction utilizing the EST- 2000 for the entire Brigade and numerous external units to support weapons qualification
o has an extensive knowledgebase from previous deployments and does not hesitate to highlight lessons learned
o successfully assisted in the training of two NCO's on basic duties associated with the Intel Watch
o did not seek training or assistance when placed in a position outside of his typical duties
o he was not accountable for his actions when he went AWOL for 41 days, neglecting his basic soldier knowledge of being on time, in the right uniform and the right place
o does not use his free time to improve his knowledge of his MOS to become a more efficent and better leader
o overcame several obstacles to advancement but requires further training before...
o has made significant progress in qualification and may be ready for advancement
o demonstrated dedication and sincere effort to improve but limited by...
o negatively affected our state of readiness by...
o failed to take advantage of opportunities to advance
o achieved full qualification in position and needs to concentrate on...
o counseled by the Battalion CSM for having the least qualified platoon in the company
o failure to plan ahead or manage current training requirements reduced readiness
o his performance was below average and is in immediate need of retraining
o is indifferent to suggestions for advancement and misses many opportunities for improvement
o despite encouragement and efforts of peers, cannot qualify for duty and fails to make effort to improve
o will not use off-duty time for study or self-improvement, fails to advance in qualification
o failed to acquire the necessary skills and attributes to...
o despite the best efforts of trainers on and off-duty, was unsuccessful in...
o demonstrated a lack of knowledge in most assigned duties, does not comply with instructions and is a threat to the safety of this battery
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