Senior Rater Comments

Excels in developing robust internal controls and monitoring mechanisms that are critical to achieving mission objectives in support of the Guam National Guard. Her ability to plan, organize, and execute technical analyses is evident in her effective management of budget functions, which are essential to the readiness missions of the Guam National Guard. She leverages her expertise to foster technical excellence, creating an environment that encourages collaboration among service providers and customers to meet the Guam National Guard's requirements.

SGT D's potential as an NCO and a Squad Leader is unmeasurable. He is, by far, the #1 of 3 squad leaders that I senior rate. SGT D has the knowledge and work ethic to be an outstanding Squad Leader or Section Sergeant. SGT D has the tools to serve in any position that the Army has to offer and succeed. Continue to challenge this NCO with greater responsibilities. Send to ALC immediately and promote ahead of peers.

SFC Doe is one of the absolute best SFC on Fort Xxxx and easily in the top 10% of NCOs I have worked with in 31 years. Her professional acumen, command presence, and leadership made an immeasurable impact to the success of the Command Group and Fort Xxxx. Select for Master Sergeant now and send to MLC, Soldiers need her Leadership!

SSG ===== is a well rounded and knowledgeable NCO who is dedicated to the success of 3rd Battalion Noncommissioned Officer Academy. His willingness to accept additional duties is a testament to his standing among peers. His potential will allow him to serve and excel in any position assigned. SSG ===== should be considered for promotion at the first opportunity.

SSG Figueroa is two of six Staff Sergeants who I currently senior rate. He is a phenomenal NCO whose excellent performance and vast potential are true testaments of his character and values. SSG Figueroa's adaptability to accomplish any task given are unparalleled. He clearly possesses the ability and knowledge needed to serve as a Platoon Sergeant. Send to Senior Leader Course and promote immediately.

SSG Elizondo ranks 1 of 4 Staff Sergeants I currently senior rate. He is a top notch NCO who expects and enjoys a challenge. SSG Elizondo instilled confidence within subordinates and set an example for all to emulate. SSG Elizondo is a self-starter; he identifies problems early and develops strategies to address them. New soldiers and officers look to him for guidance. Promote now to Sergeant First Class.

SSG Brooks is 1 of 3 Staff Sergeant's I currently senior rate. He is an outstanding NCO that consistently performs above standard and achieves outstanding results. Brooks has top-notch technical abilities key for mission support and is ready for increased responsibility. Continue to place in tough, demanding leadership jobs. SSG Brooks is a must select for promotion.

An exceptional NCO and easily in the top 10% of all NCOs I rate. He is ready to assume greater responsibilities. He is capable of overseeing major construction operations while coordinating other mission critical tasks. He can communicate a clear vision to subordinates and peers and fosters a command team spirit within the company. Promote to Sergeant First Class now.

SSG Garcia is an organized and disciplined leader, addressing situations with tenacity and zeal. His commitment to the organization is what others should emulate. Challenge with greater responsibilities and promote to Sergeant First Class now.

Outstanding performance by a total professional and true expert in Information Management. Absolutely reliable/dependable, runs his lane, needs no guidance/supervision.

Easily handles the myriad of critical tasks associated with Garrison IT Operations. Responsible for a huge/complex lane of multiple functions ranging from LCM to APMS.

Hard charging/dedicated performer and tremendous asset to our Garrison.

Unlimited potential to serve/succeed in positions of greater responsibility.

First Sergeant Smith is a capable Truck Master whose knowledge of Transportation has been invaluable in training new personnel and handling operations. First Sergeant Smith has unlimited potential and has demonstrated exceptional Soldier Care. With further mentorship and training, he may be ready for Sergeant Major.

Sergeant Harris possesses a strong record of credibility, loyalty and achievement. He provided pre-mobilization training for over 2,000 Soldiers and aided multiple unit supply sergeants. He is a selfless team player. Promote now to Staff Sergeant!

SSG Smith's knowledge of USAREUR and ARCENT operating procedures has been invaluable in training new personnel and handling joint operational requirements. In addition to his post as Container Manager for Camp Striker and FOB Cropper, his duties included sending weekly census reports, tracking anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 U.S. and coalition service members. His meticulous accounting and accuracy were repeatedly recognized by Garrison Command. He is highly recommended for selection to Sergeant First Class.

Sergeant Anderson is the most conscientious and dedicated Soldier I've served with in 11 years. He oversaw two brigade-size turn-ins during NTC rotations prior to an Iraq deployment and achieved recognition for best supply room in 10th MT Division. Promote to Staff Sergeant Now.

This Soldier demonstrated exceptional ability and leadership qualities. Advised Leadership on how to efficiently organize Convoy Escort Teams for civilian trucks from Camp Virginia, Kuwait to both Camp Cedar and Camp Adder, Iraq. Recommend promotion.

Staff Sergeant Powel has demonstrated tremendous growth, has overcome all obstacles, and is ready for a more challenging assignment. A clear choice for recruiter duty, Promote.

Sergeant First Class Ferrick is a proven leader and team builder. He was directly responsible for two successful rotations. Select now for the most challenging and critical duties.

Staff Sergeant Coronado is ready for immediate promotion to Sergeant First Class. He developed the deployment maintenance SOP and brought delinquencies to zero balance and returned $20,000 to the 25th TC. He has the maturity and technical knowledge needed to be an outstanding Warrant Officer.

SGT Gale's take charge attitude and "can do" optimism paired with his natural ability made him my first choice for section supervisor. He has unlimited potential for future leadership positions with increased authority and responsibility. He has my highest recommendation for advancement.

Sergeant First Class Valdez led his battery to success. He trained all his Soldiers on the Sentinel RADAR and the FAAD computer system, exceeding requirements. He aggressively met and overcame obstacles and streamlined operations. He is overdue for greater responsibility. Promote to MSG now!

SGT Mansk is a capable Health Care Specialist with a can-do attitude. He amplified local medical assets by assisting with the care of 100 trauma and 200 outpatient local nationals and coalition forces. He provided top care during 11 mass casualties, 60 hours of medical-surgical care and ICU recovery. His attention to detail ensured continuity of effective care as he assisted with the medevac of 60 patients to role III care. SGT Mansk is always willing to accept more challenging tasks. Promote to Staff Sergeant as soon as possible.

She is my go-to manager for logistics planning and an outstanding Platoon Sergeant with exceptional experience. Challenge with greater responsibilities and promote to First Class now.

Staff Sergeant Lawlor is an expert Transportation Manager. He developed a Combat Heavy Maintenance Program that became the standard for all others units in the AOR. He has met and conquered all challenges and is ready to excel in any billet assigned. A clear choice for Sergeant First Class, promote immediately.

Needs Improvement Comments

SGT XXX possesses a strong foundation of knowledge and should continue to develop and refine as a Leader. SGT XXX should be given responsibilities outside of his comfort zone to become more adaptable and flexible to the ever-changing requirements of the Army. He should be sent to NCOES and promoted with peers.

SGT XXX is currently nine of eleven SGTs who I senior rate in this grade. SGT XXX is a motivated and dedicated NCO, capable of adjusting to new positions with a positive attitude. With further mentorship and training, SGT XXX has potential to assume positions with greater responsibility. Promote with peers and send to ALC when slots become available.

SGT Gabriel's performance is occasionally average or above. He has demonstrated limited potential for further advancement. With grooming and mentorship SGT Gabriel could be ready for positions of greater responsibility. Send to NCOES when available and promote with peers.

SFC Russell has unlimited potential but only performs at expected levels. With further mentorship and training he may be ready for greater responsibilities in the future. Promote with peers.

SGT XXXX is a positive and determined NCO that performs well during operational tasks and has the potential to serve in positions of higher responsibility. Recommend Soldier to be placed in a leadership billet to enhance NCO and leadership skillset. Promote with peers when eligible.

SGT Young has the potential to be an asset to the NCO corps with additional training and experience. This Soldier has demonstrated ability and leadership qualities but needs further mentorship and training. SGT Young will undoubtedly be ready for greater responsibilities in the future.

Performs at expected levels. Send to Senior Leaders course when slots are available. Promote to SFC with peers.

SFC XXXXXX demonstrates potential to continue serving at his current level of responsibility. His potential for service in positions of higher rank is limited. Send to Master Leader Course when available. Promote with peers.

SSG Bila demonstrates potential to serve in positions of higher rank with additional mentorship and guidance. Send to Advanced Leader Course when available. Promote to Sergeant First Class with peers.

Based on limited potential to serve in positions of similar or higher responsibility, do not promote this NCO.

SSG XXXXX is currently 12th out of 12 Staff Sergeants that I rate. He has potential if he desires to use it. Currently the United States Army is not his priority. With further mentorship and training he may be ready for greater responsibilities in the future. Soldier should not be sent to advanced schooling or promoted at this time.

SGT Mary has the potential to be an asset to the NCO corps with additional training and experience. SGT Mary should be sent to Basic Leaders Course and be immediately enrolled into Advanced Leaders Course and be promoted with peers.

SGT Smith is an unconventional asset to the Unit as an assistant to the Unit Supply Sergeant. Send Soldier to current level NCOES, promote with peers.

Her potential is limited, she performs at expected levels. With further mentorship and training she may be ready for greater responsibilities in the future. Send to the Advanced Leaders Course when available. Promote to Staff Sergeant with peers.

SFC Brown has unlimited potential but needs to work on his leadership and problem solving skills before executing duties of greater responsibility. Send to SLC as soon as Soldier is eligible.

Performance is often above average but SSG Wheelis lacks loyalty and respect for superiors. She has potential, with more experience, to excel as a leader.

He is a technical SME and training asset but demonstrates a lack of rapport with and concern for subordinates and has contributed to low morale in this Unit. May perform better in another Command.

Do not recommend for promotion at this time. With further mentorship and training SGT Maclay may be ready for greater responsibilities in the future.

SSG Harding's performance is sometimes above average but he is undependable and cannot be relied on for unsupervised assignments.

This NCO is not a contributing member of the U.S. Army; do not retain and remove from positions of responsiblity immediately.

SSG Adams' otherwise superior performance was marred by his lapse in judgement during rating period; failed to uphold the Army Values.

SGT Willard is ready for promotion. With detailed instruction and supervision this Soldier can accomplish assigned tasks.

SGT Keck consistently failed to comply with safety regulations and OIs and is a threat to the safety of this battery. Recommend discharge at earliest opportunity.

SSG Smith is uncooperative with leadership and fails to understand the difference between "taking care of troops" and following orders. His combative attitude is counter-productive and a liability to this Command.

Despite increased assistance and training, he continues to have difficulty completing assigned tasks. Recommend reclassification.

SGT Reynolds is unable to adjust to deployment or the diverse demands of a joint environment.

Performs at expected levels, does not distinguish himself from his peers. Send to Advance Leaders Course when slot is available.

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