Driver NCOER Bullets

Command Driver

o aided immeasurably in the HHC's drivers training; certified drivers within the Company to improve flexibility during future Battalion field exercises

o entrusted with responsibility of section's six wheeled vehicles, maintenance, and five additional drivers; performed above his level of experience

o only driver trusted by the protocol office to escort DVs; facilitated succesful visits of 3 Distinguished Visitors

o served as a driver for our Mentor Team; facilitated the integration of the unit

o demonstrated a high level of competence and professionalism while serving as a driver for the Command

o as a command driver, he ensured the round-the-clock mission readiness of his vehicle, weapons, and all assigned equipment

o served as duty driver during the Leadership Reaction Course event; kept all events on schedule

o developed the most comprehensive and accurate map of routes and alternative routes; his foresight multiplied readiness


o was the platoon's primary driver for the M-1078 and was the only Soldier to possess multiple licenses for a variety of tactical vehicles

o selected over his peers for his competence and driving skills to retrieve the daily food supply from CAIN; sustained the Assault Company's ability to continue flight and maintenance operations throughout Annual Training

o ensured vehicles were FMC despite having little assistance from peers due to details and medical issues

o aided and assisted in multiple layouts all while simultaneously completing his assigned duties in a manner that exceeded standards

o kept all vehicles operational; his knowledge and experience ensured a first-time GO at Tips and Scales and the ITD Yard

o provided safe transportation for all local units to the range

o assisted with blocking for the convoy, keeping all members together and ensuring they reach final destination

o aided other squad members in the proper performance of Preventive Maintaince Service Checks on six wheeled vehicles used for Port Mission

o reacted swiftly when an IED damaged his truck and prevented injury to passengers

o responded quickly and on short notice to assist in common task training, weapon, driver and escort training and sergeants time training

o completed 3 Bradley Gunnerys and one rotation to NTC as a driver

o drove during security operations in Ninawa Province, enabled second platoon to develop a persons of interest database in the AOR which kept hostile actions at low level

o adapted quickly to driving the Maxxpro Plus series MRAP with mine roller; increased CET effectiveness in supporting Operation New Dawn

o was a key member of the Quick Reaction Force patrolling Darulaman, Afghanistan while deployed to Camp Dubs, ensured the survival of the operation HQ

o exceeded standards when tested on PMCS on the Light Medium Tactical Vehicle, recognized by Bn leadership

o pulled double duty as driver and Truck Commander, keeping crew alive while crossing the deadliest terrain in the world

o traveled over 7,000 accident-free miles and when necessary, seamlessly transitioned to serve as the gunner on a M240B platform

o as the Battery Master Driver, he displayed tireless devotion to the safety and well being of the Alpha Battery, 1st Battalion Soldiers

o drove over 10,000 kilometers across explosive remnants of war (ERW) strewn terrain on security and support missions for the STT

truck driver

o served as a master driver and successfully licensed and re-certified over 60 soldiers on various wheeled vehicles

o aided in the recovery of deadlined vehicles from Camp Funston to the motorpool; completed post-AT retrograde

o transported and delivered 9 connex and trucks filled with 1.1 high explosive material, 1.4 high explosive material, and other classes of supplies

o drove over 400 miles during the ITS escort mission to Poland without incident or damage to equipment

o served as a BFV Driver during operation Assure and Deter; showcased her exceptional reliability by ensuring her BFV, at a moments notice, was fully mission capable

o successfully led multiple convoys and navigated like a GPS, delivered hundreds of Soldiers to live-fire zero range and qualification ranges

o volunteered to conduct drivers training and coached newbies on local conditions and convoy operations; vehicle losses steadily declining

o contributed to the effectiveness and success of the 49th's Annual Training in support of the Nellis Test and Training Range

o his familiarization and experience with both garrison and combat operations has made him a valuable asset and the 293rd MP Co's best driver

o performed effective daily inspections of his assigned vehicles without fail and provided the only operational trucks on post after the storm

o showed team how to back up tractor trailors and perform docking procedures; maintained cargo delivery during LN strike

o his knowledge of tactics, techniques and procedures contributed to the success of the PSD team's mission

o meticulously maintained his assigned vehicle to 10/20 standards and ensured that he was ready to respond to mission requirements at a moment's notice

o trusted with issuing and receiving JP8 and MOGAS and maintaining a fuel point at a classified FOB

o maintained security during 20 missions to/from the Djibouti and Doraleh ports in Djibouti, Africa with zero incidents and protected millions of dollars worth of Navy equipment and cargo

o logged thousands of miles under the most austere weather conditions, delivered Soldiers throughout the post to training locations safely and without incident

o her expertise with the palletized loading system and in ammo handling contributed to the safe delivery of class I, II, IV, and V cargo to and from numerous field training exercises in support of the 15th Field Artillery

o trained, tested and licensed 90 Soldiers, resulting in 100 percent of the company's Soldiers being licensed

o pulled over 40 Class V (Ammunition and Explosive) missions, risking her life to support effective training

o assisted 4th Tank Battalion with the cleaning of their vehicles during African Lion 2012, enabling exfil on time

o contributed to the successful completion of over two hundred transport missions

o utilized composite risk management in all aspects of our program

o provided transportation for critical misson capabilities during theater operations supporting more than 12,000 warfighters

o provided security and contributed to a successful helicopter recovery in the Maywand province of Afghanistan

o his maturity and experience have made him the "go to" driver for the largest and newest pieces of equipment in our inventory

o kept the commanders vehicle up to 10/20 standards during national training center rotation

o lead his team to maintain full mission capability with no missed missions due to his foresight, preparation and mechanical know-how

o provided countless hours of maintenance and guaranteed mission success while deployed to Baghdad, Iraq

o created company master driver SOP on his personal time

o delivered over $10,000,000 worth of class VII safely to the shipping port for deploying units in Afganistan

Medevac Driver

o performed his duties as the company medevac driver; successfully extracted notional casualties and transported them safely from the frontline to proper medical facilities

o assisted nighttime Tactical Operations Center duties; logged Medevacs and notified the Command Team of any CCIRs or NIPR Blackouts

o supported 13 real world Medevacs; his quick response and relay of information to C-MED and the Battalion Command Team saved the lives of wounded Soldiers

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