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See also: Air Force Aerospace Propulsion EPR Bullets
See also: Navy Aviation Machinsts Mate Evaluations
See also: Air Force Engine Maintenance EPR Bullets
o assisted 1-229 ARB with unscheduled maintenance on an AH-64 rotor head
o identified and documented damage to AH-64 rotorhead during inspection of the upper bearing that rendered it unserviceable; prevented loss of equipment and lives
o demonstrated leadership by, in addition to maintaining his assigned aircraft, accepting responsibility for supervising an Army Reserve team assigned to perform maintenance
o his detailed and carefully documented maintenance directly contributed to the combat readiness of all 7 UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters supporting Kosovo theater operations
o created and managed the powertrain benchstock, which consists of primary, secondary and DART kit for AH-64's, UH-60's and CH-47's
o contributed to the effectiveness and success of numerous phases of UH-60 Blackhawks and CH-47 Chinooks
o served as 46th Aviation Support Battalion primary bench stock representative for Airframe; parts wait time a thing of the past
o supported the 185th TAB during multiple APOD and SPOD operations including 6 CH-47s and 36 UH-60s
o demonstrated skill and expertise as a DART team member during brigade DART rodeo
o prepared and executed a real-time Downed Aircraft Recovery Team operation; launch time exceeded standard
o reassembled 14 AH-64D helicopters in 7 days despite loss of personnel and support
o performed over 500 manhours of aircraft maintenance, scheduled and unscheduled, including a servocylinder replacement and two engine riggings