Special Forces Communications Sergeant
NCOER Bullets

See also: Signal Support NCOER Bullets

o facilitated training for new soldiers in preparation for Advanced technical operator course; improved performance and readiness within the CEMA Platoon

o attended Advanced Technical Operator course which represented the CEMA Platoon and 7th Special Forces group (Airborne); exceeded the academic and performance standards

o maintained accountability of 2.7 million dollars of equipment to and from the Advanced Technical Operator course

o volunteered to deploy early to the Mission Readiness Exercise (Montana) to help support Company Operations

o participated in certification for Drone Operations to enhance Operational Detachment Alpha effectiveness

o acted as Senior Communications Sergeant; established communications during every mission undertaken, ensuring the team leader was able to communicate with higher headquarters

o communicated complex tactics, techniques and practices; language abilities facilitated more beneficial and productive meetings

o instructed two Mode-1 Ground Signal Terminal Guidance Operator Courses

o qualified 20 personnel from various joint units and civilian agencies in Mode-1 certification

o communicated complex tactics and techniques to all cell members; improved integration and focus of effort

o called in air support for units of the 101st 1/387th battalion at AP BIA; pinpoint accuracy in Forward Air Controller position saved the mission with no loss of life

o maintained up-to-the-minute situational awareness by constant participation in five separate Battalion nets: netted Iridium, SINCGARS, mIRC, FBCB2, and Ripper Net

o maintained active communications with senior and subordinate units while participating in all Operations; vigilance and appropriate responses multiplied division support

o conducted 18 parachute jumps, eight mass tactical jumps, and two Joint Force Entry exercises

o trained UAF forces on Air Defense Artillery; increased proficiency at ADA employment from the individual to collective level

o trained three Ukrainian Battalion Tactical Groups which encompassed Basic Stinger Training, TTPs, TLPs, and culminated with a Field Training Exercise

o enabled UAF forces to effectively integrate and employ ADA operators and systems to seize complex objectives for future fights

o defended perimeter with M240 against enemy fire from mulitiple locations; provided target info to the rear JTAC which called in a B1B that destroyed the enemy fighting positions

o served as the subject matter expert on SNAP, TACSAT, JBCP, and HF radios; facilitated continuous communications

o troubleshot, repaired, and reinstalled intermittent communication systems on 2 RG-31 MRAPs; restored 50% of mission capability and saved two weeks in repair time

o deployed to classified location in Sudan and modified hotel room structure to establish a satellite link for SF team which had been without comm for 3 weeks

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