Financial Management Technician
NCOER Bullets

See also: Air Force Financial Management EPR Bullets

See also: Navy Financial Management Evaluations

Brigade Budget Analyst

o displayed confidence and professionalism as a Lead Defense Travel Administrator (DTA); assisted over 25 subordinate DTAs

o funded 7.5M in aviation repair parts; resulted in bringing deploying aircraft sets to fully mission capable status

o coordinated funding for aviation fuel of 14 US Property and Fiscal Office (USPFO) of two major ECAB MOBS totaling $1.3M

o conducted weekly audits of the government travel credit card; decreased the brigade GTC delinquency rate by five percent

o assisted in the formulation of FY21 budget projections; resulted in an increase budget estimate of $6M in possible UFRs

o maintained FM Certification level 2 for the entirety of the rated period; earned 60 hours of continuing education credits

o processed $782K in travel ISO multiple mobilizations; enabled four aviation units to successfully certify for deployment

Military Pay Technician

o assisted Soldiers with the Integrated Personnel and Pay System - Army (IPPS-A); significantly enhanced the unit's administrative capabilities

o facilitated the submission of over 50K in payment debts back to DFAS on-time with a 100% accuracy rate

o supported the busiest Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Defense Military Pay Office on the East Coast

o ensured accurate and complete reimbursement of travel for Fort Jackson Soldiers

o followed up to make sure all travel was entered correctly; guaranteed timely pay for Extended Combat Training Mission TDY

o submitted all vouchers in less than 24 hours; poised for approval and rapid reimbursement and payment for government travel

o provided timely and accurate customer service to over 11,000 National Guard, Army Reserve and Active Duty Soldiers

o described military pay entitlements and allowances; ensured Soldiers's questions were answered, aided applications

o reviewed a variety of supporting pay authorization documents; ensured validity and compliance with applicable policies and regulations

o indentified instances of Soldiers not applying for or receiving entitlements; strengthened Soldier financial readiness

o disbursed and processed 89,667 Stored Value Card transactions for over $28,344,000; zero balance, no losses

o supervised the Military Pay Processing Section; delivered vital service to over 1,100 Army Reservists, National Guard and Active Duty Soldiers

o reviewed and researched military pay documents to ensure action was required and processed IAW applicable guidance and regulations

o processed over 3,123 military pay transactions with an accuracy rate of over 99%; met or exceeded DFAS accuracy standard of 98% for twelve continuous months

DTS Administrator

o maintained expertise in Defense Travel System profile management and documented submission requirements

o ensured G8 Section is trained to have a full understanding of the use of DTS

o maintained certification as LDTA, managing 100 plus profiles

o Defense Travel System (DTS) Administrator for one year handling more than 6,000 accounts

o personally audited more than 15 DTS personnel sites in Army units located in TX, NM, AZ, OK and AR

o tracked over 1500 Out of Service Debt and Claims cases ranging from $200.00 to $200,000.00 and ensured DFAS customers' problems were corrected

Financial Management NCO

o developed and revised numerous administrative and training documents which prevented finacial oversights

o exceeded the Defense Finance and Accounting System standard of 98% accuracy with a 99.4% accuracy rating for six continuous months

o stood up and operated the Military Pay Section during Annual Warriors' Training in Milan

o completed all tasks while maintaining open lines of communication between her platoon leaders and Soldiers

Automation Specialist

o followed up and ensured Verizon tracking reports and the GPC binder were accurate and up to date

o ensured Recruiting and Retention NCO profiles were accurate in Recruiter Zone

o monitored reports and ensured the Recruiting and Retention Battalion complied with regulatory guidance and contractual obligations

Customer Service

o managed cash responsibility for a 3 million dollar operation; balanced requirements

o submitted more than 100 finance actions and worked with the 160th FMSD to get soldiers correct pay

o very organized, kept the S-1 section very orderly and kept track of personnel actions

o ensured that over 8,000 Soldiers within the 6th ASG were properly paid

o coordinated all S1 and admin actions, completed all Bn administrative paperwork prior to deployment

o trained unit pay personnel in the proper USARC required pay proceedures

o predicted pay failure during USSTRATCOM reorganization; assumed responsibility for higher HQ oversight and ensured continuity

o supported over 40,000 US Army Reserve soldiers in the USAR Pay Center and exceeded the DFAS standard of 99% accuracy in coding transactions

USARPAC Audit Readiness Team

o tracked 456 external auditor sample requests to support the Department of Defense's first full financial statement audit

o facilitated the submission of over 3,000 source documents with an on-time rate of 98%

o helped the Army take another step towards its goal of a clean audit opinion while increasing accountability across the command

Defense Travel Administrator

o improved the DTS voucher submission rate and lowered the delinquency rate 15% by conducting thorough training with the Brigade ODTA's

Non DTS Entry Agent (NDEA)

o served as Non DTS Entry Agent (NDEA) for the Medical Training Brigade deployment; attention to detail ensured accurate reimbursement for travel

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