Maintenance Supervisor
NCOER Bullets

See also: Air Force Maintenance Superintendent EPR Bullets

See also: 91X Areas of Special Emphasis

Maintenance Supervisor

o managed MDP maintenance section, providing guidance and training, which resulted in increased efficiency and operational readiness in MDP maintenance operations

o reviewed the Interactive Technical Manual (IETM) for the Version 6 upgrade to the Apache Guardian Helicopter

o made effective recommendations for the IETM that improved overall maintenance procedures and flow used during Maintenance Operation Checks (MOC), Fault Isolation Procedures (FIP), and repair procedures

o unusual problem solver and great planner; selected to perform duties as Motor Sergeant one rank above his current grade

o drew and returned 61 pieces of vehicles equipment from the PREPO yard during NTC, adhering to Army standards always

o made decisions for the unit that directly supported the Commander's intent and promotion of unit standards

Maintenance Team Chief

o accomplished 18 services while simultaneously performing preventive maintenance and improving Apache troop trucks; improved morale and work efficiency

o maintained over 90% of 489 BSB battalion equipment at FMC

o played an essential role in the repair of 6 deadlined vehicles during Annual Training 2016

o encouraged and developed innovative ideas to improve maintenance practices; improved maintenance output

o charted schedules and taskings in order to optimize available skills and personnel

o engaged assets outside the MACOM to ensure maintenance personnel were available during training events

o made sound decisions as contact Team Leader supporting HHC 741st BEB; sustained mission

o acted as the Mx Chief for 20 Soldiers during Beyond the Horizon Guatemala

o oversaw the restoration and 24-hour operation of the D.R.A.S.H. power units supporting the DCP; ensured operation of our number one maintenance priority

o unprecedented problem solver, great planner and smart organizer; selected over four of his peers to perform duties as Battalion Motor Sergeant

o conducted PBUSE to SAMS1-E scrubs until all equipment administrative DATA matched; lead to the Support Battalion's first error-free AMSS in over eight years

o maintained outstanding rapport with his Soldiers, was able to extract the most from each one individually by tailoring leadership to Soldier and task

o stressed the importance of proper troubleshooting procedures to all supervised mechanics; reduced misdiagnoses of NMC faults over 50%

o possessed the technical and tactical knowledge necessary to teach and train on MOS tasks to deploying Soldiers supporting Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) teams

Maintenance NCO

o served as Bandit Troop maintenance team leader; increased the OR percentage from 38% to 90%, raising Bandit Troop to a fit to fight status

o served as the Maintenance Control Officer (MCO) for seven months; provided oversight of and customer support for 125 externally supported UICs throughout JBLM

o implemented maintenance program that directly impacted the result of the COMET inspection's 99% rating

o served as Platoon Sergeant and Maintenance Control Sergeant, performing all duties and responsibilities with outstanding results

o challenged and motivated Soldiers to aggressively manage their careers; resulted in two graduating SLC, two graduating ALC, and five graduating WLC

o dedicated personal time to prepare Soldiers for the board; resulted in five Soldiers earning promotable status and two Soldiers winning Soldier of the Month board

o brilliantly executed motor pool operations for multiple units successfully completing 550 job orders on all Fall Classic Equipment

o supervised recovery missions for over 250 critical vehicles; 100% successful

o dispatched contact teams to repair numerous vehicles; fastest reclamation in province

o shared knowledge and experience; key to his section's 100% completion rate of all scheduled services on all tactical equipment with zero delinquencies

o supervised the completion of over 400 work orders while maintaining an overall 98% Operational Readiness Rate on 500 pieces of equipment

o maintained 100% accountability of all assigned equpment that valued over $20,000

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