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o designed $7M in enduring communications infrastructure for 4 projects at 2 Western Access Network bases, increasing bandwidth 300% and extending cyber access to previously disconnected areas, supporting C2 & anti-air capabilities
o conducted site survey for 4 critical locations, consulted with 14 stakeholders, measured and evaluated 550 acres to craft existing site picture for 2 first-ever area development plans, prepared for CENTCOM OPLAN activation
o served as U.S. rep to Saudi military officials in 3 key engagements to collaborate on strategic resource allocation arrangements preparing for next $83M phase in burden-sharing program aligning U.S. and Host Nation interests
o teamed with 5 E&I troops, designed and installed $10K, 740 foot cable raceway, enhancing NIPR, SIPR, commercial internet for 18 Joint Service Operators, cutting CFK startup time by 3.5 hrs, and strengthening U.S.-Israel air defense missions