Targeting NCO Duty Descriptions

Target Processing Section (TPS) Targeting NCO
Leads, supervises, and trains the targeting element; ensures AFATDS is properly initialized and used in conjunction with targeting information from the target production map and other sources to produce targets; assists in recommending employment of fire support means to include Naval gunfire and CAS; ensures targets generated from the targeting element are passed to the fire control and operations elements for action; responsible for six soldiers at a time.

BDE Targeting NCO
Serves as the Targeting NCO for the Army's most diverse Fires Brigade (Airborne); part of the 82nd Airborne Division contingency force; plans and synchronizes the effects resulting from the application of Fire Support including Army indirect fires, joint fires, and offensive IO; establishes target priorities, develops High Payoff Targets, and provides targeting guidance; produces a targeting collection plan; develops fires Operational Plans and Operational Orders and Fire Support coordination measures; responsible for the training, supervision, and well-being of five Paratroopers, two HMMWVs and automation equipment valued in excess of $250,000.

Brigade Targeting NCO
Brigade Targeting NCO for a Heavy Brigade Combat Team of the 3rd Infantry Division with a worldwide contingency mission; responsible for all matters of fire support targeting to include the planning and coordination of Target Acquisition assets; assists in the supervision and training of the targeting element; ensures targets generated by the targeting element are passed to the fire control and operations elements for action; integrates information from shelling reports into the target development process; assists in determining High Payoff Target List, Attack Guidance Matrix, and Target Sensing System; interfaces with higher and lower Fire Support Elements.

Targeting NCO
Leads and trains the targeting elements of the brigade tactical operations center (TOC) during combat operations; advises and assists the fire support sergeants of subordinate elements in fire planning and coordination techniques; drafts fire support plans for tactical operations orders and plans; coordinates plans for company, battalion, and brigade fire support and integrates them with the overall scheme of maneuver; recommends employment of target acquisition assets and target selection standards to include COLT employment; responsible for health, welfare and morale of 15 Soldiers; responsible for approximately 1.5 million dollars worth of equipment.

Targeting Cell NCOIC
Serves as the Targeting Cell NCOIC; executes duties as the Analysis and Control Element's (ACE) NCOIC, G2, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault); responsible for supervising the production of fused intelligence products in support of the Command Group, Division staff, and subordinate units; assists in conducting intelligence analyst training and briefings; responsible for the training, health, morale and welfare of one NCO and four Soldiers; maintains accountability of over $500,000 worth of specialized property book items and equipment.

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