Supply Sergeant Duty Descriptions

92Y System Accountant
Serves as the Supply NCO responsible for the request, receipt, issue, and accountability of individual, organizational, installation, and expendable supplies and equipment; assists in property accountability through the Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUSE) system; ensures critical assets are on hand or ordered; monitors all sensitive items and unit inventories; initiates Financial Liability Investigations of Property Loss (FLIPL); accounts for the health, personal welfare, and training of three Soldiers and directly responsible for $60 million worth of organizational equipment.

Unit Supply Sergeant
Receives, inspects, inventories, loads/unloads, stores, issues and delivers supplies and equipment within the section; maintains accountability of section supplies and equipment; issues sub hand receipt equipment within the SASMO section; operates SASMO computers; conducts property book validations/reconciliations annually and upon change of accountable officer according to company's MTOE.

Unit Supply Sergeant
Works as the Commander's representative on all supply issues pertaining to the request, receipt, issue and accountability of individual, organizational, installation, and expendable supplies and equipment; assists in property accountability through the Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS-A); provides assistance on component, sensitive item and annual inventories; maintains 100 percent equipment accountability with no loss.

Unit Supply Sergeant
Maintains property accountability within the global combat support (GCSS-Army) system and coordinates supply activities; reviews and annotates changes to unit material condition status report; responsible for posting transactions to organizational and institutional property books; determines method of obtaining relief from responsibility for lost, damaged and destroyed equipment; assists and advises the Executive Officer and Company Commander; directs supply personnel in establishing supply and inventory control management.

92Y20/Unit Supply Sergeant
Serves as the Unit Supply Sergeant responsible for the request, receipt, issue, and accountability, of individual, organizational, installation, and expendable supplies and equipment; operates unit level computer (ULC); schedules and performs preventive and organizational maintenance on weapons and other sensitive items; posts transactions to property books and transaction files; initiates financial liability investigations of property loss (FLIPL); responsible for $4.7 million worth of organizational and theater provided equipment; responsible for the training and personal welfare of one Soldier.

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