Technical Engineer Awards

Meritorious service while serving as Structural Supervisor and Technical Engineer, 20th Engineer Brigade, Fort Bragg, North Carolina from XXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXX. During this period, the professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Sergeant Marsh contributed to the effectiveness and success of vital military operations. While deployed to the 332d Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron at Joint Base Balad, Iraq, he managed $2 million worth of infrastructure crucial to the success of the Base Operating Support Integrator. Sergeant Marsh managed the construction of the $750,000 Joint Base Balad fire water storage tank and ensured this critical life safety requirement was completed on time and within budget. In addition, he volunteered to accept the challenging responsibilities of Vehicle NCOIC, Supply NCOIC, and Facility Manager while deployed to Joint Base Balad. His actions addressed and resolved pressing facility space requests and vehicle and supply issues for a 15 personnel Facility Engineering Detachment team. While deployed to the Washoe Indian Reservation, Carson City Nevada, he identified and corrected a truss design flaw which enabled the $350,000 project to stay on track. Sergeant Marsh's extraordinary efforts and accomplishments during this period reflect credit upon himself, the 20th Engineer Brigade and the United States Army.

Meritorious service while serving as Technical Engineer, 577th Expeditionary Prime Base Emergency Engineer Force Group, Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, from XXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXX. During this period, Sergeant Butters' outstanding leadership skills and attention to detail were crucial in providing direct support for the early completion of nine personnel search pits for Force Protection, protecting over 5,000 local nationals and 48 Force Protection Soldiers and Airmen during personnel search operations. Additionally, his efficient operating skill proved vital in backfilling over two thousand feet of utility trenches, providing essential plumbing and electrical service to the new BTIF. Finally, Sergeant Butters volunteered over forty hours at the Craig Joint Theater Hospital where his unselfish efforts provided much needed relief for over worked medical personnel. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Butters reflect credit upon himself and the United States Army.

Meritorious service while serving as Technical Engineer, 577th Expeditionary Prime Base Emergency Engineer Force Group, Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, from XXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXX. During this period, the outstanding professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Sergeant Leopold Stotch resulted in major contributions to the effectiveness and success of military operations. Sergeant Stotch aided immeasurably in the expedient installation of a $25,000 utility system for the Detainment Facility in Parwan, meeting strict utility codes and saving $5,000 in labor costs. His technical efforts ensured the on-time completion of the relocation of 15 ten-thousand gallon black water tanks to a new off-base transfer point, significantly reducing vehicle access and dramatically improving Force Protection at Bagram Airfield. Finally, his outstanding initiative to assist the Electrical Shop, led to the expedient install of 1800 feet of power cable, contributing to the completion of Task Force Timber Wolf's number one priority, two weeks ahead of schedule. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Stotch reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Army.

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