Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

Meritorious service while serving as Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, 82d Operational Medical Readiness Squadron, 82d Training Wing, Sheppard AFB, Texas, from 20 April 2018 to 2 May 2021. During this period, while assigned to the Mental Health Flight, Captain Murray Maddox rendered exceptional patient care totaling over 370,000 dollars in psychiatric services in support of 49,000 sorties each year. Additionally, he successfully treated and returned to duty 95 percent of all members under his care which saved the Department of Defense 2.3 million dollars in retraining and permanent change of station costs. Furthermore, Captain Maddox's leadership was critical to preventing self-harm to 66 at risk Soldiers by providing over 2,400 hours of on-call guidance to 31 unit command teams. Captain Maddox's actions reflect great credit upon himself, the 82d Operational Medical Readiness Squadron and the United States Army.

Lieutenant Vanessa B. Hoolihan distinguished herself by meritorious service as Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Behavioral Health Flight, 959th Inpatient Operations Squadron, 959th Medical Group, 59th Medical Wing, Joint Base San Antonio - Fort Sam Houston, Texas. During this period, Lieutenant Hoolihan expertly led eight technicians over 200 shifts and managed psychiatric treatment valued at more than seven million dollars. Additionally, she initiated 23 team responses for Prevention and Management of Disruptive Patients to de-escalate patients, effectively averting 12 safety events. Moreover, she spearheaded unit orientation by validating 16 performance tasks and securing 900 training hours for 12 staff members. Further, she led the Prevention and Management of Disruptive Behaviors training as one of 10 Joint Base San Antonio trainers, meeting the Department of Defense mandate one year early. Finally, as Unit Practice Council Treasurer, she coordinated 14 fundraisers and organized 40 morale events preventing compassion fatigue for 66 personnel. The distinctive accomplishments of Lieutenant Hoolihan reflect great credit upon herself, the 59th Medical Wing, and the United States Air Force.

Commander Yvonne Merriweather successfully led over one thousand licensed independent practitioners and 25 committees responsible for policies and procedures ensuring the safe and effective practice of medicine across Naval Medical Center San Diego. She developed and implemented the Navy Medicine West Transgender Care program, writing all procedures, instructions and templates which were adopted by Navy Medicine as the standard across the enterprise. Additionally, she provided consultation and training to providers and administrators across the Department of Defense on topics such as treatment approaches, evaluation methodology, and program design and was called upon as the Navy's subject matter expert to testify before the Secretary of Defense's Panel on transgender care. As Head of the Naval Medical Center San Diego Special Psychiatric Rapid Intervention Team, Commander Merriweather oversaw 25 SPRINT missions and 15 consultations for hospital and operational commanders across the Navy Medicine West region, personally leading six missions including the response to a mid-air collision over Iwakuni, Japan. Finally, she developed a standardized training program and trained all active duty psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and trainees at Naval Medical Center San Diego and Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton, improving rapid access to services across the region. Commander Merriweather's bold leadership, wise judgment, and complete dedication to duty reflected great credit upon her and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

Meritorious service while serving as Medical Director, 455th EMDG Detachment One Combat Stress Control, 455th Air Expeditionary Wing, from 28 September 2018 to 11 October 2022. During this period, Lieutenant Colonel Elizabeth Holliday provided outstanding medical leadership to 15 teams and 45 mental health personnel in accomplishing an all time high of 50,000 individual combat stress contacts including 12,000 patient treatment sessions and 38,000 help in place contacts at 79 forward operating locations across Regional Command-East, Afghanistan. As lead provider of the largest regional combat stress clinic, she supported 1,146 treatment sessions, 537 medical consultations, and 110 command directed mental health evaluations of service members. Through skillful use of combat stress control methods, she led her team to a treatment success rate of over 99 percent, limiting psychiatric losses from the theater to the lowest in the Operation ENDURING FREEDOM Area of Operation. In addition, she served as the consultant for psychiatric aeromedical evacuation for all of Afghanistan, ensuring the safe transfer of 230 service members to definitive care in Germany, with no enroute injuries to patients or staff. Moreover, she served as primary psychiatric and medical liaison consultant at the Craig Joint Theater Hospital, providing vital assessment and care to hospitalized, high risk patients prior to their evacuation. Furthermore, she implemented outstanding outreach and support measures to prevent compassion fatigue and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the medical staff. Finally, Lieutenant Colonel Holliday brought combat stress and medical care to the front lines, executing two missions to remote forward operating locations. While there she supported 40 soldiers recovering from intense combat, treated 10 medical patients, and assisted in three surgeries. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Lieutenant Colonel Holliday reflect great credit upon herself, the 455th Air Expeditionary Wing, and the United States Air Force.

Meritorious service while serving as Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner for Medical Combat Stress Control Detachment, 455th Air Expeditionary Wing, Bargram Air Field, Afghanistan. In this important assignment, Captain Wanda Goodfellow provided effective leadership to 15 forward deployed combat stress teams operating across 125,000 square kilometers of highly kinetic battlespace, delivering support to 66,000 warfighters at 79 forward operating locations. She provided outstanding management of Detachment operations, including oversight of 372 outside the wire missions and management of $145,000 in material assets. Captain Goodfellow led from the front, executing 12 leadership battlefield circulation missions, traveling 30 days outside the wire and ensuring successful CSC operations, with no staff casualties, and to universally high praise from supported task forces and unit commanders. She provided oversight, training, and management for her teams as they delivered stress management and resiliency classes to 7,235 personnel, traumatic event interventions to 1,488 service members, 113 commander directed evaluations, 209 special duty evaluations, and 3,100 consultations to unit leaders from squad to division level. Providing patient evaluations and interventions as well as leadership, she was integral to the CSC Detachment's all-time highest performance of 50,000 individual CSC contacts, including 12,000 patient treatment sessions and 38,000 help-in-place contacts supporting service members on the front lines. Through her dedication to mission execution, the CSC Detachment achieved an exceptional overall treatment success rate of ninety nine percent of service members returned to duty, limiting psychiatric losses from theater to the lowest in the OEF area of operations. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Captain Goodfellow reflect great credit upon herself, the 455th Air Expeditionary Wing, and the United States Air Force.

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