Traffic Management Coordinator

See also: Air Force Traffic Management Awards

See also: Navy Traffic Management Awards

Transportation Management Coordinator

SPC Smith's professionalism and dedication while serving in the 5th Special Forces Group Support Battalion (5 SFG) April 2010 - June 2011 contributed to the unit's readiness by providing aid in support of 152 ranges, driving the Field Litter Ambulatory (FLA), and assisting in 32 rigorous Airborne Operation missions. She was responsible for transporting hazmat materials to tactical locations with zero injuries during 10 different field training exercise. Safety was always uppermost of her mind.

Traffic Management Coordinator

As a Combative's Instructor, SSG Aceves provided instruction, demonstration, and certification while preparing units and personnel for deployment across the brigade. SSG Aceves' knowledge and experience was vital to the evaluation and certification of the brigade for deployment to Operation New Dawn.

As a Team Chief of five Soldiers, SSG Aceves supported the deployment by serving as a Radio Transmission Operator for dozens of combat simulations and training and assisting with camp-establishing operations.

SSG Aceves served as the Transportation Coordinator for the 4th Sustainment Brigade and four subordinate Battalions. He coordinated numerous vehicles including buses for unit sponsored events, morale events, and deployment readiness training. SSG Aceves frequently volunteered his personal time to transport Soldiers of the Wrangler Brigade to readiness training in preparation for Operation New Dawn deployment.

SSG Aceves served as the R&U Specialist and was responsible for over 50 buildings which involved over 200 repair work orders, several area beautification projects including Brigade and provisional emblem doors. SSG Aceves reduced costs throughout the Brigade by identifying and using local repair capabilities to repair mowers, printers, and automated equipment reducing maintenance costs by $10,000.

As the environmental coordinator, SSG Aceves constantly sought to reduce waste by managing recyclables.

SSG Aceves served as a supply specialist. His efforts assisted the battalion with multiple change of command inventories, division-directed lateral transfers, and ceremonies by rapidly locating equipment needed for the event with 100% accountability.

SSG Aceves sought to ensure the Rapid Fielding Issue for units deploying were met in a timely and organized manner with consideration for unit training requirements. SSG Aceves's ability to cooperate laterally with sister units greatly reduced shortages and costs.

Movements Specialist

He supervised the accountability, tracking, and deconflicting of movements of containers and equipment transported by host nation trucks and guided any diversion, reconsignment, or transfer of freight and material to protect it from loss and ensure support for the Warfighter.

Researched and proposed changes to the traffic management system at the Victory Base Complex to improve cost effectiveness. His suggestions increased the use of available military personnel, improving their usefulness and morale and saving the Army over $300,000.00 in host nation fees.

Specialist Ciola's service to the unit impressed his superiors and inspired his peers. He volunteered to teach the Accident Avoidance Course when the instructor didn't show up for the class. His dedication to the safety of his peers resulted in over 100 Soldiers being certified for Accident Awareness Training.

Specialist Ciola volunteered to complete the 199th MCT's Grazing Herd report after the tornadoes that devastated the midwest to ensure each Soldier's safety. His outstanding professional skill, knowledge, and leadership aided immeasurably in helping the battallion exceed its annual safety goals.

NCOIC, Documentation

SFC Nye was sought out for his joint logistical expertise to support the inaugural International Mine Countermeasures Exercise (IMCMEX 12) in the Navy's Fifth Fleet Area of Responsibility. His flexibility, dedication and coordination of ground transportation contributed to the successful movement of all personnel and equipment from 33 European nations and throughout 3 geographically separated operating areas. SFC Nye's familiarization with the unique requirements of intra-service transportation contracting requirements aided immeasurably with overcoming the challenges of increasingly short-notice transportation changes due to the dynamic nature of the exercise and competing real world requirements.

Container Manager

Staff Sergeant Mayer was tasked to support the First Cavalry Division for 3 months after their return from Iraq. SSG Mayer coordinated the movement of over 100 vehicles and rolling stock per month to keep Transportation Movement current. His transportation knowledge during times of limited manning was vital to success.

Staff Sergeant Mayer's efforts were a major factor in the success of the unit clean sweep. SSG Mayer's Unit Movement experience combined with his practiced container management ensured that the container inspection went smoothly and the unit received a first-time GO from III Corps during the installation-wide Motor pool inspection.

Staff Sergeant Mayer's tact, professional knowledge and sound judgment, combined with his ability to work without supervision and willingness to work beyond normal duty hours, prompted many favorable comments from superiors and higher headquarters. His personal commitment to the team and his expectations of only the highest standards of safety, quality, and competence is why he was known as a GO TO NCO while assigned to the 121st Transportation Detachment.

HHD Motor Sergeant

SSG Hall distinguished himself through exceptionally meritorious service in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom while serving multiple roles as the HHD Motor Sergeant, Equipment Readiness Division (ERD) NCO, as well as managing the Battalion's daily Fleet Slides and Materiel Condition Status Report (MCSR) requirements to Brigade for three Heavy Equipment Transportation (HET) companies, one Gun Truck company, two watercraft detachments, and the Battalion HHD.

SSG Hall contributed significantly to the overall success of the battalion's mission while working in the Equipment Readiness Division (ERD). As a result of his tireless efforts, the battalion maintained an Operational Readiness (OR) rate of 92%, which enabled the Battalion to execute over 400 Convoy Logistics Patrols concluding with nearly 22 million miles in Iraq and Kuwait.

SSG Hall managed over 80 lines of Class IX repair parts and equipment valued in excess of $500,000 as part of the AutoZone program designed as replenishment parts for the Convoy Support Teams (CST) at six locations throughout theater, significantly reducing the Non-Mission Capable time of battalion equipment on the road and allowing the convoys to complete critical support for the theater with reduced lost time due to maintenance.

SSG Hall managed many special projects within the battalion. He provided technical assistance and guidance in the design and construction of parts of the motor pool layout. SSG Hall is the NCOIC of the Battalion level Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program, which resulted in greatly reducing breakdowns on convoys.

Master Driver

o best Master Driver instructor in company

o assisted in the training of 48 Soldiers on drivers' training; increased the readiness of the unit and Battalion to accomplish its wartime mission

o trained over 50 Soldiers on the M-915 tractor/M-871 trailer in preparation for Southwest Asia deployment

o selected over 12 other NCOs for assignment as Company Master Driver

o developed, implemented a driver/operator training and qualification tracking system, decreasing site qual time by 50%

Materiel Movement NCO

SSG Johnson was responsible for the safety, security, and oversight of over 330 Heavy Equipment Transport convoys totaling over 9,500 load vehicles that travelled over 6.1 million miles and transported more than 100,000 tons of mission critical supplies all over the Kuwait and Iraq Theatre of Operation. His attention to detail was instrumental in the daily reporting of over 900 reports with 100 percents accuracy for convoys and personnel movement, along with emergency and maintenance reporting within MNC-I and ARCENT.

As the Day Shift Operations NCO, SSG Johnson ensured that the Battalion met 21 Required Delivery Dates and 20 Available Load Dates of over 11 BCTs without fail. His outstanding ability to communicate the commander's intent decreased convoy s turnaround time, on average by two days. SSG Johnson's ability to oversee three company Liaisons NCOs for tracking convoys throughout Iraq allowed the Battalion to have situational awareness at all times during the entire deployment cycle, epitomizing leadership.

SSG Johnson's ability to train, mentor, and sustain an outstanding Battalion tactical operation center was paramount to the overall success of the Battalion mission. His leadership ensured back haul, front haul, routes status, tracking reports, situational reports and mission analysis was executed to the highest standard during the entire deployment. SSG Johnson's attention to detail, experience, and dedication to the mission accomplish ensured success at every endeavor throughout the entire spectrum of the theater of operations.

SSG Johnson successfully tracked the movement of two Logistic Support Vessels and two Landing Craft Utility vessels that sailed over 50,000 nautical miles while transporting mission essential equipments and supplies through the Central Command Areas of operations without incident. SSG Johnson supervised the movement of the Battalion Off Post Personnel (OPA's) and White Escort movements in or around the Kuwait City and adjacent Forward Operating Bases without loss or damage to personnel and equipment.

SPC Garcia depth and knowledge of Transportation systems, processes, and equipment directly contributed to the exemplary performance of the 297th ICTC during their support of various deployments throughout his tenure in the unit. His ability to make on the spot decisions and safely carry out the mission has proven him to be experienced well beyond his counterparts and fellow Soldiers.

SPC Garcia's ability to safely operate the Load Handling System (LHS) greatly contributed to III Corps ability to provide quality training to their Soldiers in preparation for deployment to Iraq. SPC Garcia s preparation and attention to detail during daily operations were indispensable to the LHS team's ability to safely handle a critical $100,000 piece of equipment for over 200 hours while in support of various training exercises throughout Fort Hood, delivering over $500,000 of critically needed items accident free.

SPC Garcia's high personal standards, meticulous attention to detail, and strong desire for excellence attested to his superior performance throughout his tenure in the 297th Cargo Transfer Company. He inspired Esprit de Corps in the company and served as a role model for others to follow. His contributions have made a tremendous impact on the 297th Cargo Transfer Company.

SPC Garcia served as the training specialist of the brigade training section. His expertise and attention to detail were the key factors in aligning the battalions in Digital Training Management System (DTMS). His willingness to assume responsibilities of a training NCO and perform his duties showed impeccable responsibility. He prepared over twenty high visibility and productive meetings for field grade to general officers which ensured the swift elimination of any obstacles to success.

Sergeant Childs played a key role in ensuring the success of the unit clean sweep. His relentless preparation and continuous follow-up ensured every aspect was met or exceeded.

SGT Child's Unit Movement experience combined with detailed container management ensured that the installation-wide container inspection went smoothly, producing a first-time GO from III Corps.

Sergeant Child's tact, professional knowledge and sound judgment, combined with his maturity and willingness to work beyond normal duty hours, prompted many favorable comments from superiors and higher headquarters.

His commitment to the team and acceptance of only the highest standards of safety, quality, and competence is why he was known as the go-to NCO for advice while assigned to the 151st Transportation Detachment.

o achieved resounding success in the movement of military intelligence equipment with a value in excess of $8M into RESET while maintaining 100% accountability

o coordinated for the integration of the Transportation Coordinators Automated Information for Movements System II (TC-AIMS II) to the 4th CAB

o system Administrators for 22 TC-AIMS II and six AIT suites

o for the 4th CAB Mission Readiness Exercise, he orchestrated the movement of equipment to three locations simultaneously

o deployed and redeployed one Battalion to the Joint Readiness Training Center

o Government Purchase Card holder with a budget of $25,000 monthly, managed with zero deficiencies

o served as the NCOIC of the 4th CAB Customs Inspections Team and led 60 Soldiers that Customs inspected over 600 containers and shelter

o deployed and redeployed the 4th CAB once to Operation Iraqi Freedom and once to Operation Enduring Freedom

- Planned and supervised the discharge and loading of commercial vessels and Army watercrafts at both commercial and military ocean terminals across UAE. Coordinated, planned, and advised on cargo handling operations provided by stevedoring and related terminal services (S&RTS) contractors to provide timely and cost-effective services at ports and terminals.

- As the Brigade Forward Strategic Transportation Officer (FSTO), supervised and processed over 450 UAE Ministry of Defense requests for cargo movement valued at over $825 million. By implementing an expedited processing procedure, reduced the detention charges by roughly $1.5 million.

- Coordinated customs approvals through coordination with both military, civilian, and host nation contracted transportation companies while maintaining 6 different tracking systems to ensure complete in-transit visibility.

- Maintained upkeep and repair of 6 different types of tracking systems, inventory parts and supplies with estimated value of over $500,000.

- Responsible for inventory, movement coordination, and safety of drivers and equipment including over 400 trucks per day.

- Coordinated the acquisition, maintenance, repair and shipment of over 150 vehicles throughout Iraq.

- Safeguarded highly sensitive shipments and inventory valued over $200,000 per trip.

- Analyzed, identified and resolved issues pertaining to inventory accuracy, inventory control and supply requirements.

- Deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2004 & 2005-2006) and Operation Freedom Sentinel (2015-2016).

- Conducted staging and security operations of a Convoy Staging Center.

- Supervised the in-transit visibility of all equipment and personnel traveling on a main supply route, which at times totaled 400 trucks per day.

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